Showing posts with label Slow and low. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slow and low. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Odd Schedules

Schedules appear on the internet which do not seem to have a logical sequence in the firing schedule.  Some have multiple soaks at intervals up to 540°C.  Others have kind of dance toward the top temperature – slow, quick, slow.  Some initially cool at a given rate and then slow to about half that initial rate.

Multiple soaks
These schedules have been referred to as catch-up schedules.  They tend to look something like this:
200°C to 150°C for 20 minutes
250°C to 300°C for 20 minutes
300°C to 590°C for 20 minutes
50°C   to 677°C for 30 minutes
330°C to 804°C for 10 minutes
AFAP   to 482°C for 60 minutes
60°C   to 370°C for  0 minutes

The justification for the first two soaks is given as allowing the glass to catch up to the air temperature.  It would be much safer for the glass to have a moderate steady advance in temperature rather than risking the heat shocking of the glass.  You could achieve the same work in the same amount of time by altering the rate of advance to a single one of 198°C to 590°C.  This achieves the same temperature in the same amount of time, but has less risk of heat shock, as there is a steady input of heat.  

Secondly, if the glass can survive the initial rate of heat up without breaking, there is no need to soak at an arbitrary temperature.  The first relevant point where a change in temperature makes sense is above the softening point, which for most fusing glasses is about 540°C. The equivalent softening point for float glass is about 700°C

Slow, quick, slow
This kind of schedule alters rates up and down with little justification as far as I can see.  This is an example:
139°C  to 560°C  for 30 minutes
222°C  to 621°C  for 30 minutes
139°C  to 786°C  for 15 minutes
9999 to  515°C  for 120 minutes  
60°C   to 427°C  for 10 minutes
115°C  to 350°C  for 10  minutes

The question for me is why the slow down to top temperature. There is a lot of heat work being put into the glass, so that the higher top temperature may not be required.  The slower rate from 621°C does allow a form of a bubble squeeze to occur, but is not the traditional one.  A 139°C rate from 621°C to 677°C with a soak would be faster than usual, but may be acceptable.  I would prefer 50°C per hour with a 30-minute soak at the end.  Then advancing at 300°C per hour to top temperature.  The anneal soak and cool of this schedule are acceptable, even though different than I would do it.

Erratic Slumping Schedule
The fusing schedule above was followed by this slumping schedule:
83°C to 148°C  15 minutes
167°C to 590°C  10 minutes
83°C to 720°C  10 minutes
222°C to 410°C  120 minutes
83°C to 427°C  10 minutes

This schedule seems to have a catch-up phase in that it goes at half speed for the first 148°C and then doubles the speed to 590°C (a little above the brittle phase of the glass).  It then slows the rate and continues that to a very high slump temperature.  It is, of course, necessary to have a slower rate of advance in the slumping than the fusing, as the piece is now thicker. Slowing the rate of advance as much as in this should be able to achieve the slump at around 620°C (100°C) less than the target temperature used by the schedule. 
Once the top temperature soak is finished, a very slow cool to the annealing soak is used in this schedule.  This is not ideal as it invites devitrification to form.  The kiln and its contents should be allowed to cool as quickly as possible to the temperature equalisation soak at the annealing point.
The schedule then uses an annealing soak temperature 100°C below that used for the fusing. This does not make sense. The annealing soak should be at the same temperature for both firings.  The length of the soak is not in question, but the early turn off the kiln at 427°C is questionable. The anneal cool of the fused piece extended down to 350°C.  The anneal cool on slumping should be almost the same as the fuse.  Almost all anneal cools extend to 370°C at least.

Anneal Cools
Some anneal cools have erratic rather than progressive cooling.  In this example the early part of the schedule is eliminated:
AFAP to 482°C 120 minutes
110°C to 427°C 0 minutes
55°C to 370°C 0 minutes
200°C to 100°C 0 minutes

Here the schedule is faster in the most critical part of the anneal cool than in the next, cooler part.  This will not provide as good an anneal as if the first two segments after the equalisation soak were reversed.  Start slowly in the anneal cool and then you can speed up (approximately twice the previous segment rate) on each of the following segments.

This critique of the schedules above is not to batter anyone.  It is to make clear that there needs to be a conscious rationale for each of the segments in relation to the others.  If you take a schedule from a source, it is a good idea to see if there is a reason for each segment and how it relates to the next. 

·        The scheduling must take account of the nature of the glass.  Glass is a poor conductor of heat and needs steady moderate input of heat.
·        Glass is brittle until approximately 55°C above the annealing temperature when you can accelerate the rate of advance.
·        Time is required to allow air out from between the layers of glass. This usually done in the range of 620°C to 675°C and is known as the bubble squeeze.
·        You need to go relatively quickly through the devitrification range of temperatures – approximately 700°C to 760°C - both up and down.
·        Glass needs a temperature equalisation soak at the annealing point (or nearby) related to its thickness.
·        The rate of cooling needs to be progressive.  The first 55°C below the annealing soak is the most important.
·        Cooling rates must be related to thickness.
·        The second cooling rate can be up to double the initial one.
·        The final cooling rate can be double the previous one.
·        The rate of firing will affect the required top temperature.

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Factory Installed Firing Schedules

Factory installed schedules are a quick starting point for the novice kilnformer.  

Many kiln manufacturers install schedules in the controllers of entry level kilns.  Some install them in larger kilns too.  They will work for for gaining basic experience of kiln operations.

However, these schedules are not universal.  Each maker programmes schedules according to their understanding of a mid-range firing schedule for various processes. 

An example of some installed programmes from Scutt

This means that when referring to an installed programme on your controller, you need to give the full schedule so others can understand.


Not only because a tack fuse schedule may be to a different temperature, but also a "fast" schedule as programmed into one kiln might be quite different to one in another.

This matters, because how fast you get to the top temperature affects what temperature you need to use. You will probably experience the difference in final effect between a fast and a slow fuse to the same temperature.  If you haven’t seen it yet, try both schedules on the same layup of glass.

You will see that a fast rate of advance to a tack fuse will give a much more angular appearance, while a slow rate of advance will give a much more rounded appearance.  This is the effect of heat workwhich is essentially the effect of the combination of temperature and time.

The longer it takes the glass to reach a given temperature, the greater the heat work.  Longer times to the top allow the use of lower temperatures. 

The consequence of accounting for heat work is that a simple top temperature cannot be given.  It is not just that kilns are different, but that the amount of heat work put into the glass will change the top temperature required for a given look.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Separators sticking to Opalescent glass

It is worth thinking about how fast you fire pieces, especially where your current working temperature and rates of advance are giving difficulties.  One common difficulty is where opalescent glass picks up kiln wash or fibre paper and partially incorporates it, requiring a lot of work to remove it. 

At higher temperatures opalescent glass seems to incorporate some of the separator, especially near the edges.  It does not seem to matter whether kiln wash or fibre papers are used – there is frequently a little pick up.

The difficulty is achieving the profile you want without the higher temperatures.  This is where heat work concepts can assist.  Glass reacts to the heat applied, rather than simply the temperature.  Heat is a combination of time and temperature.  Rapid rates of advance require higher temperatures than slow rates of advance to achieve the same effect.

These facts should make you consider slower rates of advance to achieve the work at a lower temperature and so pick up less of the separators.  Perhaps you could consider a rate of advance of 150°C or 200°C instead of 330°C once you have passed the bubble squeeze temperature.  This would allow you to have a full fuse at ca. 800°C or even a little lower instead of 816°C (for Bullseye).  You will need to observe to find what is the appropriate temperature for the effect you want.  This will apply both with different rates of advance and with different lay-ups.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Limits to the “Low and Slow” Concept

I frequently advocate using slow rates of advance and low temperatures to achieve the results desired with a minimum of marking in forming, or a minimum of firing difficulties during the fusing part of kilnforming. 

But there are limits to this both in terms of physics and practicality.  There are temperatures below which no amount of slow heat input will affect the brittle nature of the glass, for example.  If your temperature is below the strain point of the glass, virtually no change will occur even with very long soaks.  The graph below shows the slumping range is from the annealing point (glass transition temperature) to about 180C above the annealing temperature.  After that temperature the glass is prone to devitrification (the beginnings of crystallisation). 

This shows the the slumping range of a specialised glass rather than the soda lime glass that kilnformers normally use.

In this graph, the glass has an annealing temperature of about 600C, which is higher than that for float glass and much higher than for kilnforming glasses.  The glass transition temperature range for existing fusing compatible glasses is around 510C (+/- ~10C).  Float glass has a higher annealing point of around 540C (+/- ~ 10C). Following the research behind this graph, stable slumping temperatures would be in the range of about 510C to 690C (+/- 10C).  

It is important to be aware that the annealing point is determined mathematically as the glass transition point.  This is the annealing point at which temperature the glass can be most quickly annealed. The practical research conducted by Bullseye has shown that a temperature equalisation soak in the lower part of the annealing range is a good solution to the the practicality of balancing adequate annealing with the use of the kiln time.  The annealing point temperature and that which you use to equalise the temperature within the glass may be quite different.

Even where it is possible to achieve an effect at a low temperature, it can take too long to be practical.  For example, I can bend float glass at 590°C in 20 minutes into a 1/3 cylinder.  I could also bend it at 550°C (just 10°C above the annealing point), but it would take more than 12 hours. This is not practical.

In addition to practicality, there is the physical limitation.  If you slump below the glass transition point, you will be unable to properly anneal the glass and therefore produce an unstable item.  It will contain stress from this inadequate annealing leading to an increased fragility.

The balance required between the rate of advance and top temperature means that you will need to do your own experiments to find where the practical limits to using heat work are for you. The more patient you are, the lower temperature you can use.

More detailed information is available in the e-book: Low Temperature Kilnforming.

Sunday 27 October 2019

Slow and Low

Low and Slow Approach to Kilnforming

We are often impatient in firing our pieces and fire much more quickly than we need. After all, our computerised controllers will look after the firing overnight. So there is no need to hurry more than that.

The concept of heat work is essential to understanding why the slow and low method of firing works. Glass is a poor conductor of heat which leads to many of our problems with quick firings. The main one is stressing the glass so much by the temperature differential between the top and the bottom that the glass breaks. We need to get heat into the whole mass of the glass as evenly and with as smooth a temperature gradient as possible. If we can do that, the kiln forming processes work much better. If you add the heat to the glass quickly, you need to go to a higher temperature to achieve the desired result than if you add the heat more slowly to allow the heat to permeate the whole thickness of the piece.

Graphs of the difference (blue line) between upper and lower surfaces of glass of different thicknesses against cooling time

However, this slower heating means that the glass at the bottom has absorbed the required heat at a lower temperature than in a fast heat. This in turn means that you do not need to go to such a high heat. This has a significant advantage in forming the glass, as the lower temperature required to achieve the shape means that the bottom of the glass is less marked. The glass will have less chance of stress at the annealing stage of the kiln forming process as it will be of a more equal temperature even before the temperature equalisation process begins at the annealing soak temperature.

Applying the principles of low and slow means:
  • heat is added evenly to the whole thickness of the piece
  • there is a reduction in risk of thermal shock
  • the glass will achieve the desired effect at a reduced temperature

The alternative - quick ramps with soaks – leads to a range of difficulties:
  • The introduction of heat differentials within the glass. Bullseye research shows that on cooling, a heat difference of greater than 5ºC between the internal and external parts of glass lead to stresses that cannot be resolved without re-heating to above the annealing point with a significant soak to once again equalise the heat throughout the piece.
  • It does not save much if any time, As the glass reacts better to a steady introduction of heat. Merely slowing the rate to occupy the same amount of time as the ramp and soak together occupy, will lead to fewer problems.
  • It can soften some parts more quickly than others, e.g., edges soften and stick trapping air.
  • Quick heating, with “catch up” soaks, of a piece with different types and colours of glass is more likely to cause problems of shock, bubbles, and uneven forming.
  • Pieces with uneven thicknesses, such as those intended for tack fusing, will have significant differences in temperature at the bottom.
  • Rapid heating with soaks during slumping and draping processes can cause uneven slumps through colour or thickness differences, or even a tear in the bottom because the top is so much more plastic than the bottom.
However there are occasions where soaks during the initial advance in heat are useful:
  • for really thick glass,
  • For multiple - 3 or more - layers of glass,
  • for glass on difficult moulds,
  • for glass supported at a single internal point with other glass free from contact with mould as on many drapes.

Of course, if you are doing small or jewellery scale work, then you can ignore these principles as the heat is gained relatively easily. It is only when you increase the scale that these principles will have an obvious effect.

Slow, gradual input of heat to glass leads to the ability to fire at lower temperatures to achieve the desired results, with less marking and less risk of breaking.

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Bas Relief Moulds

Bas relief moulds that have an image carved into the surface are popular at the moment. They are most often called texture moulds.  The image is “carved” into the back of the glass, creating uneven thicknesses of glass that refract the light to show the image through the smooth plane of the front.

One of the problems with these kinds of moulds is that lots of bubbles are created, often very large ones.  This results from the many places where the air cannot escape from under the glass during the forming process.


There are some strategies that can help avoid these bubbles.

Use the 6mm rule
Fuse the glass into a six-millimetre thickness first.  Two layers of glass give more weight to help the glass conform to the texture of the mould.  It also resists bubble formation more than a single layer.

Use the Low and Slow approach
It more important to have low and long bubble squeezes.  The most successful strategy will have a slow rise in temperature to put as much heat work into the glass as you can before the bubble squeeze.  The bubble squeeze is the most important part of firing these texture moulds.  It will start at about 600°C rising at only about 25°C/hr to around 680°C – that is, taking three to four hours. 

Use slow rates of advance
A third element is to rise slowly toward the forming temperature.  Possibly nothing faster than 75°C.  This enables you to keep the forming temperature much lower than a fast rise will.  The usual temperature recommended is about 780°C.

By using a slow rate of advance you can probably reduce the forming temperature by about 20°C.  You will need to peek at intervals to be sure the glass has taken up the required texture. Again, it is about putting as much heat into the glass at as low a temperature as possible.

Use Long soaks
An alternative to the slow rate of advance is to use a long soak at as low temperature as seems suitable.  You will need to peek at intervals to determine when the texture is achieved.  When the appropriate texture is imparted to the glass, you need to advance to the next segment.  This means that you need to know how to get your controller to skip the following segment.  Or, if the texture is not achieved before the end of the scheduled soak, how to extend the soak time.  If you are using 760°C as you target temperature with a rise of 150°C, you may wish to soak for about an hour or more.  Remember that this is in the devitrification range.

Alternative - Frit
A completely different approach is to use fine frit and powder to give a patè de verre appearance by sintering the frit.  This eliminates the bubble problem entirely.

You will need a lot of frit if you are trying to make a sheet of 6mm from the frit.  You could just take the sheets of glass cut to the size of the mould and smash them up to get the required amount of glass.  Or you can use your cullet, by weighing and smashing up enough glass. 

The calculations for weight are best done in the metric system (in cm) as there are easy conversions between volume and weight.  Assume your mould is 20cm square.  The area is 400cm2.  The volume is that times 0.6cm or 240cm3.  The specific gravity of glass is approximately 2.5, so you multiply the volume by that and get 600gms of glass required to get a 6mm thick sheet. 

You could full fuse this into a clear sheet, although this would take a much higher temperature and longer soak that would be good for the mould. Better is to sinter the glass.

To sinter the glass, you need slow rises in temperature and long soaks.  A rise of about 75°C to the softening point of the glass (around 600°C) followed by a very slow rise (ca. 25°C per hour) to about 660°C is needed to allow the small grains of glass to settle together.   At the upper end of the bubble squeeze you need a three- to four-hour soak to sinter the glass. The thicker the layer of glass frit, the longer soak needed to ensure all the particles are heated.  The densest glass will be formed by a 50/50 combination of powder and fine frit.

Much better is to have a much thinner sheet formed from the frit.  This will be about two to three millimetres thick.  The weight of powder and or frit can be determined by the formula above, substituting 0.2 or 0.3 for the thickness.  This frit mixture needs to be evenly spread over the mould, with as much on the high points of the mould as the low ones.

If the mould has a lot of variation in height, you can sinter the frit mixture as a flat sheet first.  Then place it over the texture mould and give it a slow rate of advance to the to the top end of the bubble squeeze and soak for an hour or more, as required.  This will ensure you get the same thickness across the whole piece even though there differences in height.

The resulting piece will be very light and translucent.  It will have a fine granular feel to the touch.  It will have the same shape on both sides of the piece, with the upper surface having a slightly more shiny appearance than the bottom.

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.

Saturday 22 June 2019

Slumping unknown glasses

I had a recent request for help from an old friend who has taken up kiln formed glass. The problem is common enough, that (with her permission) I am adding it to the tips section.

I tried an experiment today to use some of my nice (non-fusing) glass. I cut at 270 mm diameter circle from a 3mm thick sheet and wanted to slump it into my 270 mm bowl mold. I set the mold up carefully and checked it was dead level in all directions and that the glass was absolutely centered on it. I have no idea what the COE is so decided just to use the S96 recommended slumping temperature of 650C. When I checked the kiln no more than 2 minutes after it had reached 665C, the glass had slumped almost to the bottom of the mold but it had slumped very asymmetrically. There was also a small burp on one side which has never been an issue when slumping bowls in this mold before.

The schedule I used was as follows:
200C/hour to 540C, 0 hold
650C/hour to 665C, 10 hold
Then standard S96 anneal programme

Also, the edges were still a bit rough from the cutting, i.e., they hadn‘t fire polished at all. Can you help?

Finding out about the softening characteristics of the glass

Slumping a single layer of glass with unknown characteristics – the CoE is not really relevant – requires that you watch it and other similar ones until you have established a slump temperature for the glass.

There is a way to do it:
Cut a piece of glass 305mm long by 20mm wide. Support it 25mm above the kiln shelf with the posts being 290mm apart. Put kiln furniture on top of the glass where it is supported. Make sure you can see the shelf just under the middle of the suspended glass when you are setting up this test. You can put a piece of wire or other dark element there on the floor of the kiln to help you see when the glass touches down.

Set the kiln to fire at 100C/hour to about 680C. Peek at the suspended glass every 5-10 minutes after 560C to see when the glass begins to move. Then watch more frequently. If your kiln has an alert mode on it, you could set it to ring at each 5C increase in temperature, otherwise use an alarm that has a snooze function to make sure you keep looking. When the glass touches down to the witness sitting on the shelf, record the temperature. This will approximate the slumping temperature in a simple ball curve mould.

Getting smooth edges

You need to have smooth edges before slumping. You can fire polish the piece of glass to get rounded edges, or you can cold work the edges with diamond hand pads, working from the roughest to the finest you have available. If that does not give you the edge you want, you will need to fire polish before you try to slump.

You can do at least two things to find the fire polish temperature. You can do a little experiment by using the cut off pieces of the glass and roughing them up a little before putting in the kiln. Make sure you can see it through the peep hole(s). Set the kiln to fire at about 250C to say 750C. Look in from about 700C to determine when the edges begin to round.

The other is to put a strip of the same glass in with the slump test and set the kiln to go up to 750C rather than just 680C. You can check on progress just as for the separate firing to determine the fire polish temperature. I think about 40C above slump temperature should be enough, but your test will determine that.

Avoiding uneven slumps

Most uneven slumps occur because of too fast a rate of increase in temperature. The piece can hang up on the mould sometimes causing the glass elsewhere to slide down to compensate. The real difficulty in the schedule was the 650C/hour rate up to the top temperature. This was so fast that the glass at the edges would have the opportunity to soften and so hang before the centre was soft enough to begin to bend. 150C / hour would be fast enough from 540C to achieve the slump.  In fact, 150C/hour all the way to the slumping temperature would be fast enough.  The glass reacts well to a steady input of heat rather than rapid rises, even with soaks at intervals on the way up.

Other things can be done too. You mentioned the edges were rough from the cutting. This can cause difficulties of hanging. To avoid that, you should smooth the edges before placing the glass on the mould. A further precaution against uneven slumping is to give a slight bevel to the bottom edge so that it can slip more easily along the mould.

You had already done the leveling of the mould and the centralization of the glass on the mould. These are two other things that can cause uneven slumps.

Avoiding “burps”

The glass slipping a long way down the mould is often accompanied with burps or bubble like up-wellings. These are both indications of too high a temperature being used to slump. I would begin looking at the glass from about 600C in the slumping of any unknown piece of glass. That would apply to any new configuration of the glass or mould too. The fact that the glass slid to the bottom and had a burp means that the temperature was too high and too fast. Once you have established the lowest slumping temperature, by watching to see when it begins, you then can add about 30 minutes soak to that temperature. The length of this soak will have to be determined by observation and experience, though.

A slow heating allows the glass to be at an even temperature throughout its thickness. A rapid rise with a thick piece will sometimes reveal a tear like opening on the underside of the glass that does not come through to the top. This is because the upper surface is sufficiently hot to begin slumping while the bottom is just a little too cool. If there is too great a difference, the glass just breaks all the way through.

Also slow heating allows the slump to be accomplished at a lower temperature, leading to fewer problems and to less texture being taken up from the mould.

More detailed information is available in the e-book: Low Temperature Kilnforming.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Seedy base glass

Sometimes your clear base has bubbles, or as the trade calls it, seeds.  When capped with opalescent glass, in certain circumstances, these tiny bubbles can become larger and rise to the surface, pushing the opalescent aside as it rises.  This leaves a clear spot in the midst of the opalescence.

Clear cap
One way of reducing this problem, is to avoid it altogether.  This can be done by placing the clear on top of the opalescent as a cap.  This way the bubbles, if any, are rising through the clear.

Flip and Fire
If you can’t, for one reason or another, cap the piece with clear, you can fire upside down. Again, the bubbles are rising through the clear.  When the firing is complete, you can flip it over to the right side.  You will need to clean thoroughly and take to a fire polish temperature to get the shiny surface back.

Another way is to fire to a lower top temperature with a longer soak.  This means the glass can take up the profile you want without becoming so soft that the bubbles can rise through the glass.  You will need to observe to determine when the glass has the right profile, and then advance to the cooling and anneal phases.

Low and Slow
This last way of reducing the possibilities of bubbles rising through toward the top is based on the characteristics of glass.  As glass becomes hotter, it becomes less viscous and so allows the air to rise toward the top of the glass surface.  Using a low temperature gives a more viscous glass to resist the bubble movement.  The long soak at the chosen lower temperature allows the surface of the glass to take up the profile you want, as the surface is hotter than the bottom of the glass, therefore reducing the possibilities of bubbles rising.  It does take a longer soak at the top temperature, but it also reduces the marking on the bottom of the piece.

This low temperature process is using the principles of heat work.  The effect on the glass is a combination of temperature and time.  The higher the temperature, the less time is required.  The longer the time, the less heat is required.  The heat work put into the glass to achieve the effect you desire is determined by the combination of temperature and time used in firing the glass.  This principle of heat work is why you can achieve the same effect at very different temperatures, depending on the length of time a piece is soaked.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Glass on Drop Rings

When glass drops through a ring, you need to check on some things relating to the placement and firing.

When thinking about the relationship between the size of the flat glass and the size of the aperture, you need to remember how the glass behaves as it heats up toward the drop temperature.

Glass behaviour
The glass begins to sag at the middle of the aperture, however the glass is still relatively stiff.  The weight of the rim is not enough to keep it from rising from the ring. The rim of the disc maintains the angle from the centre of the drop to the edge, until it gets hot enough for the weight of the rim to allow the edge of the disc to settle back down onto the ring.  This is the source of a lot of the stretch marks at the shoulder of drops.

Rim width
To avoid the glass dropping through, you need to have an adequately sized rim.  The width of the rim sitting on the ring, needs to be related to the size of the hole.  

The consequence of an inadequate rim

I have found that for apertures up to 300mm diameter there needs to be at least 35mm on the rim.  The consequence of this is that your blank diameter needs to be 70mm more than the hole diameter.  For larger apertures – up to 500mm – you need 50mm, or 100mm added to the diameter of the hole.  I do not have the experience to say how much more is required for larger diameter drop rings.  There is more discussion on blank sizes here. 

The rate at which you heat the glass and the top temperature both have effects on the possible drop through.  

High temperatures. The higher temperature you perform the drop out, the more likely you will need larger rims or other devices to reduce the drop through possibilities.  It also promotes excessive thinning below the shoulder. 

Fast rates. The surface will become hotter than the bottom, but at different rates.  The glass over the hole is heating from both top and (to a lesser extent) bottom.  The rim is sitting on the ring and so heats only from the top.  The differential in heat may cause a break.

Weight. The thickness of the glass effects when the drop will begin.  The heavier the glass and larger the hole, the effective weight will be greater.  In these cases, you can use a lower temperature for the drop.

Additional methods.  You can use other methods to reduce the chance of a drop through.  Two of them are:

Weights. You can put kiln furniture on the glass rim to keep it from rising during the initial stages of the drop.  These must be placed symmetrically. Four or six pieces of kiln washed props or small dams would be sufficient up to 300mm diameter.  More would be required for larger apertures.  Of course, these will mark the rim, meaning that it must be cut off.

Inclined rings. Another possibility is to use an inclined ring, with the glass resting on the upward incline, so the glass is held above the aperture and is heating evenly until the drop begins.