Showing posts with label Inclusions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inclusions. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Garden stakes

Credit: Terry Gomien

There are a variety of ways to make attachments for garden stakes. If you have a kiln, you can make a slot in the glass for the stake.

The procedure is to cut a short piece from the rod. Wrap it with thinfire or Papyros. Leave a fraction of fibre paper over the end of rod that is between the glass layers. This ensures there is a bit of separator between the end of the rod and the glass. Place the wrapped piece of rod between layers of glass and fire. When the firing is complete, pull the stub of rod from the glass. Clean the channel created well. When the slot is dry, apply adhesive to the cavity and insert the rod. Allow to cure.

Be careful about the diameter of the rod. The thicker it is, the more layers of glass are required to enable the glass to contain the stress.  A 3mm/0.125” rod needs at least one 3mm/0.125” layer of glass each side to be strong. Thicker rods need more layers each side.

The thicker the rod, the deeper into the glass the slot needs to be.  The slot for a 3mm/0.125” rod needs to be about 25mm/0.5” deep/long. Thicker rods require much longer/deeper channels.

It is possible to create square channels by placing fibre paper cut to be slightly larger than the diameter of the rod to be inserted. This is not as accurate as wrapping a stub of the rod, but has less risk of breaking the glass around the rod during firing.


Channels within the glass are much more secure than external attachments for garden stakes.


Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Metal inclusions

Two difficulties with metal inclusions in glass are common: stress and bubbles.


Metal inclusions always create stress in the glass. Different metals have different expansions and different strengths.  They also have different melting points - some so low that they liquify during the fusing process.

The trick in using metals as inclusions is to minimise the amount of stress. Small amounts of stress can be contained within the glass. The thicker or more mass inside the glass, the greater risk of stress breaks. The stronger or more rigid the metal is, the more stress will be generated.

Minimising stress is most easily achieved by using small amounts of the metal.  Thinning the metal as much as possible also reduces stress.  Flattening wire also helps reduce the amount of stress as well as keeping it in the place you want it without rolling away from its placement.


Bubbles often form around inclusions, especially of metals.  Metals that do not melt at fusing temperatures are stiffer than the surrounding glass.  You can see from the table noted above those metals which melt at higher temperatures than fusing.  These metals will create bubbles around their perimeter and elsewhere over the metal wherever there are wrinkles or undulations as the metal holds air in those places.

Thin metals

One possibility to reduce the bubbles is to thin the metal by hammering flat or use foil thicknesses of the metal.  Many specialist metal suppliers have very thin metals, often called shims.  They are increasingly available in online shops.


Another is to use enough glass on top to flatten the metal.  You should flatten the metal in the cold state as much as you can.  Then the weight of the glass presses down on the metal both in the cold and heated states. With a good long bubble squeeze, you can force more air out to the sides than with less covering glass.


A third possibility is placement. The further the metal inclusion is from the edges the more air is likely to be trapped to form bubbles.  If the air has less distance to travel, more is likely to escape.


Supporting the edges or corners allows the centre to drop before the edges are sealed.  The weight of glass helps to press the air out to the sides.  Thicker glass (6mm/0.25") on top of the metal inclusion can help push the air away from the metal. You can also provide - within the design - paths for the air to escape. This can be elements such as powder, stringers and other glass accessories that can hold the glass up during the bubble squeeze process, but become invisible at fusing temperatures.

Fire in stages

A fifth possibility is to fire differently.  You can place the metal on a kiln shelf which is covered with fibre paper and put the glass on top of the metal and fire to a rounded tack fuse at the minimum.  To avoid dog-boning, you should cut the capping piece several centimetres larger than the final piece, so you can cut off the distorted edges. Clean the bottom and dry very well after firing and put the base under the top piece that has the metal attached.  Fire the combined piece slowly with a good bubble squeeze.  This can be applied to included vegetable matter too. 

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.

Inclusions often produce stress and bubbles.  There are some things that can reduce both when encasing metals or vegetation.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Firing cremains to avoid bubbles

Firing with cremation remains is very similar to firing with any organic material encapsulated into glass.

There are several possible design approaches.

Drilling holes is one method to avoid bubbles.  You can drill the base, put the remains on top and then cap.  Place the whole assembly on 1mm fibre paper to allow the air to migrate out through the hole and fibre paper under the glass.

Alternatively, you fire upside down and then fire polish the top.  Place the eventual top down onto the kiln washed shelf or Thinfire. Place the remains on the glass and cap with the glass that has the hole drilled.  Fire, then clean, turn over and fire polish the final top surface.

Design the piece and placing so there is a gap at the edge. 
This gives a route for air to escape.  If there is any gap left after fusing, it can be filled with a bit of super glue or other clear glue. 

Another method is to place pieces of frit or stringer at the very edge of the base glass to allow air out from under the centre of the piece.

If you do not need to concentrate the cremains in one area, you can disperse the material evenly across the piece to reduce the possibility of large bubbles.  The air and gasses can migrate to the edge through the particles, just as happens with powder sprinkled between layers of glass.

You can combine some of these methods as they are not mutually exclusive.

Fusing these pieces is, in principle, the same as encapsulating any organic material within the glass.  Slow advances are required with a 3 to 4-hour soak at around 600°C to burn out any residual organic material just as you might for thick vegetable matter.  You can add another bubble squeeze soak of an hour or so at around 650°C to gradually push any remaining air out from between the particles.  Then advance to the fusing temperature and anneal as usual.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Digest of Principles for kiln forming

Some time ago people on a Facebook group were asked to give their top tips for kiln forming.  Looking through them showed a lot of detailed suggestions, but nothing which indicated that understanding the principles of fusing would be of high importance.  This digest is an attempt to remind people of the principles of kiln forming.

Understanding the principles and concepts of kilnforming assists with thinking about how to achieve your vision of the piece.  It helps with thinking about why failures have occurred.

Physical properties affecting kiln work

Heat is not just temperature. It includes time and speed.

 Time
       The time it takes to get to working temperatures is important.  The length of soaks is significant in producing the desired results.

 Gravity
       Gravity affects all kiln work.  The glass will move toward the lowest points, requiring level surfaces, and works to form glass to moulds.

 Viscosity
       Viscosity works toward an equilibrium thickness of glass. It varies according to temperature.

 Expansion
       As with all materials, glass changes dimensions with the input of heat.  Different compositions of glass expand at different rates from one another, and with increases in temperature.

       Glass is constantly tending toward crystallisation. Kiln working attempts to maintain the amorphous nature of the molecules.

 Glass Properties
·        Glass is mechanically strong,
·        it is hard, but partially elastic,
·        resistant to chemicals and corrosion,
·        it is resistant to thermal shock except within defined limits,
·        it absorbs and retains heat,
·        has well recognised optical properties, and
·        it is an electrical insulator. 

These properties can be used to our favour when kiln working, although they are often seen as limitations.

Concepts of Kiln Forming
Heat work
       Heat woris a combination of temperature and the time taken to reach the temperature.

 Volume control
       The viscosity of glass at fusing temperatures tends to equalise the glass thickness at 6-7mm. 

 Compatibility
       Balancing the major forces of expansion and viscosity creates glass which will combine with colours in its range without significant stress in the cooled piece.

 Annealing
       Annealing is the process of relieving the stresses within the glass to maintain an amorphous solid which has the characteristics we associate with glass.

 Degree of forming
       The degree of forming is determined by viscosity, heat work and gravity.  These determine the common levels of sintering, tack, contour, and full fusing, as well as casting and melting.

 Separators
       Once glass reaches its softening point, it sticks to almost everything.  Separators between glass and supporting surfaces are required.

 Supporting materials
       These are of a wide variety and often called kiln furniture.  They include posts, dams, moulds, and other materials to shape the glass during kilnforming.

 Inclusions
       Inclusions are non-glass materials that can be encased within the glass without causing excessive stress.  They can be organic, metallic or mineral. They are most often successful when thin, soft or flexible.

A full description of these principles can be found in the publication Principles for Kilnforming

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Firing multiple layers

Glass Stela
Credit: Stephen Richard

Fusing multiple layers is prone to the creation of multiple large bubbles.  It also needs a strategy to schedule for thick layers.

Avoid bubbles
A widely recommended strategy for stacks of glass is to fire in pairs of layers. Then combine the fused two-layer pieces in a final firing. 

It is easier to fire two layers of glass than 6, 8 or 10 layers. The heat up is easier and less time consuming for multiples of 6mm than multiples of 3mm. The bubble squeeze schedule is simpler.  It also allows inclusions between the initial two-layer sheets and then between the layers of 6mm sheets.

This multiple firing strategy reduces the risk of large bubbles in a stack of multiple pieces. It seems the weight of the 6mm layers forces the air out from between the thicker glass more effectively than thinner layers. 

It is also a simpler set of firings.  If you were to want to make up a 12mm thick piece from 3mm sheets, your heat up will be very long compared to firing two layers in three firings.

E.g. Stone* recommends a heat up for 2 layers of 3mm glass:
240C/hr to 250C, no soak
400C/hr to 500C, no soak (a bubble squeeze could be inserted here by raising the target temperature to 650, with a 30-minute soak)
500/hr to top temperature.

This is about 2.3 hours to top temperature without the bubble squeeze and 6.7 hours to cool.  This means that you could fire twice in one day, if organised well.  If you are planning a final tack fused layer that should be done in the last firing of the combined layers.

However, it is a much longer schedule recommended by Stone for 6 layers of 3mm glass:
  • 25C/hr to 125 for 20’
  • 30C/hr to 250 for 20’
  • 40C/hr to 375 for 20’
  • 50C/hr to 520 for 15 (a bubble squeeze could be inserted here by raising the target temperature to 650, with a 30-minute soak before continuing at the same rate to the top temperature).
  • 150/hr to target temperature
This is about 18 hours to top temperature without the bubble squeeze and another 18 hours to cool.  This strategy requires 1.5 days, assuming all the layers are even.  The same amount of time is required for both strategies, but the chance of large bubbles is dramatically reduced.

He recommends for 3 layers of 6mm glass:
  • 200C/hr to 250, no soak
  • 340C/hr to 500, no soak
  • 400C/hr to 600, no soak (a bubble squeeze could be introduced here by changing the target temperature to 650 with a 30-minute soak)
  • 500C/hr to top temperature.
This is about 2.5 hours to top temperature and 18 hours to cool without the bubble squeeze.

This means that it only takes 2/3 of the time to fire 3 layers of 6mm glass than it does to fire 6 layers of 3mm glass.  Yes, you lose some time in firing the pairs of 3mm glass, but you gain in reducing the risk of creating large bubbles that will ruin your final piece.

If you are putting elements between the initial two-layer pieces for fusing, you need to introduce a bubble squeeze.  Putting elements between the fused pairs will also require a bubble squeeze on the final firing.

Tack fusing the final layer
Note the times indicated above are for even layers.  If you have uneven layers or are tack fusing, the times will be extended much further than the ones noted there.

For a tack fused set of top layers, you will need to add those in the last firing, or do a sharp tack firing before the last firing.  In the case of a tack fused pair for the top layers you will need to reduce the rates of advance for the last firing by about 1/3. This would mean:
  • an initial rate of 135C,
  • a second ramp of 230C,
  • a third of 270C and
  • the fourth of 335C instead of the rates for even layers. 
You will also need to reduce the top temperature.  Observation will be required to determine when the correct profile has been achieved.

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.

When firing multiple layers of glass, the risk of creating large bubbles can be reduced by firing pairs of 3mm sheets, and then combining the results into one stack.

*Graham Stone. Firing Schedules for Glass, the Kiln Companion, 2000, Melbourne Australia.  ISBN 0-646-39733-8

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Including Incompatible Glass

The question on whether incompatible glass can be included in a piece gets a range of positive and negative responses.

The real answer, as indicated by the diversity of responses, depends on where you start, and what assumptions are being made.  However, responses such as "Less than 10% of area is ok" are not helpful because they take no account of the conditions.

Degree of compatibility
How incompatible are the two glasses?  The greater the difference, the less can be used. If you have two test pieces of glass that show a little stress upon viewing with a set of polarised filters

you can attempt to combine a greater area than if the test pieces show significant stress.

The relative mass of the two glasses are important.  Thin Bullseye confetti placed sparingly across an Oceanside glass of 6mm thickness and 300mm diameter will usually survive, although there will be some stress visible through polarising filters.  If you are placing a large or thick piece on the disc, you will have much more trouble.

The placing of the incompatible glass has an effect too.  The nearer the incompatible glass pieces are to the edge, the more likely a fracture is to develop.

The fourth consideration is the shape of both the base and the added incompatible glass.  A circular base can contain more stress than a rectangular one.  An angular incompatible inclusion will show greater stress than a circular one.

With included incompatible glass you are asking the main piece of glass to contain the stresses.  The factors affecting the ability of the base glass to contain the stress are:

The degree of difference in stress between the pieces
the mass of glass applied to the base
the shapes of the base and the inclusions
where the incompatible glass is placed.

These all affect how well the main or base glass can contain the stress.  If the piece is at all important to you, do not include incompatible glass at all.  If it is really important, test all the glass you will be using.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Layups Promoting Bubbles

Intentional Bubbles
Sometimes you want bubbles. There are various ways to achieve bubble placement with certainty rather than at random.  You can use a variety of bubble powders, such as the UGC bubble powder – now supplemented with bubble enamels.  The use of copper oxide powder will give bubbles of varying sizes dependent upon the amount deposited. You can also use baking soda – calcium carbonate - in the same way for clear bubbles.

You can create a range of bubble textures by arranging textured glasses in various orientations.  Fine reeded glass at right angles will give a regular pattern of small bubbles.  Accordion glass will give a slightly different arrangement.  Using fluted glass at 60 degrees to one another will give you diamond shaped bubbles if you control the temperature and time.  The variety is limited only by the textures and the way you arrange the glass orientations.

Incidental Bubbles
Most inclusions – metal, mica, organic, etc. – result in bubbles to a greater or lesser extent around the objects included.  Extended bubble squeezes are required in conjunction with a sprinkling of powder or very fine frit between the inclusion and the edge of the piece.  Sometimes corner pieces can be included in the design to keep the edges open longer allowing more air to escape.

Unwanted Bubbles
These bubbles largely come from the way in which the glass is arranged. 

Single layers at full fuse will draw in at the edges and thin from the interior, allowing any air to push up and sometimes through the glass.  This is because the thicker and heavier edges resist the movement of the air from under the glass.  This resistance, added to the thinning of the interior leads to bubbles, unless the glass is fired at fire polish or lower temperatures.

This example from Danna Worley shows the effects of firing single layers

Single layers with borders compound the problems of single layers.  The borders ensure that the edges are heavier than the interior and seal air at an even earlier stage of the firing.  The bubbles will appear between the other tack fused pieces in the interior of the piece.  Again, with this kind of lay-up, the top temperature should be no more than a rounded tack fuse.

Heavy or thick borders on two-layer bases are also circumstances where bubbles can be produced.  The border on even two-layer pieces can trap air both under the whole piece and in between layers in the same way a border can on a single layer piece.  In a lay-up like this, it is best to fuse the two base layers together first and then add the decorative pieces and border in a second firing.

This example from Andy Bennett shows how, even when inducing bubbles, things can get out of hand. Here the bubbles between layers have even thinned out the bottom layer to holes to the shelf.

Encased glass pieces are a certain way to get bubbles.  If you place even a single layer of glass pieces in a pattern around the base and then cap it with a sheet of clear, bubbles will form.  This will happen even if there are clear path ways for the air to be released from the interior.  The capping glass will not conform completely to the encased glass pieces by the time the edge is sealed, no matter how long your bubble squeeze may be.  The way to avoid this is by putting the glass pieces on top of a two-layer base.  And it is better to fuse the base layer first before adding the surface glass pieces, so they do not press down unequally, leaving a thin film of air around the heavier pieces on top.

Avoidance of unwanted bubbles

There are a few ways to avoid bubbles that are not where you want them.

  •        Avoid using single layers with pieces on top.
  •       When using single layers fire with slow rates of advance at low as possible temperatures with a short soak at top temperature. You will need to peek at intervals to observe when the work is finished and advance to the next segment.
  •         Non-glass inclusions should be encased with care.  They should be as flat as possible before capped.  The bubble squeeze should be long – possibly as slow as 25°C/45°F per hour between 600°C and 677°C (1113°F and 1252°F). This is to allow the glass at the centre to settle, pushing air from the centre out. Including a sprinkle of powder or very fine frit may help reduce bubble formation, as might chads at the corners or edge of the piece.
  •         Organic inclusions will produce large bubbles from the combustion gases.  Use a three to four-hour soak at about 540°C/1005°F to allow the burnout of the organic material before proceeding to the bubble squeeze.
  •         Avoid borders on top of the glass.  The additional weight acts to seal the glass to the shelf and between layers, leaving air underneath to rise and even break through.
  • ·        Do not cap/encase glass pieces unless you have a very good reason.  The glass pieces placed on top will stick to the surface with less chance of bubble creation, and will become flat at a full fuse.
  •         If you must have a border or encased glass pieces, consider flip and fire – fire the piece upside down to a rounded tack fuse at least, clean thoroughly, then cap the piece and fire right side up. This can reduce the bubble formation.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

Wire for Fusing

Although there are other ways to combine wire with glass, one popular method involves fusing wire inside the glass. This technique generally fuses and seals the wire between two layers of glass, so it is important to select a wire with the right characteristics. The main characteristics are:

1. The wire must be capable of withstanding the heat of the kiln.

2. The wire must emerge from the kiln in a relatively pristine condition, or at least can be easily cleaned.

3. The wire must also retain the desired flexibility and pliability. If it's too soft or brittle it may not support the piece.

4. The wire must not react with or contaminate the glass. In most cases colour changes and metal flakes are not desirable.

5. The wire must be of a small enough diameter to avoid causing excessive stress within the glass.

6. It is a bonus if the wire is reasonably priced or even inexpensive.

This post gives the characteristics of some types of wire for fusing. 

Types of Wire for Fusing

Having mentioned the characteristics needed of the wires for inclusion, this is a description of the good and bad points of some common wires used as inclusions within glass.

Nichrome (nickel chromium) is a generally favoured wire, due to it easy workability, ability to hold up in the kiln and maintain its strength afterwards. It does turn dull after firing, but can be cleaned up with a brass wire brush.

Copper is a softer wire to use, and exposed parts tend to be weakened. It may tarnish or change colour. Some twisted/braided copper can work better than single strand copper, but test first.

Sterling silver will work, but tends to scale and needs to be cleaned after firing. It can react with the glass and change colour. It tends to be soft after firing.

Fine (pure) silver works better than sterling, but even more prone to react with the glass - turning yellow. Some glasses (French vanilla and certain reds) will also change colour when exposed to silver.

Stainless steel is very stiff and hard to work with, but can be fused if desired. It retains its strength and if of the appropriate grade requires only treatment with a brass wire brush.

Gold or platinum wires will work, but are very expensive.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Copper inclusions

Inclusions of metals can be achieved with care.  Copper is a very good metal, as it is soft, even though its expansion characteristics are very different from glass.  This note provides some things you might consider when planning to include copper in your fused pieces.

The copper sheet should be stiff, but not thick. If the metal can be incised with a scribe and maintain that through gentle burnishing, it is suitably thick. The usual problem is that the copper is too thick rather than too thin.  Copper leaf can be very faint if a single layer is used.  Placing several layers of leaf improves the colour, but often provides wrinkles.  In summary, the requirement is to get a thickness of copper that will retain its structure, but not be so thick and stiff as to hold the glass up during the fusing process.  

Do not use the copper foil as used for stained glass applications. The adhesive backing produces a black colour from the adhesive and many bubbles -  sometimes a single large one.

Copper can provide several colours.

Copper sheet normally turns burgundy colour when oxidised.  This means that there is enough air reaching the copper to oxidise it to deep copper red.  This most normally happens, because a lot of air can contact the metal during the extensive bubble squeeze usually given to inclusions.

To keep the copper colour, clean the metal well metal well with steel wool or a pot scrubber. If you use steel wool, wash and polish dry the metal before fusing.  Reduction of air contact with the metal helps to retain the copper colour.  There are two methods I have used.  Addition of a glass flux like borax or other devitrification spray will help prevent the air getting to the surface.  Another method of avoiding oxidisation, is to cover the copper with clear powdered frit, as well as the surrounding glass.

In certain circumstances you can get the blue green verdigris typical of copper in the environment.  This is an extent of oxidisation that is between the clean copper coloured metal and the burgundy colour of extensive oxidisation.  The key seems to be be a combination of restricted air supply, shorter bubble squeezes and lower temperatures.  Experimentation is required to achieve this consistently.

The spaces under and over the copper give the opportunity for bubbles to form. 

This means that the copper needs to be as flat as possible for one thing.  Burnishing the copper can have a good effect on reducing the undulations in the copper.  Thinner copper is easier to make flat than thicker.  If you can stamp a shape from the copper with a stamper designed for card making, it is a good indication that it will burnish flat.  Thicker copper sheet holds the glass up long enough in the temperature rise during the bubble squeeze to retain air around the metal.  This remains the case even after burnishing to be as flat as possible.

The second element that can help to reduce bubbles around the copper is to sprinkle clear powder over the copper sheet once in place on the glass.  The spread of the powder over the glass assists in giving places for the air between layers to escape.

These two things combined with a long slow squeeze can reduce the amount of bubbles you get.  It cannot totally eliminate them.

Of course, a longer bubble squeeze allows air to be in contact with the copper and promotes the change to a blue green or burgundy colour.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Capping with Frit

Capping with a clear or tinted top layer is necessary in many cases of inclusions, or desirable when looking for depth or distortion in flat fused work.

Capping inherently has bubble creation potential.  The development of a bubble squeeze helps prevent the largest of bubbles.  It cannot eliminate all the trapped air that then turns into small bubbles around the inclusions or multiple pieces when covered by a sheet of glass.

An alternative is to do away with the sheet glass capping and instead use enough frit to provide the desired depth, or the necessary material to cover the inclusion.  In fusing with two large sheets, a fine covering of powder between the layers will help to eliminate bubbles.  However, this will not be enough to successfully cover metal or other inclusions, or provide the amount of glass to give an appearance of depth.

The size of frit to use in a given application can be determined from other styles of glass working. It is known from glass casting that the smaller the frit the greater number of small bubbles will appear in the fired piece.  This means that you need to use medium sized frit for cast work.  Fine frit is likely to produce many very small bubbles across the whole piece in fusing applications.  Large frit is likely to produce larger bubbles, as the pieces themselves trap air as they deform.  This means that medium frit is a good compromise between large and small bubbles in capping. 

The layer of frit should be at least 2mm thick.  This means a lot of frit is required to do the job.  To judge the amount, you can measure the area of a rectangle or circle in square centimetres and multiply that by 0.2 to give you the volume (in cubic centimetres) of frit required.  Multiplying the volume by 2.5 (the approximate specific gravity of soda lime glass) will give you the weight of frit needed to cover the area. 

Alternatively, if the piece is irregular, you can weigh the base and add the appropriate weight of frit on the top.  If the base is 2mm, no further work is required to determine the weight. Weigh the 2mm sheet and use the weight of frit to equal the base.  If the glass is 3mm, you need two thirds of the weight in frit, and so on for thicker glass.

Using frit to cap is unlikely to eliminate all bubbles, but it will reduce them to a minimum.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


What it is

Mica is widely distributed throughout the world and occurs in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Mica is similar to granite in its crystalline composition.  The nearly perfect cleavage, which is the most prominent characteristic of mica, is explained by the hexagonal sheet-like arrangement of its atoms.

Mica can be composed of a variety of minerals giving various colours and transparency. Purple, rosy, silver and grey colours come from the mineral called lepidolite.  

Dark green, brown and black come from biotite.  

Yellowish-brown, green and white come from phlogopite.  

Colourless and transparent micas are called muscovite.  

All these have a pearly vitreous lustre.

The melting point of mica depends on its exact composition, but ranges from 700⁰C to 1000⁰C.

Glass has a specific gravity of about 2.5, and mica ranges from 2.8-3.1, so it is slightly heavier than glass.

Tips on uses of mica powder and flakes

The naturally occurring colours are largely impervious to kiln forming temperatures.  Other added colours have various resistances to the heat of fusing. This is determined by the temperatures used to apply the colour to the mica.  Cosmetic mica is coloured at low temperatures and will not survive kiln forming with their colour in tact.

Mica does not combine with glass, but is encased by glass as it sinks into the glass surface.  You can use various fluxes to soften the surface of the glass.  Borax is one of those.  The cleaving of the mica results in only the layer in contact with the glass sticking.  The upper layers brush off.  This applies to both powder and flakes. One solution is to fire with mica on top in the initial firing and then cap for the final one.

When encasing mica exercise caution. Micas flakes must be applied thinly, as air is easily trapped between layers which leads to large bubbles from between layers of glass.  This is the result of the shearing of layers of the flakes allowing air between layers.  Although powdered mica is less likely to create large bubbles, air bubbles are often created for the same reason.  This is the reason it is most often recommended to fire the mica on top. 

Of course, one use of the mica to make complicated designs is to cover the whole area and fuse.  Then sandblast a design removing the mica from areas of the glass. You can then fire polish, or cap and re-fire to seal the mica.

Mica safety

MSDS for mica only mentions the inhalation of the dust as a risk. Mica is resistant to acid attack and is largely inert.  Inhalation of the dust is a (low level) risk.  Any significant health and safety problems relate to the coloured coatings.