Showing posts with label Heat work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heat work. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Time and Temperature


Credit: Shutterstock

“What are the pros and cons on turning up the max temperature slightly Vs. a longer hold time”? Lea Madsen

This is a difficult question to answer, because there are variables such as

the temperature range,

the ramp rates, and soaks,

the forces acting upon the glass at a given temperature, 

the process,

the desired outcome of the firing,


When talking about temperature vs. time, it is heat work that we are considering.  In many processes time and temperature are interchangeable, although the temperature range is important too.  This is a brief discussion of heat work in various processes.


Slumping temperature is generally in the range of 620˚C-680˚C/1150˚F -1255˚F *, which is below the devitrification range.  This allows the exchange of time for temperature without risk, allowing more time rather than more temperature.  Higher temperatures cause more marking from the mould since the bottom of the glass is softer than at lower ones.  Lower temperatures give higher viscosity, so the glass is stiffer, resisting marks.

Low temperature fuses

Sharp tack fusing, freeze and fuse, some pate de verre processes, and sintering occur in the 650˚C -720˚C /1150˚F - 1320˚F range, risking devitrification only at the upper end of this range.  Extending the time rather than the temperature is important to maintain detail in these processes.  Higher temperatures will smooth the surface, risking loss of detail.  

Rounded tack processes (720˚C – 760˚C /1320˚F - 1400˚F)

These are within the devitrification range making the choice between time and temperature a balance of risks.  In my experience, it takes about an hour for visible devitrification to develop.  This means that you can extend the time, if the total time between the end of the bubble squeeze and the working temperature, including the hold time, is less than an hour.  It has the advantage of a more secure attachment between the pieces of glass, without altering the surface much. 

But if extending the soak time increases the time in the devitrification zone to be more than an hour, it is advisable to increase the temperature, rather than time.  Devitrification develops in the presence of air, so reducing the time in that range reduces the risk of devitrification developing.  The glass is moving during rapid ramp rates, reducing the chance of devitrification.


This includes drapes, and other free forming processes.  Kilnformers will be observing the progress of these firings, making it easier to balance temperature and time.  There are already long holds scheduled for the processes, so it is a matter of getting the right temperature.  If, after half an hour at the scheduled top temperature, the glass has not moved much, it is time to increase the temperature by, say 10˚C/18˚F and observe after another half hour, repeating the temperature increase if necessary.   Be aware of thinning the glass at the shoulder by setting a high temperature.  Free drops may take as much as 6 – 8 hours, so patience and observation are important to get good results.

Full fuse

At full fuse try to get the work done in 10 minutes to avoid complications with devitrification.  So, increasing the temperature rather than the length of the soak seems best.


Whether frit stretching, making pattern bars, pressing, etc., low viscosity is important.  Viscosity is closely related to temperature, so increasing the temperature is the better choice.  Increasing time without increasing temperature does not change viscosity much.


Extending time at top temperature seems best for open face casting, as the temperature is already high.  A slow ramp rate to that top temperature may make adding time unnecessary, because the heat work will be increased by the slow rise.  Experience has shown that a rate of 200˚C/360˚F is enough to avoid devitrification.  With enclosed castings devitrification is not such a risk, so time can be added without concern.



In all these processes it is advisable to observe the progress of the firing by quick peeks to determine the effective combination of temperature and time.  Also note that heat work is cumulative, making for changes in profile with repeated firings. 


* The softening point of float glass is around 720°C/1328°F, so the slumping range is about 700°C/1292° to 750°C/1382°F.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Heat Work

“Heat work” is a term applied to help understand how the glass reacts to various ways of applying of heat to the glass. In its simple form, it is the amount of heat the glass has absorbed during the kiln forming heat-up process.

There is an relationship between how heat is applied and the temperature required to achieve the wanted result.  Heat can be put into the glass quickly, but to achieve the desired result, it will need a higher temperature. If you put the heat into the glass more slowly, the reverse applies.

For example, you may be able to achieve your desired result at 816C/1500F with a 400C/hr (720F/hr) rise and 10min soak. But you can also achieve the same result by using 790C/1454F with a 250C/hr (450F/hr) rise and 10min soak. The same amount of heat has gone into the glass, as evidenced by the same result, but with different schedules. This can be important with thick glass, or with slumps where you want the minimum of mould marks. Of course, you can achieve the same results with the a rise and a longer soak at the lower temperature, e.g. a 400C/hr
 (720F/hr) to 790C with a 30 min soak, but you will have more marking and difficulty with sticking separators.

In short, this means that heat work is a combination of time and temperature.  The same effect can be achieved with: 
- fast rates of advance and high temperatures.
- slow rates of advance and low temperatures.
- long soaks at low temperatures.

You obtain greater control over the processes when firing at slower rates with lower temperatures.  There is less marking of the back of the piece.  There is less sticking of the separators to the back and so less cleanup.  There is less needling with the lower temperature.  More information on heat work is here.

The adage “slow and low” comes from this concept of heat work. The best results come from lower temperature processing, rather than fast processing of the kiln forming.

More information is available in the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming available from Bullseye and Etsy.

Revised 1.1.25

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Deep Slumps with Bubbles


Photo Credit: Rachel Meadows-Ibrahim

The main causes of the large thin bubble is most probably  too high a temperature combined with a long soak.

Elevation of the Mould

The poster indicated there are eight holes total – four on the sides and four under the glass. This means any air has an exit out from under the glass and from the inside of the mould. So, in this case it does not need to be elevated for exit of air.  In my practice l have never, except in tests, elevated my slumping moulds. I have not had failures. My experiments involved in writing the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming  showed no significant temperature differences between elevating, or not, below the mould.

Effect of Fast Rates

Slow rates to low temperatures with long soaks avoid sealing the glass to the mould. This means air can move out from under the glass during the slump. 

  • Fast rates, and elevated temperatures can restrict air movement from under the slumping glass.  
  • Fast rates and high slump temperatures can each cause uprisings because the glass slides down the mould during the soak, and that weight pushes the bottom upwards.

Temperature and Uprisings

This uprising is different from the bubble at the bottom on this piece. It is possible to see the glass bubble is thinner than the surrounding glass. As there were holes for air to escape, it seems the temperature and or speed was great enough to allow the glass to form to the mould at the bottom.  This covered the air holes and allowed the remaining air to push upwards on the glass.  A lower top temperature may have avoided this bubble formation.  Certainly, a combination of a slower rate and a lower temperature would have avoided the formation of the bubble.


Further, observation during the firing would have caught this bubble formation early enough to skip to the annealing and result in a piece with only a slight uprising, and before it became a bubble. Peeking should start at the beginning of the slumping soak and be repeated at 5 to 10 minute intervals.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Visible Devitrification

"Why does devitrification appear on slumped pieces?"

A brief explanation 

Scientific research in developing a glass matrix to support bone grafts gives some information.  This kind of glass matrix requires to be strong.  Development showed that devitrification weakens the matrix.  The crystals in a matrix are not as strong as the amorphous glassy state.  So, devitrification needs to be avoided.

The research to avoid devitrification showed that it begins at about 600˚C/1110˚F.  It only begins to become visible above 700˚C/1300˚F.  The process developed was to introduce a “foaming” agent.  The process fired slowly to 600˚C/1110 ˚F and then quickly to 830˚C/ 1530˚F.  It left a strong open matrix around which bone can grow. Although the research used float glass, it is also a soda lime glass, just as fusing glasses are.  The formation of devitrification begins at the same temperature for fusing glasses as for float.

The result of this medical research shows that devitrification begins on glass before it is visible. Devitrification is cumulative. A little becomes greater with another firing.  This is so even with good cleaning between firings. The new devitrification builds on the previous.  It does this from 600˚C/1110 ˚F.

A subsequent firing can continue this devitrification to the point where it is visible. This can happen, although the temperature at which we can see it after one firing has not been reached.  This continued devitrification at low temperatures can become great enough to be visible at the end of one or multiple slumps.

Credit: Bullseye Glass Co.

What can we do?

Clean all the glass before every firing very well.

·         Avoid mineralised water.

·         Final clean with isopropyl alcohol.

·         Polish dry at each stage with white absorbent paper.


Soak longer at lower temperatures.

·         Use longer soaks to achieve the slump.

·         Keep the temperature low.

·         Observe the progress of the firing with quick peeks.


Use slower ramp rates.

·         Slower rates enable the heat to permeate the glass.

·         Enables a lower slump temperature.


If there is any hint of devitrification after the first firing,

·      use a devitrification spray, or

·      provide a new surface.

    • o   remove the surface by abrasion on sandblasting,
    • o   cap with clear, or
    • o   cover whole surface with a thin layer of clear powder.

·      Fire to contour fuse to give a new smooth surface.

·      Clean very well and proceed to slump.

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Longer Soak or Higher Temperature?

 ‘Is it better to extend the soak or add more firing time when the firing program isn’t quite enough? What are the meanings of “soak,” “hold,” “ramp,” “working temperature” and “top temperature”?’  

Let’s start with some of the terms.

Soak” and “hold” have the same meaning in scheduling.  Schedules are made up of a series of linked segments.  Each segment contains a rate, temperature, and time.  The time is often called a “hold” in the schedules.  That time can have several effects.  It can allow enough time for a process, such as slumping, to be accomplished.

Although “soak” is entered into the schedules in the same way as a hold, it has a different concept behind it.  The hold when used as a soak allows the set temperature to permeate the whole thickness of the glass.  An example is in annealing. An annealing hold/soak is set.  This is to allow the glass to become the same temperature throughout. 

The ramp is the rate at which the controller is set to increase/decrease the temperature.  This is normally the first element in the segment.

Top” and “Working” temperature are the same thing.  It is the temperature at which the desired effect is achieved.  They have slightly different nuances.  Top temperature is normally considered as a point where the desired profile will be achieved in a few minutes.  The working temperature is also that, but includes the idea that it will take time for the effect to be achieved.

Which should you alter first – soak time or temperature?

Most important is that you alter only one at a time.  If you alter the two elements at the same time, you do not know which was the cause of the result.

In general, you lengthen the soak if the effect is not achieved at the temperature and in the time set.  There are two reasons for this.  Glass has fewer problems at lower temperatures.  Secondly, the controllers are set up in such a way that it is easy to extend the time. Check your manual for the key sequence to extend the time.  It is more difficult to alter the temperature during a firing. 

To determine if you need more time, you peek into the kiln as the kiln approaches the top temperature.  If the profile has not been achieved by the time set at your working temperature, you enter the combination of keys to keep the kiln at the top temperature until you see the effect you want.  Then enter the combination of keys to skip to the next segment.

Whether you alter time or temperature, depends on what you are doing.  Soak plus temperature equal heat work.  With heat work you can accomplish the same effect at lower temperatures.  It may be that taking more time (usually slower ramp rates) to get to the same or lower temperature, will give the results desired.

For slumping, draping and other low temperature processes extending the hold/soak is appropriate. It reduces the amount of marking that is created by the mould or surface supporting the glass.

When tack, contour, or full fusing, you should be aiming to finish the work in about 10 minutes. Soaking/holding significantly longer increases the risk of devitrification.

For high temperature processes such as pot and screen melts and some flows, increasing the temperature is probably the right thing to do, to avoid the devitrification possibilities of long holds of open face high temperature work.

These can only be guidelines.  Your instincts and experience will help you determine which is the right thing to do in the circumstances.


Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Diagnosing Slump fractures

Once you have an initial idea of the source of the problem, think about it.  Test it against the evidence.  Is there enough evidence to make a call?  Make sure you have considered alternative explanations.  It is just too easy to make a snap decision about causes in low temperature processes.  The source of breaks in slumping are most often complex and stem from interrelated factors.

I give you an example of the difficulties of diagnosing a slumping break.

On a Facebook group a person showed the break of a single layer on a cyclone mould.  Others commented the same had happened to them.

Picture credit: Esther Mulvihill Pickens

Possible causes suggested on Facebook included:

  • Thermal shock on the way up
  • Thermal shock on the way down
  • Too large on the mould and broke due to differential contraction
  • Too many holds on the way up
  • Too hot
  • Too thin
  • Follow the CPI programme
  • Glass extending over the sides

Some of these suggestions were of general applicability, some in relation to the state of the broken glass.

The suggestions did not include:

  • Cause of the rounded dots at the bottom of the mould.
  • A cause for the state of the flat piece off the mould (it appears sharp edged.  Does it show some forming already?).
  • The cause for the location of the fully formed remaining glass.
  • The effect of the location of the mould and glass in the kiln.
  • The consequences of a short soak at top temperature. 
  • Is the kiln running hotter than most (1290ºF/698ºC for 10 minutes at top temperature was used)?

Of course, it is difficult to diagnose a problem from just one picture. It is difficult even with many pictures. And so, without handling the object, only suggestions can be made.


You must spend enough time examining the piece with whatever other information is available to make specific suggestions.  The first thought may not consider all the factors.  Consider what kinds of causes there are for breaks during or after slumping.

More close inspection reveals the rounded edges of the break.  That supports the idea that the temperature was too high. It also supports the diagnosis that the break occurred on the heat up.

The edges of the piece that has fallen off the mould, and now rests on the shelf, seem to be square or sharp. This shows the extent of the difference of temperature between shelf and top of the mould – less than 100mm/4 inches.  Also, how small the differences in temperature are between slump and tack.  The extent of difference in fusing does depend on how high in the kiln the mould is placed.  That is demonstrated here by the different elevation of the two pieces. 

The conformation of the glass to the mould is complete.  This supports the diagnosis of the break occurring early in the firing, and certainly before the slump was complete.  These pieces will not fit together.  So, even if the edges were sharp the fact they will not fit together shows they conformed independently to the mould surface.  Therefore, the break was before forming temperature was reached.

The glass hangs over the mould edges on only three sides and at an angle.  This indicates the cause of the overhang was the break.  Not the reverse. An overhang at the beginning of the slump is likely to be even.

The piece on the floor of the kiln combined with the movement of the glass toward the back gives an indication that the origin of the break is at the front.  This relates to uneven temperatures and to the placement of the mould.

No one mentioned the placement of the mould and glass at the back of the kiln.  This will have an effect on scheduling.  The mould and glass are very large in relation to the kiln.  There is little space between the glass on the mould and the walls of the kiln.  Also, the mould is placed asymmetrically in the kiln – very close on three sides.  This will cause uneven heating in any kiln.  To have a successful firing of glass on this mould in this kiln will require radically different schedules to that for a centrally placed mould that is moderate for the size of the kiln.

The large size (relative to the kiln) and the asymmetrical placing are the causes of the break, in my opinion.  I admit that it took me several looks to realise the placement was a key cause of the break.

So, the generalised comments about thermal shock are correct, but not as to the cause of that shock.  The kiln will be hotter in the central part and cooler at the corners.  This is true of all rectangular kilns.  The important thing is to learn how to cope with these temperature differences.

Slow firings to low temperatures with long soaks are the three important elements.  These make up the heat work of the kiln. Applying this to a schedule means:

  • slow ramp up rates – as little as one half the recommended rates for centrally placed moulds that are moderately sized in relation to the kiln.
  • Low temperatures present lesser risks to the control of the outcome of the firing.  Determining the lower temperature possible requires peeking into the kiln to monitor the progress of the firing.
  • Long soaks combined with low temperatures get the kilnforming done with minimal marking of the underside.  Low temperature soaks - in excess of 30 minutes - are required to minimise the marking.  Observation of the slump will be necessary to determine when it is complete.

My suggestions for the causes of other elements are:

·        Cause of the rounded dots at the bottom of the mould.

The temperature was too high. 698ºC/1290ºF is much hotter than needed for a slump. It was hot enough to round edges and small shards of glass.  Which shows excessive heat was received by the glass.

·        A cause for the state of the flat piece off the mould (it appears sharp edged. Does it show some forming already?)

The soak of 10 minutes was too short for the temperature in the kiln to equalise from top to bottom.  The glass on the shelf may not have reached 650ºC/1200ºF with such a short soak.

·        The cause for the location of the fully formed remaining glass.

The glass broke and was forced apart by the size of the expansion differences within the glass.  The movement of a piece at the front of the mould combined with the rearward and side movement of the glass indicate the origin of the break was at the front.  The distance apart shows the amount of force, and so the degree of reduction in the ramp rate required to fire this successfully.

·        The effect of the location of the mould and glass in the back of the kiln has already been discussed.

·         The consequences of a short soak at top temperature.

A high temperature is often considered necessary to pick up all the detail in moulds, whether slump or texture moulds.  The same effect can be achieved at lower temperatures with longer soaks.  The results of this strategy are fewer mould marks on the bottom of the work.

·        Is the kiln running hotter than most (Used 1290F/698C for 10 minutes at top temperature)?

This is one that cannot be answered other than by experiments carried out by the owner of the kiln.  Look at the Bullseye Tech Note #1 Knowing your Kiln for methods of testing temperatures. 

In short:

Diagnosis of slumping breaks is more complex than it appears at first.

More information is available in the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming, an Evidence Based Approach to Scheduling.

This is available from Bullseye or Etsy

Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Slumping Blank Size

When you're making a piece that you intend to slump does it need to be bigger than what you're making, and by how much?


The general advice is to make the blank the same size/diameter as the rim of the mould.  This works best for shallow moulds with a generous draft, or shallow slope to the bottom.  

There are numerous exceptions of course.

Deep moulds

Deep is a relative term.  A small round mould of 100mm/4” with a 30mm/1.25” drop can be considered deep. But this drop would be considered shallow for a 300mm/12” diameter mould.  A drop of 100mm/4” into a 300mm/12” mould would be deep.

There are two approaches to this.  We know the blank will end up with a considerably smaller diameter than the deep mould. This is because the surface of the glass does not change its dimension much.  As a result, the diameter of the slumped piece is less than the flat blank’s diameter.  Placing a flexible measuring tape on the outside of the slumped piece will show the lengths of the flat blank and curved piece are similar.

Larger Blank

As a result, we are tempted to make the blank larger than the mould.  By how much? as the questioner asks.  The safest is avoid exceeding 6-8mm/.025 – 0.375”.  With a slow slumping rate, the edges will rise as the interior bends downwards and allow the excess glass to take up the same diameter of the mould before deforming enough to catch on the edge of the mould.  With a centimetre or 0.375 inch overhang, you begin to take greater risks with the rim beginning to slump outside the mould and hanging up. 

Smaller Blank

But size matters.  The small excess works best on larger moulds (250mm/8”) or more.  Employing this oversizing on smaller moulds has problems.  The span of the smaller moulds requires higher temperatures and/or longer soaks.  The result of this greater heat work is that the rim of the glass can begin to slump outside of the mould. In extreme cases, this will cause the glass to break.  More often, the edge does come into the mould, but with heavy stretch marking and sometimes needle points where the edge drags along the mould.

It is often best to make the blank smaller than the mould.  Small enough that it fits just below the rim of the mould.  This allows forming of the glass without the frequent drag marks and needle pointing.  Placing the glass level is most important when the glass is not supported by the rim.  If the final size of the slumped piece is important, you will need to slump in a larger mould. I do not know of a method of calculating that.  It is a matter of experimentation.

Steep Moulds

Ceramic shapes from charity shop finds that are adapted to be moulds are often steep sided as well as deep. They often have no rim on which to rest the glass before the slump shape takes over.  Both these elements result in the glass being much smaller than the mould when complete.


You can counteract the effect of deep, steep moulds by placing a collar of fibre board around the mould.  

Make a cut out from the fibre board by placing the mould upside down and tracing the outline. Cut the board slightly inside the line scribed.  Then fashion a bevel to meet the angle of the outside of the mould.  Support the board at the appropriate height for the mould.  Fill any gap between board and mould with kiln wash powder or a paste of the powder, depending on the nature of the gap.  This supports the glass during the slumping while allowing it to slump into the mould.  It increases the possibility of getting a steep side on the glass.  It also allows you to put a rim on the shape if you want.

Staged Slumping

Sometimes the collar or rim is not sufficient to allow the glass to move as desired in a single slumping stage.  Then multiple slumping stages are required.  The common approach has been to purchase a three-stage slumping set.  This can limit your approach.

·        The general approach is to measure the inside surface of the final steep mould. 

·        This gives you the starting diameter for the blank. 

·        Then measure the diameter of the mould at the outside of the rim. 

·        This gives you the diameter of a slumped piece to fit into the final mould.   

Compare the largest diameter blank to existing moulds you have. Will the glass have slumped enough to reduce the diameter to fit into the final mould?  In some cases, where the answer to that question is yes, only two-stage slumps are required. 

Most times a three-stage slump is needed. You need to find an intermediate mould that will deliver a slump with the required diameter.  This will be a moderately deep mould, usually with steeper sides than the first, but less steep than the final mould.

Angular Moulds

Angular moulds are those with sudden short drops to the foot (flat part of the mould). These are often ogee curves. 

These require more time or heat to form completely to the bottom of the mould.  The glass is curving in two directions during the slump.  The glass should be only slightly larger than the mould at most.  To counteract the tendency to slide down the mould, low temperatures and long soaks are needed.


Rectangular moulds

The main problem of rectangular moulds is the dog boning of the straight edges of the glass during the slumping. There are some suggestions.

Cut the blank with slightly outward curves.  This will help to compensate for the tendency to dog bone.  It will require some experimentation.  Slumping a standard square or rectangular mould will give an idea of how much the glass deforms during the slumping.  That amount of curve can be added to the edge when cutting out the blank.

Round the corners of the blank.  This relies on the principle that there is more glass at the corners to slump than at the sides.  A 10mm/0.375” radius should be enough.  

There is less glass to compress along the sides than at the corners.

Another element is to provide the rectangular shapes with rims.  This forces any dog boning to the rim rather than the sides of the slump.  It can be combined with either of the previous possibilities.

These do not always work and are sometimes difficult to reconcile with the design. The additional possibility to counteract the dog boning of the shape is to use slower rates, lower temperatures, and longer soaks. This is not always successful.  Rectangular shapes remain the most difficult to get the glass to conform faithfully to the mould.


There are ways to get the slumping blanks to conform to the moulds, and they all involve modifications to the glass, mould, or schedules.