Showing posts with label Screen melts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Screen melts. Show all posts

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Longer Soak or Higher Temperature?

 ‘Is it better to extend the soak or add more firing time when the firing program isn’t quite enough? What are the meanings of “soak,” “hold,” “ramp,” “working temperature” and “top temperature”?’  

Let’s start with some of the terms.

Soak” and “hold” have the same meaning in scheduling.  Schedules are made up of a series of linked segments.  Each segment contains a rate, temperature, and time.  The time is often called a “hold” in the schedules.  That time can have several effects.  It can allow enough time for a process, such as slumping, to be accomplished.

Although “soak” is entered into the schedules in the same way as a hold, it has a different concept behind it.  The hold when used as a soak allows the set temperature to permeate the whole thickness of the glass.  An example is in annealing. An annealing hold/soak is set.  This is to allow the glass to become the same temperature throughout. 

The ramp is the rate at which the controller is set to increase/decrease the temperature.  This is normally the first element in the segment.

Top” and “Working” temperature are the same thing.  It is the temperature at which the desired effect is achieved.  They have slightly different nuances.  Top temperature is normally considered as a point where the desired profile will be achieved in a few minutes.  The working temperature is also that, but includes the idea that it will take time for the effect to be achieved.

Which should you alter first – soak time or temperature?

Most important is that you alter only one at a time.  If you alter the two elements at the same time, you do not know which was the cause of the result.

In general, you lengthen the soak if the effect is not achieved at the temperature and in the time set.  There are two reasons for this.  Glass has fewer problems at lower temperatures.  Secondly, the controllers are set up in such a way that it is easy to extend the time. Check your manual for the key sequence to extend the time.  It is more difficult to alter the temperature during a firing. 

To determine if you need more time, you peek into the kiln as the kiln approaches the top temperature.  If the profile has not been achieved by the time set at your working temperature, you enter the combination of keys to keep the kiln at the top temperature until you see the effect you want.  Then enter the combination of keys to skip to the next segment.

Whether you alter time or temperature, depends on what you are doing.  Soak plus temperature equal heat work.  With heat work you can accomplish the same effect at lower temperatures.  It may be that taking more time (usually slower ramp rates) to get to the same or lower temperature, will give the results desired.

For slumping, draping and other low temperature processes extending the hold/soak is appropriate. It reduces the amount of marking that is created by the mould or surface supporting the glass.

When tack, contour, or full fusing, you should be aiming to finish the work in about 10 minutes. Soaking/holding significantly longer increases the risk of devitrification.

For high temperature processes such as pot and screen melts and some flows, increasing the temperature is probably the right thing to do, to avoid the devitrification possibilities of long holds of open face high temperature work.

These can only be guidelines.  Your instincts and experience will help you determine which is the right thing to do in the circumstances.


Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Pin holes in melts

Pin holes in screen and pot melts are the result of very small bubbles rising to the surface.  These bubbles are sometimes already within the glass melted, but more often come from small amounts of air trapped within the flowing glass.  These are perceived to be unsightly, or make it impractical to make a functional piece from the melt.

There are ways to minimise bubble formation or to deal with the formed bubbles.

Bubble Formation
In pot and screen melts, the glass spirals as it touches down onto the shelf. This spiralling action can trap small amounts of air as each successive spiral forms beside the previous one. Efforts at prevention of tiny bubbles in the final piece need to concentrate on this fact.

A preliminary element in bubble prevention is to have a long bubble squeeze to allow the glass to settle in the pot or on the screen so that the rest of the process can proceed with a minimum amount of air trapped within the flowing glass.

Two-Stage Drop
In some cases. it is possible to have the glass flow from the pot onto an angled shelf where the spiralling glass has to flow from the initial touch down to the edge and then flow onto the shelf.  This allows any tiny bubbles initially trapped to escape before the final drop onto the shelf.  This provides two mixing processes and means that a lot of clear glass needs to be included to avoid a complete mix of the colours.  It requires careful selection of the original colours to avoid a brown or black result.  It also requires a big kiln with sufficient height for a two stage drop.

This two-stage drop is of course, not suitable for a screen melt where you wish the glass strands to remain.  Nor is it suitable when you wish to have many “pools” of colour mix in the final piece.

Where the two-stage drop is not practical or suitable other methods can be used.  These relate to scheduling, cold working the surface and re-firing the piece.

Scheduling relates to using a soak at full fuse temperature before proceeding to the anneal.  The melt will occur at 850°C to 950°C.  You can cool as fast as possible to a full fuse temperature of about 810°C and soak there for an hour or more.  This allows the small bubbles to surface, break and heal.  Schedule the rapid cool to the annealing soak, once the high temperature soak is complete.  This will eliminate lots of the bubbles, but not all.

A sample firing schedule from bubble squeeze upwards and then down to a high temperature bubble reduction soak

Cold Work
Cold working the melt is about abrading the surface to open the bubbles that are just emerging to form a small dome at the surface.  Sand blasting is a common form, as usually kiln wash or fibre needs to be removed from the bottom of the melt, and some devitrification from the surface.  It would be possible to continue to grind the surface of the glass to eliminate the small depression in the glass caused by the now opened bubble, but this is likely to expose more bubbles that were at a slightly deeper level. 

As you will need to do a fire polish firing after blasting or grinding the surface, you can use a full fuse temperature to allow the surface to become plastic enough to fill the bubble holes.  Remember to schedule the firing as though the piece were at least 12mm thick.  You may find that more bubbles are exposed in addition to the ones healed at the conclusion of this second firing.

An alternative is to fire upside down.  You will have noted that there are no bubbles on the bottom of the melt.  This is because the bubbles have risen through the heated glass.  This physical fact can be used in the second firing.  Fire with the melt surface to the shelf.  It is best to have a clean and newly kiln washed shelf, or fibre paper (not Thinfire or Papyros) under the glass. Fire the glass to a full fuse or high temperature tack fuse with a significant length of soak to allow the bubbles near the original surface to move toward the interior of the glass.  After firing, the glass will need thorough cleaning before being fire polished. This should leave you with a pin hole free piece.

Achieving a pin hole free pot or screen melt requires several stages of coldworking and firing.  This makes melts inexpensive in materials (it is scrap of course) but expensive in time and firings.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Pot Melt Saucers as Dams for Melts


Many ceramic plant pot saucers can be used as circular moulds.  Most are unglazed and will accept kiln wash easily.  Some are unglazed, but polished to such an extent they are no longer porous.  These and glazed flower pot saucers need some preparation before applying kiln wash.

Plant pot with saucer

Polished and glazed saucers require roughing to provide a key for the kiln wash solution to settle into.  This can be done with normal wood working sand papers.  You may want to wear a dust mask during this process, but not a lot of dust is created.  You could also use wet and dry sandpaper or diamond handpads with some water to reduce the dust further.

If the sanding of the surface does not allow the kiln wash to adhere to the saucer, you can heat it.  Soak it at about 125C for 15 minutes before removing it from the kiln to get the heat distributed throughout the ceramic body.  One advantage to the ceramic is that it holds the heat, because of its mass, for longer than steel.  Apply kiln wash with a brush or spray it onto the warm saucer.  As it dries, apply another layer of kiln wash.  Two or three applications should be enough to completely cover the surface.  If not, then you probably will need to heat up again before repeating the process.

Alternatives to plant pot saucers

There are alternatives to the saucer approach to getting thick circles from a pot melt.


Fibre paper
You can cut a circle from fibre paper and melt into that.  The advantage of fibre paper is that it requires little preparation other than cutting and fixing.  You may have only 3mm fibre paper and want a 9mm thick disc.  Simply fix the required number of layers together with the circle cut from each square.  The fixing can be as simple as sewing pins, copper wire, or high temperature wire.  Then place some kiln furniture on top of the surrounding fibre paper to keep it in place on the shelf during the melt.  This furniture can often be the supports for the melt.

Fibre board
If you find cutting multiple circles of the same size a nuisance, you can use fibre board.  Simply cut the circle from the board with a craft knife.  You will probably want to line the circle with fibre paper, as the cut edge of fibre board can be rough.  Alternatively, you can lightly sand the edge.  Wear a dust mask and do this outside, if possible, to keep the irritating fibres away from the studio. If you want a thicker melt than one layer of board can give, just add another in the same way as for fibre paper.

In both these cases, you may wish to put down a layer of 1mm fibre paper to ensure the glass does not stick to the shelf and does not require sandblasting.  

The advantage of the fibre paper or board alternative to flower pot saucers is that you do not need to kiln wash anything unless you want to. If you do not harden the fibre paper or board, it will not stick to the glass.

Vermiculite board
Another alternative is vermiculite board.  The advantage of this is that it comes in 25 and 50 mm thicknesses, so you can make the melt as thick as you like without having to add layers.  You can cut the vermiculite board with wood working tools.  Knives will not be strong enough to cut through the vermiculite board. You will need to kiln wash or line the vermiculite with fibre paper, as the board will stick to the glass without a separator.

Damless circles
Of course, if you want a circle without concern over the thickness, you can do the melt without any dams. You need to ensure that the shelf is level.  Any supports for the pot will need to be both kiln washed and far away enough that the moving glass does not touch the supports and distort the circle.  In general, one kilogramme of glass will give a 300mm circle, so your supports need to be further apart than the calculated diameter of the circle.  An undammed circle will vary from 6mm at the edge to as much as 12mm at the centre, depending on temperatures and lengths of soaks.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Pot Melt Temperature Effects

Image credit: Craft Gossip

When firing a pot melt, you have to consider how high a temperature is needed.

Viscosity reduces with higher temperatures which increases the flow and reduces the length of soak, although there are often some undesirable opacifying effects at prolonged higher temperatures.

The size of the hole is also relevant to the temperature chosen. The smaller the hole, the higher the temperature will have to be to empty the pot in the same amount of time. Of course, you can just soak for longer at a lower temperature to achieve the desired object of emptying of the pot without changing the temperature.

Using the same principle, the larger the hole the lower the temperature required to empty the pot in a given amount of time.  So, in general the larger the hole in the pot, the faster it will empty, given the same temperature.

The temperature used to empty the pot will need to be between 840C and 925C (1546F and 1700F).  The problem with temperatures in the 900C to 925C range is that the hot colours tend to change, e.g., red opal tends to turn dark and sometimes become brown. Some transparent hot colour glasses also opacify. There is also the possibility that some of these glasses will change their compatibility with others in the range.

The best results seem to come from temperatures in the 840 to 850C range with longer soaks than would be required at 925C.  Also remember to give melts a longer than usual anneal as they will be thicker than 6mm at the centre - sometimes as  twice the edge thickness, which will require annealing for twice the thickest area.

Revised 2.1.25

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Pot Melt Contamination

Pot melting occurs at temperatures above that for which kiln washes are designed. This means the kiln wash most often sticks to the back of the melt.

If you put only fiber paper – Thinfire, Papyros, or standard 1mm or 2mm fibre paper – at the bottom, the dripping glass will tear and move it about.  It also tends to incorporate fibers from the refractory papers into the melt.  It is best to avoid fibre papers of any kind on the base.  Using fibre paper around the edges of dams, if you use them, is better than simple kiln washing of the dams.

From wikihow

If you have a sandblaster, it is easy to take the kiln wash off leaving a matt surface. You can live with this for many purposes, but if you want a more polished surface you can take the melt up to fire polishing temperature to shine up the surface. You will need to flip this over and fire again, if the original top surface is what you want to present.  Or if you like the new shiny surface, use it as is.

If you are going to cut the pot melt up for other uses, there is no need to fire polish as the surface does not matter, only the cleanliness, and removal of contaminants.

There is another thing you can do to avoid kiln wash contamination.

The best solution appears to be to put a disk or rectangle of glass on top of fibre paper. It can be clear or any colour you wish, but needs to fill the area enclosed by the dams. This seems to keep the fiber paper from tearing and being incorporated into the glass, even though the base will have the fibre paper marks.

It also works very well when you are confining the melt to get a thicker disk. Make sure you have kiln washed the sides of the container or dam very well, in addition to 3mm fibre paper arranged so that it is 3mm narrower than the expected final thickness, or any excess glass may stick to the dams. The means of arranging the fibre paper around the dams is given here. You may need to grind the marks off the edge of the disk, but this is much easier than grinding it off the bottom.

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Specific Gravity

This is an important concept in calculating the amount of glass needed to fill a pot melt, and in glass casting.  This will also help in the calculation of the amount of glass required to fill a given area to a defined thickness.

Specific gravity is the relative weight of a substance compared to water. For example, a cubic centimetre of water weighs 1 gram. A cubic centimetre of soda lime glass (includes most window and art glass) weighs approximately 2.5 grams. Therefore, the specific gravity of these types of glass is 2.5.  

If you use the imperial system of measurement the calculations are more difficult, so converting to cubic centimetres and grams makes the calculations easier. You can convert the results back to imperial weights at the end of the process if that is easier for you to deal with.

Irregular shapes

Water fill method
Specific gravity is a very useful concept for glass casting to determine how much glass is needed to fill an irregularly shaped mould. If the mould holds 100 grams of water then it will require 100 grams times the specific gravity of glass which equals 250 grams of glass to fill the mould.

Dry fill method
If filling the mould with water isn't practical (many moulds will absorb the water) then any material for which the specific gravity is known can be used. It should not contain a lot of air, meaning fine grains are required. You weigh the result and divide that by the difference of the specific gravity of the material divided by 2.5 (the specific gravity of soda lime glass). 

This means that if the s.g. of the mould filling material is 3.5, you divide that by 2.5 resulting in a relation of 1.4   Use this number to divide the weight of the fill to get the amount of glass required to fill the mould.   If the specific gravity of the filler is less than water, then the same process is applied.  if the specific gravity of the filler is 2, divide that by 2.5 and use the resulting 0.8 to divide the weight of the filler.  This only works in metric measurements.

Alternatively, when using the dry fill method, you can carefully measure the volume of the material.  Be careful to avoid compacting the dry material as that will reduce the volume.  Measure the volume in cubic centimetres.  Multiply the cc by the specific gravity of 2.5 for fusing glasses.  This will give the weight in grams required to fill the mould.  If you compact the measured material, you will underfill the mould. The smaller volume gives a calculation for less weight.

Regular shapes

If you want to determine how much glass is required for a circle or rectangle, use measurements in centimetres.  

An example is a square of 20cm.  Find the area (20*20 =) 400 square cm. If you want the final piece to be 6mm thick, multiply 400 by 0.6cm to get 240 cubic centimetres, which is the same as 240 grams. Multiply this weight by 2.5 to get 600gms required to fill the area to a depth of 6mm.

For circles you find the area by multiplying the radius times itself, giving you the radius squared.  You multiply this by the constant 3.14 to give you the area.  The depth in centimetres times the area times the specific gravity gives you the weight of glass needed.

The formula is radius squared times 3.14 times depth times specific gravity.   R*R*3.14*Depth*2.5
E.g. 25cm diameter circle:
Radius: 12.5, radius squared = 156.25 
Area: 156.25 * 3.14 = 490.625 square cm.
Volume: 490.625 * 0.6 cm deep =294.375 cubic cm.
Weight: 294.375* 2.5 (s.g.) = 735.9375 gms of glass required.  
You can round this up to 740 gms for ease of weighing the glass.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Melts, Apertures and Height Effects

The effects on the pattern of melts are a combination of several factors. The normal pattern is of spirals as a thread of glass moves down to the shelf and begins to spiral just as any other viscous fluid around the high spot of the drip.  The specific effects centre around three main elements.

Aperture size
The size of the holes determines the diameter of the thread of flowing glass.  Also, the larger the diameter, the quicker the flow.

relatively small apertures
large, long apertures

Height from shelf
The height from the shelf has the effect of determining both the thickness of the thread at touch down and the degree of spiralling.

Relatively low screen

Relatively high screen

The temperature and time determine the heat work.  The amount of heat (as well as top temperature) influence the flow of the glass.

These three elements interact

Aperture size determines the maximum diameter of the thread.  You can thin the threads by having smaller grids or holes. 

The height affects two things. 

Height affects the relative thickness of the flowing thread. Higher makes for thinner strands. The reduction in size can be lessened by placing the apertures closer to the shelf.

Height also affects how the thread behaves on touching the shelf.  More spiralling occurs with height.  A low height will reduce the spiralling to just moving outwards.

Note that when talking about height, it is relative to the aperture sizes.

Heat affects how the glass flows
The higher the heat or the greater the heat work, the faster the glass flows.  Lower heat gives slow moving threads.  Faster flowing glass promotes thicker threads.  Slower moving threads can take up patterns other than spirals.

These factors give you three interacting elements

You could have, for example, a high screen with large openings and low heat to give thin threads with eccentric spiralling.

You could have low height with small apertures and high heat to give thick threads with minimum spiralling.

In theory, you could have at least twelve main combinations by using the extremes of each element, with multiple variations of dimensions in each case.

Experimentation Required

This is to illustrate the interactions are complex and require significant experimentation to be able to predict the probable outcome.  The outcomes will always be only probable, even though you can come to control more aspects of the process and you develop experience.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

High Temperature Wire for Screen Melts

You can use high temperature wire for screen melts. This is variously described as Kanthal or nichrome wire.  It is the same kind of wire used in the heating elements of your kiln.
wire with bent ends

To use the wire, you lay or weave the wire and support it on both ends.  Weaving the wire provides more support, but is not necessary, as the wire is strong enough to support a lot of glass.

first line of wires pushed into board

You need to have the wires as tight as the supporting material will allow. Straightening the wire before beginning to fix them will help, as will thicker wire.

The wires need support at each end, which can be brick, cut up shelves, or strips of tile.  If you do this, you can form a dam or vessel in which to put the glass without fear of it spreading over the edge.

I use fibre board for the support and just bend a right angle into each end of the wire to push into the board.  These can be arranged in any configuration, although for ease of illustration, I have used a rectangular arrangement of wires.

A grid of wires ready for kiln wash

Put the completed screen over a tray or sheet of plastic to collect the excess kiln wash.  Mix the kiln wash very thick and pour over the wires. I put the board with wires into the kiln to heat to about 200°C to help the wash stick.  I repeat a few times.

Make sure you coat the area surrounding the screen to avoid the glass sticking to the supports.

When the kiln wash has dried, knock off the stalactites of wash on the underside of the wire to prevent any excess kiln wash being incorporated into the final piece.

Place on kiln washed supports, and put the glass on top of the screen.

This is a relatively quick and inexpensive means of providing a custom shaped screen.  

One disadvantage of this over stainless steel rods, is that it is difficult to get enough kiln wash to stick to the wires to be able to pull them out easily.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Mandrels for Screen melts

In creating screen melts, the steel or other support left in the project can leave such a degree of stress that the piece will began to fracture over time.  The use of thin stainless steel rods as used in mandrels for bead making is an alternative, as they can be pulled out.

The separator used on the mandrel can be bead release.  If you have it that will work very well. This illustration shows a bead maker coating a mandrel from a bottle of mixed bead release.

If you do not have bead release on hand, you can use kiln wash.  To give the thick coating required to easily pull the steel out you need to mix the kiln wash differently. 

The normal mix of kiln wash would be 5 parts water to one of powdered kiln wash.  As you want this to be thicker so it will stay on the mandrel, you can mix it in a 3:1 ratio.  This will be sufficiently thick to keep it running off the mandrel and be able to extract it after kiln forming.

Mandrels prepared for bead making.  In coating them for a melt, you need to have the whole length coated.

To avoid the mess of pouring the wash over the mandrel, you can fill a stringer tube with the mixture and dip the mandrel into it. You can place the end of the mandrel into a polystyrene insulation block or a bit of clay to let it dry as done by bead makers.

Once dry, you can arrange these coated mandrels in any shape of grid you choose.  Lay them across your supports whether fibre board or brick with about 25mm on the support at each end.  Lay all of one direction down first and the follow with the second, or more layers.  Place you glass on top of the grid created and fire.

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Pot Melts – Weight of Glass Required

Circular pieces
This table assumes that a 150 mm diameter pot is being used, and assumes that 125 grams of glass will be left in the pot. Larger diameter pots or even pot trays can be used, but more glass will remain in the container. The following table gives the desired diameter of the melt and the weight of glass needed to achieve an average 6 mm thick result. To achieve a uniform six millimetre thick disk will require long soaks at both melting and fusing temperatures to allow the glass to even out in thickness.

50 mm diameter disk requires 154 grams of glass
100 mm diameter disk requires 243 grams of glass
150 mm diameter disk requires 390 grams of glass
200 mm diameter disk requires 596 grams of glass
250 mm diameter disk requires 861 grams of glass
300 mm diameter disk requires 1185 grams of glass
350 mm diameter disk requires 1568 grams of glass
400 mm diameter disk requires 2015 grams of glass

Thicker melts
Of course if you want a thicker pot melt — one that is confined so that it cannot grow larger, only thicker — you can use the following method to estimate the amount of glass required.

Choose the diameter wanted from the above table, and subtract 125 from the weight of glass required. Then multiply by thickness wanted divided by 6 mm. Add back 125 gms — the amount that will be retained in the pot — and you have the required amount.

For example: a 200 mm disk of 6 mm requires 596 gms. You want a 12 mm thick disk of 200 mm.
First subtract 125 from 596 to get 471 gms. 417 gms times 12 equals 5652. Divide this by 6 mm and you have 942 gms required. Add 125 gms — the amount left in the pot — and you have a requirement of 1067 gms for a 12 mm thick disk of 200 mm.

Rectangular pieces
These are easier to calculate than discs, as the calculation is length times height times depth (all measurements in centimetres).  

If you are making a billet and using an empty margarine pot of 7 cm wide, 12 cm long and 7 cm high you will need enough glass to fill a volume of 588 cubic centimetres.  As the specific gravity of glass is 2.5, you multiply the cubic centimetres to give the weight required in grams — in this case, 1470 gms.

If you wanted a 6 mm tile of 100 mm square you would need 150 grams of glass.

To make a 1 cm slab of the same size you need 250 grams of glass.

To make a billet of 5 cm by 10 cm square you need 1250 grams of glass (this is pretty close the the maximum that can be loaded in a 12 cm diameter Pot).

To make a small sample billet of 2 cm thick by 4 cm by 8 cm you need 160 grams of glass.

A billet or pattern bar of 5 cm by 10 cm by 5 cm needs 625 grams of glass.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Designing a Pattern Bar

Assuming that you are not going to just dump your scrap glass in a random pattern to form a pattern bar, you need to spend some time designing it.

The simplest kind of bar is composed of strips of glass which are stacked or assembled in the kiln, but there are many other more elaborate configurations.

Because of the additional annealing time required for larger and thicker items, most pattern bars range from 1" by 1" to no larger than 2" by 2". The length of the pattern bar can be any length, up to the maximum that will fit in your kiln.

The design process begins by thinking about the cross section of the bar. This is what will appear when cut and assembled. As a simple exercise, assume you are making a diamond pattern in the bar. You can draw this out using 3mm as the thickness (or 1.5mm if you are using thin glass). Rough out the pattern and then begin using 3mm as the grid. Remember that you will need to cut your strips 4mm or wider to obtain a clean break. As you plan it out you will see that you need one length at the base one half of the space remaining after you have laid down the first, central piece for the diamond. The next layer will have two strips for the diamond, giving a requirement for one strip to fill the space between the two for the diamond shape and two strips each one half the remaining space. This process goes on until the area is filled.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Pattern Bars

A pattern bar is a thick bundle of glass that has been fused together. These can be in the shape of a rectangle, or can be a thick pot melt – whether a disc or a rectangle. The length of the individual bars can be as long as your kiln allows, but needs to be practical to handle when cutting.

The basic steps involved in making a pattern bar include deciding on a design –whether controlled or random, cutting glass for the bar, assembling the cut glass into the desired bar shape, then firing to a full fuse. Once fired, pattern bars can be cut into slices with a saw - tile, glass, lapidary, or stone – which uses water for cooling and lubrication. The individual slices are then assembled and re-fused to make bowls, platters, and similar shapes. They can also be used as accents in any number of applications.

There is a caution about using pattern bar pieces. As the glass in the bars has been fired to a relatively high temperature, some of the characteristics may have changed. So you need to do a compatibility test before doing the main piece.

Designing Pattern Bars
Boxes for Pattern Bars
Dams for Pattern Bars

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Lining Dams

Dams should normally be lined with Thinfire and fibre paper to get the best release. If you are using fibre board that has not been hardened, you do not have to line, but you will get smoother edges if you do.

As described by Helios

The lining papers should be about 3mm shorter than the expected final thickness of the finished panel. I find that 3mm paper against the dam provides the required standoff between the dam material and the glass. The lining of the fibre paper with Thinfire provides a smoother surface than just the fibre paper. Both of these liners should be the same height – 3mm less than the final height of the finished piece.

To calculate the expected final height you need to do a few calculations in the metric system.  Weigh the glass in grams.  Divide by specific gravity (2.5) to get the number of cubic centimeters.  Divide the cc by the area enclosed by the dams in square centimeters. This will give the fraction or multiple of centimeters thick the glass is predicted to be.  

The weight of glass = 500 gms
The specific gravity = 2.5
The area is 10cm by 10 cm = 100 square cm.

Divide 500gms (the weight) by 2.5 (the specific gravity) = 200 cubic centimeters.  Divide 200 (the volume in cc) by 100 (the area) = 2 cm thick final piece for the amount of glass put into the pot.

This indicates the fibre paper should be 1.7cm high to allow enough space for the bullnose edge to form.