Showing posts with label Acute Angles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acute Angles. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Tack Fusing Considerations

Initial Rate of Advance

Tack fuses look easier than full fusing, but they are really one of the most difficult types of kiln forming. Tack fusing requires much more care than full fusing.
On heat up, the pieces on top shade the heat from the base glass leading to uneven heating. So you need a slower heat up. You can get some assistance in determining this by looking at what the annealing cool rate for the piece is. A very conservative approach is needed when you have a number of pieces stacked over the base layer.  One way of thinking about this is to set your initial rate of advance at approximately twice the anneal cool rate. 


The tacked glass us loosely attached rather than fully formed together.  So, the glass pieces are still able, partially, to act as separate entities, meaning excellent annealing is required.

Effects of thicknesses, shapes, degree of tack

  1. Tack fusing of a single additional layer on a six millimetre base
  1. Rectangular pieces to be tack fused
  1. Sharp, pointed pieces to be tack fused
  1. Multiple layers to be tack fused
  1. Degree of tack – the closer to lamination, the more time required

Glass contracts when it's cooling, and so tends to pull into itself. In a flat, symmetrical fuse this isn't much of a problem. In tack fuses where the glass components are still distinct from their neighbours, they will try to shrink into themselves and away from each other.  If there is not enough time for the glass to settle into balance, a lot of stress will be locked into the piece that either cause it to crack on cool down or to be remarkably fragile after firing.  In tack fusing there also are very uneven thicknesses, making it is hard to maintain equal temperatures across the glass.  The tack fused pieces shield the heat from the base, leading to localised hot spots during the cool down.

On difficult tack fuses it's not unusual to anneal for a thickness of two to three times greater than the thickest part of the glass.  That extended cool helps ensure that the glass has time to shift and relax as it's becoming stiffer, and keeps the temperature more even throughout.

In general, tack fused pieces should be annealed as though they are thicker pieces. Recommendations range from the rate for glass that is one thickness greater to at least twice the maximum thickness of the whole item.  Where there are right angles - squares, rectangles - or more acutely angled shapes, even more time in the annealing cool is required.

It must be remembered, especially in tack fusing, that annealing is much more than the annealing soak.  The soak is to ensure all the glass is at the same temperature, but it is the anneal cool that ensures the different thicknesses will all react together. That means tack fusing takes a lot longer than regular fusing.


The more rectangular or pointed the pieces there are in the piece, the greater the care in annealing is required.  Decisions on the schedule to use varies - some go up two or even four times the total thickness of the piece to choose a firing schedule.

A simple way to determine the schedule is to subtract the difference between the thickest and the thinnest part of the piece and add that number to the thickest part. If you have a 3mm section and a 12mm section, the difference is 9mm. So, add 9 to 12 and get 17mm that needs to be annealed for. This thickness applies to the heat up segments too.

Another way to estimate the schedule required is to increase the length the annealing schedule for any and each of the following factors:

The annealing schedule to be considered is the one for at least the next step up in thickness for each of the factors. If you have all five factors the annealing schedule that should be used is one for at least 21mm thick pieces according to this way of thinking about the firing.


4 – Testing/Experimentation

The only way you will have certainty about which to schedule to choose is to make a mock-up of the configuration you intend in clear.  You can then check for the stresses.  If you have chosen twice the thickness, and stress is showing, you need to try 3 times the thickness, etc., which can be done on the same piece.  You can reduce time by having your annealing soak at the lower end of the annealing range (for Bullseye this is 482C, rather than 516C).

You will need to do some experimentation on what works best for you. You also need to have a pair of polarisation filters to help you with determining whether you have any stress in your piece or not. If your piece is to be in opaque glasses, The mock-up in clear will be useful.

First published 18.12.2013

Revised 29.01.25

Saturday, 2 June 2018

Cutting Lead Came

Cutting came is a gentle process rather than an abrupt chopping effort.
There are at least three kinds of implements in common use to cut lead came.

Lead nippers or lead dykes
Lead nippers/dykes are a kind of adapted side cutters, used for cutting wire and by electricians. But these have the bevel only on one side of the jaws, making them almost useless for anything other than cutting lead. This arrangement only crushes the lead on the cut-off side and also leaves a minimum of lead next to the back of the jaws.

In use, the jaws of the dykes are aligned in the same angle as the heart of the lead, cutting across the leaves of the lead. They do not cut from the top and bottom of the came. These are very quick for right angle or very oblique angles on the came. However they are of little use for acute angles.

Lead knives
For more acute angles, blades are more commonly used. These can be either straight edges or curved blades. The straight edge lead knives are essentially putty knives or stiff scrapers sharpened to an acute angle. This kind of knife is normally wiggled from side to side while applying pressure to work through the came.

Other knives are curved to make rocking back and forth easier. There are a variety of knives such as the Pro or Don Carlos. Some look more like a scimitar than a lead knife! These are used to rock along the line where you are cutting the came.

Whatever kind of knife you are using, be sure to be directly above the knife, looking along the blade to ensure vertical cuts.

Of course, saws are sometimes used. The blade needs to be coarse toothed to enable the soft lead to drop out of the teeth. These saws can be hand held or table saws. Normally, it is quicker to use lead dykes or knives. However, if you are in production mode, a powered table saw may be worthwhile.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Leading acute angles

Most of us like flowing lines in leaded glass windows, but these often give very acute angles to be leaded up. One way is to avoid creating intersections by using passing cames.  

But, if the cartoon does not allow for passing cames in acute joints, you have to consider how to cut the came to butt well against the next came. The easiest, but most time-consuming method is as follows:

Determine what the length of the came must be to reach the end of the joint.

Mark your lead there.

Determine what the shortest part of the came will be at the joint and make a faint mark there too.

Cut the came at the first (longest) mark.

Use your lead dykes to cut the heart out of the lead, leaving only the flanges. This is done from the end to just beyond the faint mark you made to indicate the shortest part of the joint.

You then need to smooth the two flanges where the heart was. You can use a fid or your lead knife to draw over the rough interior of the flanges. This enables the flange to be inserted below the came already in place, or to slide the new came over the modified came.

You can trim the upper came flanges immediately to conform to the angle of the joint or do it when the whole panel is leaded. Make a mark with a nail or your lead knife along the edge of the un-modified came. Then raise the flange and use your lead dykes to cut the flange along the line. Fold the flange down to butt against the passing lead and it is ready to solder.

Monday, 7 May 2018

False Lines in Leaded Glass

False lines are used in leaded glass where the design calls for an angle that cannot be cut into the glass. This includes right angles and even more acute angles. E.g., the petals of a fuchsia flower. 

The design would call for an angle of about 60 degrees. This is impossible to achieve through hand cutting. So the glass is cut in a curve and the cames on the side and bottom of the petal have their hearts cut out so they overlap each other. 

In the example above, the red petal points would be cut rounded, so that the clear glass below can be rounded as well.  The came or foil is extended beyond the glass to give the visual points required.

The overlap is then trimmed to the shape of the outside of the petal. When soldered, the appearance is of the glass being cut at the angle required for the flower.

At other times, the requirement is for a line to go into a piece of glass, but not all the way across. As in this stained glass panel by Justin Behnke.  The hanging lines are those on the lower left of the panel, giving a great flow to the whole.

Again you cut the heart out of the came, and overlay the smoothed lead onto the glass. You can use just a little silicone to hold the lead in place until you finish cementing. After this you can lift the piece of came and use silicone or epoxy resin to firmly attach the came to the glass. You do not want to do this before cementing as any excess of glue will be made dirty by the cementing process and be very difficult to clean up.

There are also times when you may want to have a silhouette, you can cut it out of lead foil and solder it into place. This allows intricate shapes to be made when a dark representation of the shape is required. If the panel can be seen from both sides, the overlays should also be on both sides. These should be glued to the glass just as for cames.

Further information on removing the heart of lead came are given in this post on leading of acute angles.

These principles can be applied to copper foil too.

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Reducing Stress Points in Tack Fusing

Stress is greater in tack fused pieces than in full fused. Tack fused pieces to some greater or lesser extent behave independently from the base and surrounding pieces.  This means that more care must be taken in the anneal cooling of the glass.

Stress is dissipated more evenly in rounded tack fused pieces so the stress is not concentrated as individual points around the edge of the glass.

Stress is however, concentrated in corners of rectangles and in points of triangular and the ends of thin pieces.

By nipping the corners off these sharp angled pieces, the amount of stress concentrated there can be reduced.  Very little needs to be removed to have the effect. So the appearance of the angles is hardly affected.

Using your grozing pliers, you can take a small piece of the corner off.  It needs not be much more than a large grain of sand. This should be done at all corners and points.  It will not reduce the amount of annealing or the rate of cooling, but will assist in reducing the possible stress built up in the tack fused piece.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Annealing Multiple Levels of Tack Fusing

A question was asked of me about schedules for tack fusing multiple pieces – three layers thick in places – as a single unit, then placing on a 6mm fused base and tack fusing.  Special interest was in how the different thicknesses and the tack fusing would affect the scheduling of the annealing.

My response – edited – was as follows.

This is going to be a long reply.  I have written a general guide to tack fusing that will be useful, but this response will try to be more specific to your project.

First, tack fusing of pointed things is more sensitive to annealing than rounded things.  For up to 3 layers of triangles, I would be thinking of annealing for at least 12mm (four layers). This means a 2hour soak at 482⁰C, followed by a cooling rate of 55⁰C for the first 55⁰C degrees and then 99⁰C for the next 55⁰C. After this 110⁰C degrees of cooling the rate can be as fast as 330⁰C/hr.  This will apply whether Bullseye or System 96 is involved.

Second, from the description I take it that a 6mm clear under a 3mm layer of two colours side by side is being fused as a base.  [This was confirmed], so you could fire at 200⁰C/hr to a bubble squeeze of 30mins and then 300⁰C/hr to top temperature.  Anneal at 482⁰C for 60-90mins and cool for first 55⁰C at 65⁰C/hr and the next 55⁰C at 150⁰C/hr, followed by 300⁰C/hr to room temperature.

The third stage is to combine them.  Think about how thick this is physically – ca.18mm.  Then think about the differences in thickness – 9mm.  My rule of thumb is to add the difference between thicknesses to the thickest part – in this case to 18 plus 9 equals 27mm.  This is the “scheduling thickness” for this variation with rounded elements.  As your piece has lots of triangles, you need more care.  It is an additional level of difficulty.  So I add another 3mm to my “scheduling thickness” to accommodate the angular aspect of the piece, making a total of 30mm for putting the two fused pieces together. 

This thickness leads me to propose a relatively complicated schedule.  I suggest 70⁰C/hr to 250⁰C, 100⁰C/hr to 540, 120⁰C/hr to 620 and then 150⁰C/hr to top temperature.  The top temperature will be lower than your normal tack fuse temperature because this is a much slower rate of advance than normal.  This in turn, means that you will want to be checking at intervals on the tack fuse progress from at least 720⁰C.

The annealing will be long and slow. About 5 hours at 482⁰C, 11⁰C/hr to 427⁰C, 20⁰C /hr to 370⁰C and 65⁰C /hr to 30⁰C. This will be a schedule of about 35+ hours.

The two sources mentioned earlier give the rationale for this kind of schedule.  Think about the considerations I have listed, and then decide whether I am being too cautious or not.  The principle remains - as you increase the risk factors, you
·         slow down rates of advance and cooling rates, and
·         extend soak times.

You should note that I have used Graham Stone’s Firing Schedules for Glass, the Kiln Companion and the Bullseye chart for Annealing Thick Slabs in preparing the proposed schedule, although you will not find this exact schedule in either of them.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Relieving Stress at Corners

The most frequent locations of high stress in a piece is at corners or points.  The stress seems to be concentrated there and thus they become the most vulnerable parts of the piece.

Although the above image is of a plastic drawing triangle, it illustrates the point. The stresses are concentrated at the points and right angles whether inside or at the edge. The rainbow effect of some of the stress points show that those are the location of extreme stress.  If you see any of that in your glass, you need to check for compatibility and certainly anneal it again more slowly if it is compatible.  Remember though: slow annealing of incompatible glass will not enable incompatible glasses to fit together and become compatible.

Of course, the main thing that we do is to ensure the anneal is adequate to reduce the stress at these points.  It is important in a piece that has points, right angles and other abrupt changes in angle that you are more conservative in your annealing soak and cool. 

Further, if you are tack fusing, the stresses will be greater than on a full fuse. This is because the pieces of glass are not fully incorporated and tend to expand and contract independently of each other and of the main piece.  Also, the lower glass is shaded from the heat by the upper pieces on heat up. On cool down, the lower glass looses heat more slowly.  These two main effects, although there are others, require that the annealing is done much more slowly - two to four times more slowly than a piece of the same thickness.

One simple means of reducing stress before the start of the fusing process is to nip the corners off.  And slightly round the internal angles.  This requires only a very small piece to be taken from the corner or point to reduce the stress in the final piece. This is particularly important in tack fusing projects.

This nipping of the corners also removes the frequentl sharp points that some right and more acute angles develop during the cool down.  Glass, even of 6mm and more expands with the heat of the fusing.  As it cools toward the annealing temperature, it contracts.  The glass at the corners has to contract further than the edges, and so leaves a sharp point where it was unable to fully round. Removing only a small piece of glass from the corner removes enough mass to counteract this effect of contraction.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Scheduling Relates to the Piece

My piece cracked, but I've always used this schedule and it has worked.

One schedule is not for all pieces. A number of factors affect the scheduling of a firing.  Some of them are:


  • The thicker the stack of glass, the slower the advance and anneal should be. 
  •  The more layers of glass there are, the slower the rate of advance should be. 
  •  The more uneven the thickness, the slower the temperature changes should be.


  • Glass with right angles or even more acute angles needs slower schedules than round or oval shapes.  

Degree of fuse

Contrasting colours

  • Pieces with strongly contrasting colours of glass need slowing in heating and annealing.


  • To some extent the increased size will need some slowing of the schedule. Size becomes more important as you near the edge of the shelf or nearer to the sides of the kiln. Jewellery scale items can have an accelerated schedule.  

Mould base

  • The size and shape of the mould will affect the speed and temperature of the scheduling.         
  • The type and style of mould affect the schedule.  Drapes and especially over steel moulds require slower schedules. 

Position in the kiln

  • The closer the glass is to the elements whether top or side, the slower the schedule must be.
  • The less central on the shelf, the more care must be taken in scheduling.  

  • A kiln constructed for ceramics needs different scheduling considerations than one for fusing.  
  • A kiln with side elements needs more careful firing than one with only top elements.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Representing Acute Angles in Leaded Glass

False lines are used in leaded glass where the design calls for an angle that cannot be cut into the glass. This includes right angles and even more acute angles. E.g., the petals of a fuschia flower. The design would call for an angle of about 60 degrees. This is impossible to achieve through cutting. So the glass is cut in a curve and the cames on the side and bottom of the petal have their hearts cut out so they overlap each other. The overlap is then trimmed to the shape of the outside of the petal. When soldered, the appearance is of the glass being cut at the angle required for the flower.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Cartooning for Acute Angles

When you are designing panels, you can prevent some leading difficulties. If you have shapes that join at acute angles, you can alter the design to make the leading simpler.

Say you have two balls touching. You can design the panel so the cut lines intersect or touch each other. This makes for extremely acute angles in the cutting of the cames. Two balls touching in the presentation drawing will not look the same if leaded that way.  So if you make the edges of the balls just a few millimetres separate, the cames will pass each other, just touching, and so have the appearance of the presentation drawing, rather than the appearance of overlapping.

You separate the lines by the thickness of the came you will be using for that area. If you are using 6mm came, the cut lines should be just less than that distance apart. This will allow the cames to go around each shape and the flanges of the came will just overlap. This makes for quick leading and a clean appearance.