Showing posts with label Full Fuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Full Fuse. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Time and Temperature


Credit: Shutterstock

“What are the pros and cons on turning up the max temperature slightly Vs. a longer hold time”? Lea Madsen

This is a difficult question to answer, because there are variables such as

the temperature range,

the ramp rates, and soaks,

the forces acting upon the glass at a given temperature, 

the process,

the desired outcome of the firing,


When talking about temperature vs. time, it is heat work that we are considering.  In many processes time and temperature are interchangeable, although the temperature range is important too.  This is a brief discussion of heat work in various processes.


Slumping temperature is generally in the range of 620˚C-680˚C/1150˚F -1255˚F *, which is below the devitrification range.  This allows the exchange of time for temperature without risk, allowing more time rather than more temperature.  Higher temperatures cause more marking from the mould since the bottom of the glass is softer than at lower ones.  Lower temperatures give higher viscosity, so the glass is stiffer, resisting marks.

Low temperature fuses

Sharp tack fusing, freeze and fuse, some pate de verre processes, and sintering occur in the 650˚C -720˚C /1150˚F - 1320˚F range, risking devitrification only at the upper end of this range.  Extending the time rather than the temperature is important to maintain detail in these processes.  Higher temperatures will smooth the surface, risking loss of detail.  

Rounded tack processes (720˚C – 760˚C /1320˚F - 1400˚F)

These are within the devitrification range making the choice between time and temperature a balance of risks.  In my experience, it takes about an hour for visible devitrification to develop.  This means that you can extend the time, if the total time between the end of the bubble squeeze and the working temperature, including the hold time, is less than an hour.  It has the advantage of a more secure attachment between the pieces of glass, without altering the surface much. 

But if extending the soak time increases the time in the devitrification zone to be more than an hour, it is advisable to increase the temperature, rather than time.  Devitrification develops in the presence of air, so reducing the time in that range reduces the risk of devitrification developing.  The glass is moving during rapid ramp rates, reducing the chance of devitrification.


This includes drapes, and other free forming processes.  Kilnformers will be observing the progress of these firings, making it easier to balance temperature and time.  There are already long holds scheduled for the processes, so it is a matter of getting the right temperature.  If, after half an hour at the scheduled top temperature, the glass has not moved much, it is time to increase the temperature by, say 10˚C/18˚F and observe after another half hour, repeating the temperature increase if necessary.   Be aware of thinning the glass at the shoulder by setting a high temperature.  Free drops may take as much as 6 – 8 hours, so patience and observation are important to get good results.

Full fuse

At full fuse try to get the work done in 10 minutes to avoid complications with devitrification.  So, increasing the temperature rather than the length of the soak seems best.


Whether frit stretching, making pattern bars, pressing, etc., low viscosity is important.  Viscosity is closely related to temperature, so increasing the temperature is the better choice.  Increasing time without increasing temperature does not change viscosity much.


Extending time at top temperature seems best for open face casting, as the temperature is already high.  A slow ramp rate to that top temperature may make adding time unnecessary, because the heat work will be increased by the slow rise.  Experience has shown that a rate of 200˚C/360˚F is enough to avoid devitrification.  With enclosed castings devitrification is not such a risk, so time can be added without concern.



In all these processes it is advisable to observe the progress of the firing by quick peeks to determine the effective combination of temperature and time.  Also note that heat work is cumulative, making for changes in profile with repeated firings. 


* The softening point of float glass is around 720°C/1328°F, so the slumping range is about 700°C/1292° to 750°C/1382°F.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Relative stress in Tack and Full Fused Glass

There is a view that there will be less stress in the glass after a full fuse than a tack fuse firing.

This view may have its origin in the difficulties in getting an adequate anneal of tack fused pieces and the uncritical use of already programmed schedules. There are more difficulties in annealing a tack fused piece than one that has all its elements fully incorporated by a flat fuse. This does not mean that by nature the tack fused piece will include more stress. Only that more care is required.

Simply put, a full fuse has all its components fully incorporated and is almost fully flat, meaning that only one thickness exists.  The annealing can be set for that thickness without difficulty or concern about the adequacy of the anneal due to unevenness, although there are some other factors that affect the annealing such as widely different viscosities, exemplified by black and white.

Tack fused annealing is much more complicated than contour or full fusing.  You need to compensate for the fact that the pieces which are not fully fused tend to react to heat changes in differently, rather than as a single unit.  Square, angled and pointed pieces can accumulate a lot of stress at the points and corners. This needs to be relieved through the lengthening of the annealing process.

The uneven levels need to be taken into consideration too.  Glass is an inefficient conductor of heat and uneven layers need longer for the temperature to be equal throughout the piece.  The overlying layers shade the heat from the lower layers, making for an uneven temperature distribution across the lower layer.

The degree of tack has a significant effect on annealing too.  The less incorporated the tacked glass is, the greater care is needed in the anneal soak and cool.  This is because the less strong the tack, the more the individual pieces react separately, although they are joined at the edges.

If you have taken all these factors into account, there will be no difference in the amount of stress in a flat fused piece and a tack fused one.  The only time you will get more stress in tack fused pieces is when the annealing is inadequate (assuming compatible glass is being used).

More information is given on these factors and how to deal with them in this post on annealing tack fused glass and in the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming available from Bullseye and Etsy.

Revised 5.1.25

Friday, 27 December 2024

Characteristics of Some Glasses

This information has been taken from various sources. Some manufacturers may change the composition of their glasses or the published information about them from time to time. Therefore, this information can only be used as a guide. If the information about strain, annealing, and softening points is important, contact the manufacturer for the most accurate information.

The temperature information is given in Celsius.
Strain point – the temperature below which no annealing can be done.
Annealing point – the temperature at which the equalisation soak should be done before the annealing cool.
Softening point – the temperature at which slumping can most quickly occur.

Armstrong – Now made by Kokomo

Typical Borosilicate – nominal CoE 32
Strain point – 510 - 535C / 951 - 996F
Annealing point – ca. 560C/1041F
Softening point - ca. 820C/1509F

Blackwood OZ Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Blenko – nominal CoE 110
Annealing point – 495C/924F

Bullseye – nominal CoE 90

Strain point - 493C/920F
Annealing point - (532C)  Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C/900F for thick items
Softening point - 677C/1252F

Strain point - 463C/866F
Annealing point – (501C)  Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C900F for thick items
Softening point - 688C/1272F

Gold Bearing
Strain point - 438C/821F
Annealing point - (472)   Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C/900F for thick items
Softening point - 638C/1182F

Chicago – nominal CoE 92

Desag  Note that this glass is no longer produced
Artista – nominal CoE 94
Strain point – 480 - 510C / 897 - 951F
Annealing point – 515 - 535C / 960 - 996F
Softening point – 705 – 735C / 1302 - 1356F
Fusing range – 805 – 835C / 1482 - 1537

Float Glass (Pilkington UK)
Strain point – 525 - 530C / 978 - 987F
Annealing point – 559C/1039F
Softening point – 725C/1338F

Strain point – 525 - 530C / 978 - 987F
Annealing point – 548C/1019F
Softening point – 725C/1338F

Float Glass (typical for USA) nominal CoE 83
Strain point - 511C/953F
Annealing point - 548C/1019F
Softening point – 715C/1320F

Float Glass (typical for Australia) nominal CoE 84
Strain point - 505-525C / 942 - 978F 
Annealing point – 540 -560C / 1005 - 1041F

HiGlass “GIN” range – nominal CoE 90
Annealing point - 535C/996F

Gaffer colour rod – nominal CoE 88

Gaffer NZ Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Annealing point - 495C/924F

Kokomo – nominal CoE 92 - 94

Strain point - 467C/873F
Annealing point - 507C/946F
Softening point - ca. 565C/ca.1050F

Opal Dense
Strain point - 445C/834F
Annealing point - 477C/891F
Softening point – ca. 565C/1050F

Opal Medium
Strain point - 455C/834F
Annealing point - 490C/915F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Opal Medium Light
Strain point - 461C/863F
Annealing point - 499C/931F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Opal Light
Strain point - 464C868F
Annealing point - 502C/937F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Clear – nominal CoE 96 +/- 2  (94-98)
softening point: - 694C/1281F
Annealing point: - 508C/946F
Strain point: - 485C/904F

Colours - nominal CoE 96 +/- 4 (92-100)
Annealing point: - 500C/932F
Strain point: - 460C-500C/860 -879F

Typical lead glass – nominal CoE 91

Lenox Lead – nominal CoE 94
Annealing point – 440C/825F

Merry Go Round – nominal CoE 92

Moretti/Effetre – nominal CoE 104
Strain Point: 448C/839F
Annealing Range: 493C – 498C / 920F - 929F
Softening Point: 565C/1050F

Pemco Pb83 – nominal CoE 108
Annealing point – 415C/780F

Reichenbach - 

nominal CoE 96 +/-2 (94 -98)

Annealing range; - 470C-530F/878F-986F; Ave 510C/950F

nominal CoE 104  no further information at present.

Schott Borosilicate (8330) nominal CoE 32
Annealing point - 530C/987F

Schott “F2” Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Schott “H” & “R6” rods - nominal CoE 90
Annealing point – 530C/987F

Schott “W” colour rod – nominal CoE 98

St Just
Strain point - ca.450C/843F
Annealing point – ca. 532C/ca. 991F

System 96 – nominal CoE 96
Strain point – 476C  +/- 6C  /  890F +/- 11F
Annealing point – 513 +/- 6C  /  956C +/- 11F
Softening point – 680 +/- 6C  /  1257F +/- 11F
Annealing point – 505 -515C  /  942 - 960F

Spruce Pine 87 – nominal CoE 96
Annealing point – 480C/897F

Uroboros system 96 – nominal CoE 96

Strain point - 481C/899F
Annealing point - 517C/964F

Strain point - 457C/855F
Annealing point - 501C/935F

Uroboros - nominal CoE 90

Strain point - 488C/911F
Annealing point - 525C/978F

Strain point - 468C/875F
Annealing point - 512C/955C

Wasser - nominal CoE 89
Annealing point – 490C/915F

Wissmach 90
Annealing point - 483C/900F
Softening point - 688C/1272F
Full Fuse - 777+

Wissmach 96
Annealing point - 
Softening point - 688C/1272F

Full Fuse - 777+ / 1432+

Monday, 23 December 2024

CoE as the Determinant of Temperature Characteristics

Credit:: Ryan Rutherford

Many people are under the impression that CoE can tell you a wide number of things about fusing glass. 

What does CoE really mean?

The first thing to note is the meaning of CoE.  Its proper name is the coefficient of linear expansion.  It tells you nothing certain about the expansion in volume, which can be as or more important than the horizontal expansion. 

It is an average determined between 20°C and 300°C.  This is fine for materials that have a crystalline structure. Glass does not.  Glass behaves quite differently at higher temperatures. 

It may have an average expansion of 96 from 20°C-300°C – although there is no information on the variation within that range – but may have an expansion of 500 just above the annealing point. 

The critical temperatures for glass are between the annealing and strain points.  One curious aspect to the expansion of glass is that the rate of expansion decreases around the annealing point.  The amount of this change is variable from one glass composition to another.

credit: ScienceDirect

The CoE of a manufacturer’s glass is an average of the range which is produced.  Spectrum has stated that their CoE of their fusing compatible glass is a 10 point range.  Bullseye has indicated that their CoE range is up to 5 points. These kind of ranges can be expected in every manufacturer’s compatible glass.

CoE does not tell us anything about viscosity, which has a bigger influence on compatibility than CoE alone. 

Comparison of CoE and Temperature

Among the things people assume CoE determines is the critical temperatures of the strain, annealing and softening points of various glasses.

Unfortunately, CoE does not necessarily tell you fusing or annealing temperatures. 

“CoE 83”
Most float glass is assumed to be around CoE 83.  The characteristics depend on which company is making the glass and where it is being made.  These are the annealing points and softening points:

Pilkington Optiwhite              559ºC/1039ºF    720°C/1328°F

Pilkington Optifloat               548ºC/1019ºF    720°C/1328°F

USA float (typical)                548ºC/1019ºF    615°C/1139

Typical Australian float has a CoE of 84 and anneals in the range 505°C -525°C/941°F - 977°F.

“CoE 90”
Uroboros FX90 has an annealing point of 525°C compared to Bullseye at 482°C, and Wissmach 90 anneal of 510°C. 

Wissmach 90 has a full fuse temperature of 777°C compared to Bullseye's 804 - 816°C.   

There is a float glass with a CoE of 90 that anneals at 540°C and fuses at 835°C.

Bullseye has a slump temperature of 630°C-677°C and Wissmach’s 90 slumps between 649°C and 677°C, slightly higher.

“CoE 93”
Kokomo with an average CoE of 93 has an annealing range of 507°C to 477°C. Kokomo slumps around 565°C

“CoE 94”
Artista with a CoE of 94 has an annealing point of 535°C and a full
fuse of 835°C, almost the same as float with a Coe of 83. 

Wissmach 96 anneals at 482°C with a full fuse of 777°C and a slump temperature of 688°C.
Spectrum96 and its successor Oceanside Compatible anneals at 510°C and full fuses at 796°C.


In short, CoE does not tell you the temperature characteristics of the glass. These are determined by several factors of which viscosity is the most important. More information can be gained from this post or from your own testing and observation as noted in this post.

Revised 23.12.24

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Annealing Requirements for Shaped Pieces.

 Experiments related to slumping show that shaped items such as slumped, textured and kiln carved glass need annealing for at least one layer thicker than they are. The annealing for one layer thicker than the calculated thickness provides the most stress-free result for the finished product. Annealing for the calculated thickness does not always produce a stress-free result.  

Full Fuse

 This indicates that an evenly thick 6mm thick piece will get the best result from an anneal as for 9mm.

Texture Moulds

 A piece of glass on a texture mould with 3mm or more differences in height requires careful annealing. The more defined/sharper the texture, the greater care will be required. A 6mm blank on a mould with 3mm variation taken to a well-defined texture needs to be annealed as though it were 18mm thick. A sharp tack requires annealing as for a piece 2.5 times its actual thickness plus another 3mm.  This gives the 18mm/0.75” thickness annealing requirement for the 6mm thick piece.

Kiln Carvings

 The same kind of calculation applies to kiln carved items as for sharply textured pieces. Pieces with less sharply defined profiles can be treated as one of the more common tack fused profiles.


Tack Fusings

 A rounded tack fused piece of a 6mm base with 3mm tack elements that is being slumped will need annealing as for 21mm.  Twice the actual thickness plus 3mm giving the annealing requirement as for 21mm/0.827”.

 A contour tack of the same dimensions as given in the first example will require annealing as for 19mm/0.75”. The annealing requirement when slumping is for 1.5 times the thickness plus another 3mm.

In General

 The general approach to annealing shaped pieces is to calculate the thickness for the anneal and add one layer more to get a good anneal for slumped and other formed pieces. 

 The research and the reasoning behind this approach is given in LowTemperature Kilnforming, An Evidenced-Based Guide to Scheduling available from the Etsy shop VerrierStudio and from Bullseye

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Firing different glass at the same time

Can I fire COE 90 and 96 in the same firing using the same schedule?

 In one sense this is the wrong question. The more general question is:

“Can I fire different glasses in the kiln at the same time?”

 Not all “CoE90” or “CoE 96” glass from different manufacturers have the same firing characteristics. This blog post compares the key temperatures for various glasses.

 For example, two glasses that are presumed to be “CoE90” have different published full fuse temperatures. Wissmach states its full fuse temperature is 777°C/1432°F and Bullseye states theirs is 804°C/1481°F. Both have an annealing temperature of 482°C/900°F.

 Wissmach 96 anneals at 482°C/900°F and Oceanside at 510°C/951°F. Wissmach96 has a full fuse temperature of 777°C/1432°F and Oceanside Compatible full fuses at 796°C/1466°F.

 Since annealing occurs over a range it is possible to anneal Wissmach96 and Oceanside Compatible together even though there is a published difference of annealing temperature of 28°C/50°F.  You could shotgun anneal – go very slowly from the soak at 510°C/951°F to 482°C/900°F with another soak.

 Fusing different manufacturers’ glasses – even if they are the same supposed CoE – is more difficult, unless you do not mind significantly different results.  Bullseye will full fuse at 804°C/1481°F. But Wissmach90 fuses at 777°C/1432°F. This will provide significantly different results.  The same for Oceanside and Wissmach96. The 21°C/38°F difference in full fuse temperature will provide lesser difference than the Bullseye Wissmach90, but will still be noticeable.

 This indicates that the full fuse effect of even the supposed same CoE will not be the same when fired together.


Finding the slumping temperature is determined less from the manufacturer than by observation. This post tells you how to find the slumping temperature.

 If these characteristics are similar, you can slump them at the same time. Expect some significant variation.

 There are some – possibly many – who will say firing different glass at the same time is both possible and successful. The manufacturers’ recommended temperatures show some wide variations. This makes it unlikely you will get the same desirable results for any but one of the glasses.

 My recommendation is do not try to fire different glass at the same time.  And why are you using two incompatible glasses anyway.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

Observations on Some Suggestions about Annealing

There are writings from a teacher attempting to make glass fusing simple.  Unfortunately, glass physics and chemistry are very complicated.  Attempting to avoid these complications leads to failures and other difficulties as the practitioner progresses. 

Proper annealing is one of the fundamentals to achieving sound kilnforming results.  Some suggestions have been made by a widely followed person to “simplify” the understanding of the annealing process.  Discussion of the meaning and importance of annealing can be found in many places, including here.  

Annealing temperatures
It has been suggested that the annealing temperatures can be inferred from the CoE of the glass that is being used. Discussion of what CoE is and is not can be found here and here.

Annealing temperatures are not directly related to the expansion coefficient (CoE) of the glass.  This can be shown from the published annealing temperatures for different glasses organised by presumed CoE:
·        “CoE96”: Wisssmach 96 - anneal at 482°C;  Oceanside - anneal at 515°C
·        “COE94”: Artista - anneal at 535°C
·        “CoE 93”: Kokomo - anneal between 507°C and 477°C – average 492°C
·        “CoE 90”: Bullseye - anneal at 482°C; Wissmach90 - anneal at 482°C; Uroboros FX90 - anneal at 525°C
·        “CoE 83”:
o   Pilkington (UK) float - anneal at 540°C;
o   typical USA float - anneal at 548°C;
o   Typical Australian float - anneal between 505°C and 525°C, average 515°C

This shows there is no direct relationship between CoE and annealing temperature.  Do not be tempted to use a CoE number to indicate an annealing temperature.  Go to the manufacturer’s web site to get the correct information.

Temperature equalisation soak
Annealing for any glass can occur over a range of temperatures.  The annealing point is the temperature at which the glass can most quickly be annealed.  However, the glass cannot be annealed if it is not all at the same temperature throughout the substance of the glass.  It has been shown through research done at the Bullseye Glass Company that a temperature difference of more than 5°C will leave stress within the glass piece. To ensure good annealing, adequate time must be given to the temperature equalisation process (annealing). 

From the Bullseye research the following times are required for an adequate anneal soak:
6mm /   1/4"            60 minutes
[9mm /  3/8"           90 minutes]
12mm  / 1/2"          120 minutes
[15mm  /   5/8"       150 minutes]
19mm   / 3/4"         180 minutes

[ ] = interpolated from the Bullseye chart for annealing thick slabs

Anneal Cooling
There are suggestions that a “second anneal” can be used on important pieces.  Other than observing that all pieces are important to the maker, the suggestion should be investigated.  On looking into the idea, it is essentially a second soak at 425°C, which is slightly below the strain point, rather than controlled cool from the anneal soak temperature.

It is reported that the Corning Museum of Glass considers 450°C as the lower strain point – the temperature below which no further relief of strain is possible.  This means that any secondary soak must occur above 450°C rather than the suggested 425°C. Such a soak is unnecessary if the appropriate cooling rates are used. 

Cooling Rate
Except in special circumstances, the cooling rate needs to be controlled as part of the annealing process.  Soaking the glass at the anneal is not the completion of the annealing.  Most practitioners follow the practice of choosing a slow rate of cooling from the annealing soak to some point below the strain point rather than a rapid one with a soak at the strain point temperature.

Annealing is not just the soak time (which is there to equalise the temperature), it is about the rate of the annealing cool too. The rate at which you cool is dependent on the thickness of the glass piece and whether it is all of one thickness or of variable thicknesses.

Even thickness
                                         Cooling rate
Dimension      time (mins)     1st 55°C   2nd 55°C
6mm              60                 83°C       150°C
9mm              90                 69°C       125°C
12mm            120                55°C       99°C
15mm            150                37°C       63°C
19mm            180                25°C       27°C

The “first 55°C” and the “second 55°C” refer to the temperature range below the chosen annealing temperature.  So, if you choose to anneal at 515°C, the “first 55°C” is from 515°C to 460°C and the “second 55°C is from 460°C to 405°C.  If you choose 482°C as the annealing temperature, the “first 55°C” is from 482°C to 427°C and the “second 55°C from 427°C to 372°C.

Tack fused/ uneven thickness
If your piece is tack fused, you need to treat the annealing rate and soak as though it were twice the actual total thickness. This gives the following times and rates:

Tack fused
Dimension (mm)                                Cooling rate
Actual     Calculated       time (mins)     1st 55°C   2nd 55°C
6            12                 120                55°C       99°C
9            18                 150                37°C       63°C
12          25                 180                25°C       27°C
15          30                 300                37°C       63°C
18          38                 360                7°C         12°C

Contour fusing required firing as though the piece were 1.5 times thicker.  Sharp tack or laminating requires 2.5 times the the actual thickness.

Fusing on the floor of the kiln
There is a further possible complication if you are doing your fusing on the kiln floor, or a shelf resting on the floor of the kiln.  In this case you need to use the times and rates for glass that is at least 3mm thicker than the piece actually is. 

Thus, a flat 6mm piece on a shelf on the floor would use the times and rates for 9mm: anneal soak for 90 minutes, anneal cool at 69°C to 427°C and then at 124°C to 371°C.  It would be safest if you continued to control the cooling to room temperature at no more than 400°C per hour.

But if it were a tack fused piece of a total of 6mm you would use the times and rates for 18mm.  This is using the rates for twice the total thickness plus the additional 3mm for being on the base of the kiln.  This gives the times and rates as being an anneal soak of 360 minutes and cooling rates of 7°C to 427°C and 12°C to 370, followed by 40°C per hour to room temperature.  Any quicker rates should be tested for residual stress before use.

Source for the annealing and cooling of fused glass
These times and rates are based on the table derived from Bullseye research, which is published and available on the Bullseye site.   It is applicable to all fusing glass with adjustments for differing annealing soak temperatures.

Annealing over multiple firings
It has been recommended by this widely followed person that the annealing soak should be extended each time subsequent to the first firing.  I am uncertain about the reasoning behind this suggestion. But the reasons for discounting it are related to adequate annealing and what is done between firings.

If the annealing is adequate for the first firing, it will be adequate for subsequent firings unless you have made significant alterations to the piece.  If you have added another layer to a full fused piece, for example and are using a tack fuse, you will need to anneal for longer, because the style and thickness have been altered.  Not because it is a second firing.  If you are slumping a fired piece, the annealing does not need to be any different than the original firing.

The only time the annealing needs to be altered is when you have significantly changed the thickness of the piece, or the style of fusing (mainly tacking additional items to the full fused piece).  This is when you need to look at the schedules you are planning to use to ensure your heat up is slow enough, that your annealing soak is long enough, and the cool slow enough for the altered conditions.

Determining the annealing point of unknown glass
You don’t have to guess at the annealing temperature for an unknown glass.  You can test for it.  It is known as the slump point test.

This test gives the softening point of the glass and from that the annealing point can be calculated.  This test removes the guess work from choosing a temperature at which to perform the anneal soak. The anneal temperature is important to the result of the firing.  This alone makes this test to give certainty about the annealing temperature worthwhile.

You can anneal soak at the calculated temperature, or at 30°C below it to reduce the anneal cool time.  This is because the annealing can occur over a range of temperatures.  The annealing occurs slowly at the top and bottom of the range. But is at least risk of "fixing in" the stress of an uneven distribution of temperature during the cool when the annealing is done at the lower end of the range.

Do not be fooled into thinking that CoE determines annealing temperatures.  Use published tables, especially the Bullseye table Annealing for Thick Slabs to determine soak times and cooling rates.  Use the standard test for determining the softening and annealing points of unknown glasses.

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.