Showing posts with label Annealing point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annealing point. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Slumping and Annealing bottles

"Can a tack fuse schedule for fusing glass can be used to slump bottles?"

It may be that this person does not have the confidence to write a new schedule.  They may wish to use an existing schedule for another purpose. The short answer is “Although a Bullseye or Oceanside tack fuse temperature will be high enough to slump bottles, they are not suitable for annealing”.  There are reasons for this. 

The softening point of float glass, which is similar to bottle glass, is 720ºC/1330ºF.  Slumping would normally be done at about 20ºC/36ºF above this. You also need a slumping hold at this temperature much longer than a tack fuse schedule would use.

if you use a tack fuse schedule for a fusing glass, your annealing will be inadequate. Bottle and float glass tend to have an annealing point of around 540ºC/1005ºF. An annealing for fusing glass will be between 515ºC/960ºF and 482ºC/900ºF.  This is likely to be too low an annealing point for bottles.  Also, the annealing soak is likely to be too short. Slumped bottles are very thick at the base where it folds over the cylinder of the bottle.  This requires a longer anneal soak and slower cool than a schedule for a tack fuse of fusing glass.

Checking for stress in the completed work is normal.  It is essential for your finished bottle if you use a tack fuse to fire it.


Schedules should be devised for the glass and layup of each piece. Transferring a schedule for fusing to bottle glass is unlikely to be successful.

Wednesday 13 March 2024

Heat Up vs Annealing

I am amazed by the effort put into ramp up rates, bubble squeezes, and top temperatures in comparison to annealing.  The emphasis on social media groups seems to be to get the right ramp rates for tack fuses and slumps, bubble squeezes, etc.  Most of the attention is on the way up to processing temperature.

The treatment of annealing and cooling is almost cavalier by comparison.  The attention seems to be on what temperature, and how long a soak is needed.  Then some arbitrary rate is used to cool to 370ºC/700ºF.

Annealing, in comparison to firing to top temperature, is both more complex and more vital to getting sound, lasting projects completed.  Skimping on annealing is an unsound practice leading to a lot of post-firing difficulties.

Annealing is more than a temperature and a time.  It is also the cooling to avoid inducing temporary stress. That stress during cooling can be large enough to break the glass.  This temporary stress is due to expansion differentials within the glass.

People often cite the saving of electricity as the reason for turning off at 370ºC/700ºF.  My response is that if the kiln is cooling off slower than the rate set, there will be no electricity used.  No electricity demands.  No controller intervention.  No relay operation.

Annealing at the lower end of the range with a three-stage cooling provides good results.  The results of Bullseye research on annealing are shown in their chart for annealing thick items.  It applies to glass 6mm and much larger.  It results from a recommendation to anneal at the lower end of the annealing range to get good anneals.  Other industrial research shows annealing in the lower end gives denser glass, and by implication, more robust glass.  Wissmach have accepted the results of Bullseye research and now recommend 482ºC/900ºF as the annealing temperature for their W96.  The annealing point of course remains at 516ºC/960ºF.

Bullseye research goes on to show that a progressive cooling gives the best results.  They recommend a three-stage cooling process.  The first is for the initial 55ºC/º100F below the annealing temperature, a second 55ºC/100ºF cooling and a final cooling to room temperature.

It is a good practice to schedule all three cooling rates.  It may be considered unnecessary because your kiln cools slower than the chart indicates.  Well, that is fine until you get into tack and contour fusing.  Then you will need the three-stage cooling process as you will be annealing for thicknesses up to 2.5 times actual height.


Of course, you can find out all the reasons for careful annealing in my book "Annealing; concepts, principles, practice" Available from Bullseye at

Or on Etsy in the VerrierStudio shop

Wednesday 27 December 2023

Scheduling with the Bullseye Annealing Chart

This post is about adapting the Bullseye chart Annealing Thick Slabs to write a schedule for any soda lime glass as used in kilnforming.

I frequently recommend that people should use the Bullseye chart for Annealing Thick Slabs in Celsius  and Fahrenheit.  This chart applies to glass from 6mm to 200mm (0.25” to 8”).

“Why should the Bullseye annealing chart be used instead of some other source?  I don’t use Bullseye.”

My answer is that the information in the chart is the most thoroughly researched set of tables for fusing compatible glass that is currently available.  This means that the soak times and rates for the thicknesses can be relied upon.

“How can it be used for glass other than Bullseye?”  

The rates and times given in the chart work for any soda lime glass, even float. It is only some of the temperatures that need to be changed.

"How do I do that?"  

My usual response is: substitute the annealing temperature for your glass into the one given in the Bullseye table.

 "It’s only half a schedule."

That is so.  The heating of glass is so dependent on layup, size, style, process, and purpose of the piece.  This makes it exceedingly difficult to suggest a generally applicable firing schedule.  People find this out after using already set schedules for a while. What works for one layup does not for another.

Devising a Schedule for the Heat Up

There is no recommendation from the chart on heat up.  You have to write your own schedule for the first ramps.  I can give some general advice on some of the things you need to be aware of while composing your schedule.

The essential element to note is that the Bullseye chart is based on evenly thick pieces of glass.  Tack fusing different thicknesses of glass across the piece, requires more caution. The practical process is to fire as for thicker pieces.  The amount of additional thickness is determined by the profile being used.  The calculation for addition depends on the final profile.  The calculation for thickness is as follows:

  • Contour fusing - multiply the thickest part by 1.5. 
  • Tack fusing - multiply the thickest part by 2. 
  • Sharp tack or sinter - multiply the thickest part by 2.5.

The end cooling rate for the appropriate thickness is a guide for the first ramp rate of your schedule.  For example, the final rate for an evenly thick piece 19mm/0.75” is 150ºC/270ºF.  This could be used as the rate for the first ramp. 

Bob Leatherbarrow has noted that most breaks occur below 260ºC/500ºF.  If there are multiple concerns, more caution can be used for the starting ramp rate.  My testing shows that using a rate of two thirds the final rate of cooling with a 20 minute soak is cautious.  In this example of a 19mm piece it would be 100ºC/180ºF per hour.

Even though for thinner pieces the rates given are much faster, be careful.  It is not advisable to raise the temperature faster than 330ºC/600ºF per hour to care for both the glass and the kiln shelf.

Once the soak at 260ºC//500ºF is finished, the ramp to the bubble squeeze should maintain the previous rate.  It should not be speeded up.  The glass is still in the brittle phase.

After the bubble squeeze you can use a ramp rate to the top temperature of up to 330C/600F.   AFAP rates to top temperature are not advisable.  It is difficult to maintain control of the overshoots in temperature that are created by rapid rates.  

The top temperature should be such as to achieve the result in 10 minutes to avoid problems that can occur with extended soaks at top temperature.

In the example of an evenly thick 19mm/0.75” piece a heat up full fuse schedule like this could be used:

  • 150ºC/270ºF to 566ºC/1052ºF for 0 minutes
  • 50C/90F to 643C/1191F for 30 minutes
  • 333ºC/600ºF to 804ºC/1479ºF for 10 minutes


If a more cautious approach to the heat up is desired, this might be the kind of schedule used:


  • 100ºC/180ºF to 260ºC/500ºF for 20 minutes
  • 100ºC/180ºF to 566ºC/1052ºF for 0 minutes
  • 50C/90F to 643ºC/1191ºF for 30 minutes
  • 333ºC/600ºF to 804ºC/1479ºF for 10 minutes

This approach is applicable to all fusing glasses.


Adapting the Bullseye Annealing Chart

After writing the first part of the schedule, you can continue to apply the annealing information from the Bullseye chart.  The first part of the anneal cooling starts with dropping the temperature as fast as possible to the annealing temperature.

The method for making the chart applicable to the annealing is a matter of substitution of the temperature.  All the other temperatures and rates apply to all fusing glasses.

Use the annealing temperature from your source as the target annealing  temperature in place of the Bullseye one.  The annealing soak times are important to equalise the temperature within the glass to an acceptable level (ΔT=5ºC).  The annealing soak time is related to the calculated thickness of the piece.  This measurement is done in the same way as devising the appropriate rate for heat up. 

Applying the Cooing Rates

Then apply the rates and temperatures as given in the chart.  The three stage cooling is important.  The gradually increasing rates keep the temperature differentials within acceptable bounds with the most rapid and safe rates.

The temperatures and rates remain the same for all soda lime glasses – the range of glass currently used in fusing, including float glass.  The soak time for the calculated thickness of your glass piece will be the same as in the Bullseye chart.  

This means that the first cooling stage will be to 427ºC/800ºF.  The second stage will be from 427ºC/800ºF to 371ºC/700˚F.  And the final stage will be from 371ºC/700˚F to room temperature.

I will repeat, because it is so important, that the thickness to be used for the anneal soak and cooling rates for your schedule relates to the profile you desire.  A fuse with even thickness across the whole piece can use the times, temperatures, and rates as given in the chart as adapted for your glass.  The thicknesses to use are for:

Contour fusing - multiply the thickest part by 1.5. 

Tack fusing - multiply the thickest part by 2. 

Sharp tack or sinter - multiply the thickest part by 2.5.

An annealing cool schedule for 19mm/0.75" Oceanside glass is like this:

  • AFAP to 510˚C/ 951˚F for 3:00 hours
  • 25˚C/45˚F to 427˚C/800˚F for 0 time
  • 45˚C/81˚F to 371˚C/700˚F for 0 time
  • 150˚C/270˚F to room temperature, off.

Many will wish to turn off the kiln as early as possible.  This is not part of best kilnforming practice.  If you still wish to do this, the turn off temperature must be related to the thickness and nature of the piece.  To turn off safely, you need to know the cooling characteristics of your kiln.  This can be determined by observing the temperature against time and then calculating the kiln’s natural cooling rateAnd then applying that information to cooling the kiln.


The best source for devising schedules is the Bullseye chart for Annealing Thick Slabs.  It is well researched and is applicable with little work to develop appropriate schedules for all the fusing glasses currently in use.



Wednesday 14 December 2022

Scientific Notes on Annealing

 The course from which this information is taken is based on float glass.  This is a soda lime glass just as fusing glass is.  The general observations – although not the temperatures – can be applied to fusing glasses.  This is a paraphrase of the course. It relates these observations to kilnforming.  The course is IMI-NFG Course on Processing in Glass, by Mathieu Hubert, PhD. 2015 


Viscosity vs. Temperature for a borosilicate glass
Graph credit: Schott

Viscosity Influence on Annealing

 Viscosity increases with reduction in temperature.  So high viscosity (low temps) cannot release stress; low viscosity (high temperature) cannot maintain shape – it will deform.  The range of viscosity is small.  The viscosity must not be so high that the stress cannot be relieved, nor must it be so low that the glass is unable to retain its shape. (p.6).  This indicates there is an inverse relationship between temperature and viscosity.  This is something we experience each time we fire. 

 The mathematical definition for strain point - high viscosity - is 1014.5 Poise.   And the annealing point as 1013.4 Poise, where if the glass is all the same temperature, the stress can be relieved in about 15 minutes.  (p.7-8)  

 As kilnformers we talk of the annealing range in terms of temperature, because that is what we can measure. The annealing occurs within a small range of viscosity. This has a relation to temperature that is not the same for all glass compositions. 

 The definition of the annealing as the range of viscosity at which annealing can occur is important.  

 First, the viscosity value remains the same over many types and styles of glass.  The temperature required to achieve that viscosity varies, leading to different annealing temperatures for different glass. 

 Second, there is a range of viscosity - and therefore temperature - during which annealing can occur.  The annealing point is 1013.4 Poise, at which viscosity the stresses in glass can most quickly be relieved (generally within 15 minutes for 3mm glass).  However, the stress can be relieved at greater viscosities up to almost the strain point - 1014.5 Poise. (p.8).  At higher temperatures, the glass becomes more flexible and cannot relieve stress.  At lower temperatures (beyond a certain point) it becomes so stiff that stress cannot be relieved.  Again, those temperatures are determined by the viscosity of the glass.


Annealing Soaks

 Annealing can take place at different points within the range.  Bullseye chose some years ago to recommend annealing at a higher viscosity, i.e., a lower temperature.  This has also been applied by Wissmach in their documentation although initially the published annealing point was almost 30°C higher. 

 The closer to the strain point that annealing is conducted, the longer it will take to relieve the stress.  Annealing at the strain point is possible, but it is impractical.  Apparently, it would take at least 15 hours for a 6mm thick piece (p.8). 

 However, the trade off in annealing a few degrees above the strain point – requiring longer annealing soaks – is reducing the amount of time required by the annealing cool, especially for thicker or more difficult items.

 A further advantage to annealing at lower temperatures and slower rates is that it results in a denser glass – one with lower volume (p.3). Arguably, a denser glass is a stronger one.


Annealing Cool

 After annealing, the glass should be cooled slowly and uniformly to avoid formation of internal stresses due to temperature differentials within the glass.  Stresses that are unrelieved above the strain point are permanent.  Stresses induced during cooling below the strain point are temporary, unless they are too great.  To avoid permanent stress, the cooling should be slow between anneal soak and strain point (p.9).  Although glass can be cooled more quickly below the strain point, care must be taken that the temperature differentials within the glass are not so great as to cause breaks due to uneven contraction.

 Annealing cool factors for flat pieces are about three times that for cylinders and five times that for spheres (p.26). Or the other way around – spheres can be annealed in one fifth the time, and cylinders in one third of the time as flat glass of the same volume.   This indicates how much more difficult it is to anneal in kilnforming than in glass blowing.

 The industrial cooling rate for float glass of 4mm is 6 times the rate for 10mm although only 2.5 times the difference in thickness (p.27). This indicates that the thicker the glass, the slower the rate of cooling should be.  But also, that there is not a linear correlation between cooling rate and thickness.

 Glass with no stress has a uniform refractive index.  Stresses produce differences in the refractive index which are shown up by the use of polarised light filters.

Source: IMI-NFG Course on Processing in Glass, by Mathieu Hubert, PhD. 2015 (available online

Tuesday 7 June 2022

The Annealing Range Concept

There is a lot written about the annealing temperature of a glass being at a single exact temperature. This is another fundamental misunderstanding of the concept - much like CoE meaning compatibility.

The annealing point is mathematically defined as the temperature at which a glass reaches a particular viscosity. This is the temperature at which stress can most quickly be relieved. It is denoted as Tg. Each glass has its own Tg according to colour and composition. The manufacturer recommends a good average Tg for their glass. The first section of this blog post gives a description of the glass transition point

A description of the physical changes that occur during annealing

An informal discussion of the limiting factors on the annealing range is given in this blog. 

A description of the effects of attempting to anneal at the upper part of the annealing range

A description of why annealing at higher temperatures is counter productive

Bullseye used to publish three different annealing temperatures for transparent, opalescent, and gold bearing colours and gave an average of these to be the annealing temperature. This was before they began conducting research on annealing of thick slabs. As a result, they were able to determine annealing in the lower portion of the range produces good anneals with reductions in time spent in cooling.

A description of the annealing range and the advantages of low temperature annealing is given in this blog post. 

Although written to counter the mistaken view that CoE can determine the annealing temperature, this blog indicates that the annealing temperature is a choice within a range of temperatures. It also connects annealing soaks with cooling rates. 

The general point is that the annealing soak can occur at any point between the softening point at the top and the strain point at the low part of the temperature range. There are good reasons to avoid annealing above the annealing point (Tg). There are also good reasons to anneal near the strain point of the glass – saving time, electricity, and producing a denser glass. Annealing is critical, but the temperature at which you do it is less so.


All this has provoked me. There is so much more to say. So, I have begun a writing an eBook on Annealing – Concepts, Principles and Practice.  In the meantime, more information is given in the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming

Friday 31 December 2021

Annealing Range

NOTE: completely revised 31 December 2021

After Bullseye published annealing tables for thick slabs, some people feel they need to use the lower part of the annealing range for all their glass. To determine whether or when to use these tables needs some understanding of the annealing range.

The annealing range of a glass is approximately 40ºC/72ºF on either side of the annealing point, but for practical kiln forming purposes it is normally taken as 33ºC/60ºF. The annealing point is around 510ºC/950ºF for System 96; 516ºC/962ºF for Bullseye and Uroboros for example. The range for a fusing glass will be around 549ºC to 477ºC/1020ºF to 890ºF for fusing glasses. Although the upper half of that range is merely theoretical. The lower end of the range is the strain point.

The annealing soak is to equalise the temperature throughout the glass to within 5ºC. Once the annealing soak is complete, the first stage of cooling begins. This first 55ºC/100ºF below the annealing soak is essential to the adequate annealing of the glass.  And this illustrates the impracticality of annealing in the upper part of the range.  The first cool rate needs to be maintained to at least 55ºC/100ºF below the low end of the annealing range.

To exemplify this. It would be possible to start the annealing at about 550ºC/1020ºF for any of these glasses. But the slow rate of decline in temperature, following the equalisation soak, would need to be maintained for the whole range of 550ºC/1020ºF to 429ºC/805ºF, rather than just the 55ºC/100ºF from the anneal soak point. This would more than double the annealing cool time. This high temperature anneal is a much slower process, which – together with the more rapid relief of stress at the annealing point – is why the top of the range is never used for the temperature equalisation point. It is also why the Spectrum 96 soak above the annealing point was not essential.

The annealing point is the temperature at which, if all the glass is at the same temperature, the most rapid cooling can take place. To achieve that equalisation temperature (+ or – 5ºC throughout), the glass needs to be soaked at the annealing point for varying lenghts of time relating to thickness and other variables. To complete the anneal and keep the glass within that tight range of temperature, the anneal cool needs to be continued at a steady slow rate.

Lower part of annealing range
Bullseye now recommends the use of 482ºC/900ºF for  the temperature equalisation soak, but have increased the soak time from 30 minutes to one hour. Choosing to start the annealing process at the lower part of the annealing range speeds the process for thick slabs and is very conservative for thinner glass. Bullseye have not changed the composition of their glass so the anything annealed at 516ºC/960ºF for things 6mm/0.25" or less is still properly annealed.

Using the bottom end of the annealing range for thick items, means there are a fewer number of degrees of very slow cooling to the strain point. But this lower soak, or temperature equalisation point, requires a longer soak to equalise the temperature within the glass before the slow steady decline in temperature to maintain the temperature differentials within the glass to less than 5ºC.

Bullseye have found that using a temperature a bit above the bottom end – 482ºC/900ºF – with a long soak reduces the total time in the kiln, but continues to give a good anneal. In the case of Bullseye, 461ºC/863ºF is the bottom end of the annealing range according to the calculations indicated above. 

Thursday 25 November 2021

Strain Points

A critical range is the temperature around the annealing point. The upper and lower limits of this range are known as the softening and strain points. The higher one is the point at which glass begins to bend.  It is also the highest temperature at which annealing can begin. The lower one is the lowest point at which annealing can be done. Soaking at any lower temperature will not anneal the glass at all. This temperature range is a little arbitrary, but it is generally considered to be 55C above and below the annealing point. The ideal point to anneal is thought to be at the annealing temperature, as annealing occurs most rapidly at this temperature.

Annealing Range

However, glass kiln pyrometers are not accurate in recording the temperature within the glass, only the air temperature within the kiln. The glass on the way down in temperature is hotter than the recorded kiln atmosphere temperature. A soak within the annealing range is required to ensure the glass temperature is equalised. If you do a soak at 515°C for example, the glass is actually hotter, and is cooling and equalising throughout to 515°C during the soak. The slow cool to below the lower strain point constitutes the annealing, the soak at the annealing point is to ensure that the glass is at the same temperature throughout, before  the annealing cool begins.

Strain Point and Below

No further annealing will take place below the strain point. If you do not anneal properly, the glass will break either in the kiln or later no matter how carefully you cool the glass after annealing.

It is still possible to give the glass a thermal shock at temperatures below the lower strain point, so care needs to be taken.  The cool below the anneal soak needs to be at a slow controlled rate that is related to the length of the required anneal soak. Too great a differential in contraction rates within the glass can cause what are most often referred to as thermal shock.  The control of the cooling rate reduces the chance of these breaks.

Softening Point

The glass is brittle below the softening point temperature, although it is less and less likely to be subject to thermal shock as it nears the softening point.  It is after the softening point on the increase in temperature that you can advance the temperature rapidly without breaking the glass.  So, if you have a glass that gives its annealing temperature as 515C, you can safely advance the temperature quickly after 570C (being 55C above the annealing point).

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Digest of Principles for kiln forming

Some time ago people on a Facebook group were asked to give their top tips for kiln forming.  Looking through them showed a lot of detailed suggestions, but nothing which indicated that understanding the principles of fusing would be of high importance.  This digest is an attempt to remind people of the principles of kiln forming.

Understanding the principles and concepts of kilnforming assists with thinking about how to achieve your vision of the piece.  It helps with thinking about why failures have occurred.

Physical properties affecting kiln work

Heat is not just temperature. It includes time and speed.

 Time
       The time it takes to get to working temperatures is important.  The length of soaks is significant in producing the desired results.

 Gravity
       Gravity affects all kiln work.  The glass will move toward the lowest points, requiring level surfaces, and works to form glass to moulds.

 Viscosity
       Viscosity works toward an equilibrium thickness of glass. It varies according to temperature.

 Expansion
       As with all materials, glass changes dimensions with the input of heat.  Different compositions of glass expand at different rates from one another, and with increases in temperature.

       Glass is constantly tending toward crystallisation. Kiln working attempts to maintain the amorphous nature of the molecules.

 Glass Properties
·        Glass is mechanically strong,
·        it is hard, but partially elastic,
·        resistant to chemicals and corrosion,
·        it is resistant to thermal shock except within defined limits,
·        it absorbs and retains heat,
·        has well recognised optical properties, and
·        it is an electrical insulator. 

These properties can be used to our favour when kiln working, although they are often seen as limitations.

Concepts of Kiln Forming
Heat work
       Heat woris a combination of temperature and the time taken to reach the temperature.

 Volume control
       The viscosity of glass at fusing temperatures tends to equalise the glass thickness at 6-7mm. 

 Compatibility
       Balancing the major forces of expansion and viscosity creates glass which will combine with colours in its range without significant stress in the cooled piece.

 Annealing
       Annealing is the process of relieving the stresses within the glass to maintain an amorphous solid which has the characteristics we associate with glass.

 Degree of forming
       The degree of forming is determined by viscosity, heat work and gravity.  These determine the common levels of sintering, tack, contour, and full fusing, as well as casting and melting.

 Separators
       Once glass reaches its softening point, it sticks to almost everything.  Separators between glass and supporting surfaces are required.

 Supporting materials
       These are of a wide variety and often called kiln furniture.  They include posts, dams, moulds, and other materials to shape the glass during kilnforming.

 Inclusions
       Inclusions are non-glass materials that can be encased within the glass without causing excessive stress.  They can be organic, metallic or mineral. They are most often successful when thin, soft or flexible.

A full description of these principles can be found in the publication Principles for Kilnforming

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Observations on Some Suggestions about Annealing

There are writings from a teacher attempting to make glass fusing simple.  Unfortunately, glass physics and chemistry are very complicated.  Attempting to avoid these complications leads to failures and other difficulties as the practitioner progresses. 

Proper annealing is one of the fundamentals to achieving sound kilnforming results.  Some suggestions have been made by a widely followed person to “simplify” the understanding of the annealing process.  Discussion of the meaning and importance of annealing can be found in many places, including here.  

Annealing temperatures
It has been suggested that the annealing temperatures can be inferred from the CoE of the glass that is being used. Discussion of what CoE is and is not can be found here and here.

Annealing temperatures are not directly related to the expansion coefficient (CoE) of the glass.  This can be shown from the published annealing temperatures for different glasses organised by presumed CoE:
·        “CoE96”: Wisssmach 96 - anneal at 482°C;  Oceanside - anneal at 515°C
·        “COE94”: Artista - anneal at 535°C
·        “CoE 93”: Kokomo - anneal between 507°C and 477°C – average 492°C
·        “CoE 90”: Bullseye - anneal at 482°C; Wissmach90 - anneal at 482°C; Uroboros FX90 - anneal at 525°C
·        “CoE 83”:
o   Pilkington (UK) float - anneal at 540°C;
o   typical USA float - anneal at 548°C;
o   Typical Australian float - anneal between 505°C and 525°C, average 515°C

This shows there is no direct relationship between CoE and annealing temperature.  Do not be tempted to use a CoE number to indicate an annealing temperature.  Go to the manufacturer’s web site to get the correct information.

Temperature equalisation soak
Annealing for any glass can occur over a range of temperatures.  The annealing point is the temperature at which the glass can most quickly be annealed.  However, the glass cannot be annealed if it is not all at the same temperature throughout the substance of the glass.  It has been shown through research done at the Bullseye Glass Company that a temperature difference of more than 5°C will leave stress within the glass piece. To ensure good annealing, adequate time must be given to the temperature equalisation process (annealing). 

From the Bullseye research the following times are required for an adequate anneal soak:
6mm /   1/4"            60 minutes
[9mm /  3/8"           90 minutes]
12mm  / 1/2"          120 minutes
[15mm  /   5/8"       150 minutes]
19mm   / 3/4"         180 minutes

[ ] = interpolated from the Bullseye chart for annealing thick slabs

Anneal Cooling
There are suggestions that a “second anneal” can be used on important pieces.  Other than observing that all pieces are important to the maker, the suggestion should be investigated.  On looking into the idea, it is essentially a second soak at 425°C, which is slightly below the strain point, rather than controlled cool from the anneal soak temperature.

It is reported that the Corning Museum of Glass considers 450°C as the lower strain point – the temperature below which no further relief of strain is possible.  This means that any secondary soak must occur above 450°C rather than the suggested 425°C. Such a soak is unnecessary if the appropriate cooling rates are used. 

Cooling Rate
Except in special circumstances, the cooling rate needs to be controlled as part of the annealing process.  Soaking the glass at the anneal is not the completion of the annealing.  Most practitioners follow the practice of choosing a slow rate of cooling from the annealing soak to some point below the strain point rather than a rapid one with a soak at the strain point temperature.

Annealing is not just the soak time (which is there to equalise the temperature), it is about the rate of the annealing cool too. The rate at which you cool is dependent on the thickness of the glass piece and whether it is all of one thickness or of variable thicknesses.

Even thickness
                                         Cooling rate
Dimension      time (mins)     1st 55°C   2nd 55°C
6mm              60                 83°C       150°C
9mm              90                 69°C       125°C
12mm            120                55°C       99°C
15mm            150                37°C       63°C
19mm            180                25°C       27°C

The “first 55°C” and the “second 55°C” refer to the temperature range below the chosen annealing temperature.  So, if you choose to anneal at 515°C, the “first 55°C” is from 515°C to 460°C and the “second 55°C is from 460°C to 405°C.  If you choose 482°C as the annealing temperature, the “first 55°C” is from 482°C to 427°C and the “second 55°C from 427°C to 372°C.

Tack fused/ uneven thickness
If your piece is tack fused, you need to treat the annealing rate and soak as though it were twice the actual total thickness. This gives the following times and rates:

Tack fused
Dimension (mm)                                Cooling rate
Actual     Calculated       time (mins)     1st 55°C   2nd 55°C
6            12                 120                55°C       99°C
9            18                 150                37°C       63°C
12          25                 180                25°C       27°C
15          30                 300                37°C       63°C
18          38                 360                7°C         12°C

Contour fusing required firing as though the piece were 1.5 times thicker.  Sharp tack or laminating requires 2.5 times the the actual thickness.

Fusing on the floor of the kiln
There is a further possible complication if you are doing your fusing on the kiln floor, or a shelf resting on the floor of the kiln.  In this case you need to use the times and rates for glass that is at least 3mm thicker than the piece actually is. 

Thus, a flat 6mm piece on a shelf on the floor would use the times and rates for 9mm: anneal soak for 90 minutes, anneal cool at 69°C to 427°C and then at 124°C to 371°C.  It would be safest if you continued to control the cooling to room temperature at no more than 400°C per hour.

But if it were a tack fused piece of a total of 6mm you would use the times and rates for 18mm.  This is using the rates for twice the total thickness plus the additional 3mm for being on the base of the kiln.  This gives the times and rates as being an anneal soak of 360 minutes and cooling rates of 7°C to 427°C and 12°C to 370, followed by 40°C per hour to room temperature.  Any quicker rates should be tested for residual stress before use.

Source for the annealing and cooling of fused glass
These times and rates are based on the table derived from Bullseye research, which is published and available on the Bullseye site.   It is applicable to all fusing glass with adjustments for differing annealing soak temperatures.

Annealing over multiple firings
It has been recommended by this widely followed person that the annealing soak should be extended each time subsequent to the first firing.  I am uncertain about the reasoning behind this suggestion. But the reasons for discounting it are related to adequate annealing and what is done between firings.

If the annealing is adequate for the first firing, it will be adequate for subsequent firings unless you have made significant alterations to the piece.  If you have added another layer to a full fused piece, for example and are using a tack fuse, you will need to anneal for longer, because the style and thickness have been altered.  Not because it is a second firing.  If you are slumping a fired piece, the annealing does not need to be any different than the original firing.

The only time the annealing needs to be altered is when you have significantly changed the thickness of the piece, or the style of fusing (mainly tacking additional items to the full fused piece).  This is when you need to look at the schedules you are planning to use to ensure your heat up is slow enough, that your annealing soak is long enough, and the cool slow enough for the altered conditions.

Determining the annealing point of unknown glass
You don’t have to guess at the annealing temperature for an unknown glass.  You can test for it.  It is known as the slump point test.

This test gives the softening point of the glass and from that the annealing point can be calculated.  This test removes the guess work from choosing a temperature at which to perform the anneal soak. The anneal temperature is important to the result of the firing.  This alone makes this test to give certainty about the annealing temperature worthwhile.

You can anneal soak at the calculated temperature, or at 30°C below it to reduce the anneal cool time.  This is because the annealing can occur over a range of temperatures.  The annealing occurs slowly at the top and bottom of the range. But is at least risk of "fixing in" the stress of an uneven distribution of temperature during the cool when the annealing is done at the lower end of the range.

Do not be fooled into thinking that CoE determines annealing temperatures.  Use published tables, especially the Bullseye table Annealing for Thick Slabs to determine soak times and cooling rates.  Use the standard test for determining the softening and annealing points of unknown glasses.

Further information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kiln Forming.