Showing posts with label Specific Gravity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Specific Gravity. Show all posts

Saturday, 18 January 2025

Specific Gravity of Unknown Glass

(warning: lots of arithmetic)

Knowing the specific gravity of a glass can be useful in calculating the required amount of glass needed, e.g., for casting, and screen and pot melts, where a specific volume needs to be filled.

Most soda lime glass – the stuff kilnformers normally use – is known to have a specific gravity of approximately 2.5.  That is, one cubic centimetre of glass weighs 2.5 grams. 

If you have glass that is of unknown composition for your casting, you will need to calculate it.

Calculating the specific gravity of unknown glass.

Specific gravity is defined as the ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of water (in simple terms).  This means first weighing the item in grams.  Then you need to find the volume.

Calculating the specific gravity of regularly shaped items

For regularly shaped item this is a matter of measuring length, width and depth in centimetres and multiplying them together. This gives you the volume in cubic centimetres (cc).

As one cubic centimetre of water weighs one gram, these measurements give you equivalence of measurements creating the opportunity to directly calculate weight from volume. To calculate the specific gravity, divide the weight in grams by the volume in cubic centimetres.

An example:
To find the specific gravity of a piece of glass 30cm square and 6mm thick, multiply 30 x 30 x 0.6 = 540cc.  Next weigh the piece of glass. Say it is 1355 grams, so divide 1355gm by 540cc = s.g. of 2.509, but 2.5 is close enough.

Calculating specific gravity for irregularly shaped objects.

The unknown glass is not always regular in dimensions, so another method is required to find the volume.  You still need to weigh the object in grams.

Then put enough water in a measuring vessel, that is marked in cubic centimetres, to cover the object.  Record the volume of water before putting the glass in.  Place the object into the water and record the new volume.  The difference between the two measurements is the volume of the submerged object.  Proceed to divide the weight by the volume as for regularly shaped objects.


Application of specific gravity to casting and melts.

To find the amount of glass needed to fill a regularly shaped area to a pre-determined depth, you reverse the formula.  Instead of volume/weight=specific gravity, you multiply the calculated volume of the space by the specific gravity.

The formulas are:
v/w = sg to determine the specific gravity of the glass;
v*sg = w to determine the weight required to fill a volume with the glass.
Where v = volume; w = weight; sg = specific gravity.

You determine the volume or regular shapes by deciding how thick you want the glass to be (in cm) and multiply that by the volume (in cc). 
For rectangles
volume = thickness * length * depth (all in cm)
For circles
Volume = radius * radius * 3.14 (ϖ) * thickness (all in cm)
For ovals
Volume = major radius * minor radius * 3.14 (ϖ) * thickness (all in cm)

Once you have the volume you multiply by the specific gravity to get the weight of glass to be added.

Calculating weight for irregularly shaped moulds.

If the volume to be filled is irregular, you need to find another way to determine the volume.  If your mould will hold water without absorbing it, you can fill the mould using the following method.

Wet fill
Fill the measuring vessel marked in cc to a determined level.  Record that measurement.  Then carefully pour water into the mould until it is full.  Record the resulting amount of water. Subtract the new amount from the starting amount and you have the volume in cubic centimetres which can then be plugged into the formula.

Dry fill
If the mould absorbs water or simply won’t contain it, then you need something that is dry.  Using fine glass frit will give an approximation of the volume.  Fill the mould to the height you want it to be.  Carefully pour, or in some other way move the frit, to a finely graduated measuring vessel that gives cc measurements.  Note the volume and multiply by the specific gravity.  Using the weight of the frit will not give you an accurate measurement of the weight required because of all the air between the particles.

An alternative is to use your powdered kiln wash and proceed in the same way as with frit.  Scrape any excess powder off the mould.  Do not compact the powder. And be careful to avoid compacting the powder as you pour it into the measuring vessel.  If you compact it, it will not have the same volume as when it was in the mould.  It will be less, and so you will underestimate the volume and therefore the weight of glass required.

Irregular mould frames
If you have an irregular mould frame such as those used for pot and screen melts that you do not want to completely fill, you need to do an additional calculation.  First measure the height of the frame and record it.  Fill and level the frame with kiln wash or fine frit.  Do not compact it.  Carefully transfer the material to the measuring vessel and record the volume in cc.

Calculate the weight in grams required to fill the mould to the top using the specific gravity.  Determine what thickness you want the glass to be.  Divide that by the total height of the mould frame (all in cm) to give the proportion of the frame you want to fill.  Multiply that fraction times the weight required to fill the whole frame to the top.

E.g. The filled frame would require 2500 gms of glass.  The frame is 2 cm high, but you want the glass to be 0.6 high.  Divide 0.6 by 2 to get 0.3.  Multiply that by 2500 to get 750 grams required.

Regular mould frames
For a regular shaped mould, you can do the whole process by calculations.  Find the volume, multiply by specific gravity to get the weight for a full mould.  Measure the height (in cm) of the mould frame and use that to divide into the desired level of fill (in cm).

E.g. The weight required is volume * specific gravity * final height/ height of the mould.

The maths required is simple once you have the formulae in mind.  All measured in centimetres and cubic centimetres

Essential formulae for calculating the weight of glass required to fill moulds (all measurements in cm.):

Volume of a rectangle = thickness*length*width
Volume of a circle = radius squared (radius*radius) * ϖ (3.14) * thickness
Volume of an oval = long radius * short radius * ϖ (3.14) * thickness
Specific gravity = volume/ weight

Revised 18.1.25

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Home Made Billets

You can make your own billets from small pot melts.  But why should anyone go to the effort? Some reasons are:

  • ·        You can make your own colour. 
  • ·        You can use your cullet/scrap (avoiding buying or making frit).
  • ·        You don’t have to buy and break billet to size 
  • ·        You can reduce the clouding caused by many microscopic bubbles surrounding the frit pieces. 
  • ·        You can make a size to fit your casting mould. 
  • ·        Potentially, you will reduce needling.

 Now you are convinced of the advantages, you want to know how.


  • ·        Select the glass. Avoid iridised glass and any ground edges – they will cause haze in the final casting. Wash all the glass. Place the glass in a small flowerpot.
  • ·        Weigh out the amount of glass cullet needed for the mould and add about 50gms to account for the glass that will stick to the pot.  Calculating the required weight is relatively simple and this post gives the information.


  • ·        Arrange dams in such a way that the resulting billet will fit into the mould without overhang.  It might be quite a tall billet. In which case cast it horizontal with the height as the length of the billet.
  • ·        Line the dams with Thinfire/Papyros at least. One mm fibre paper would be better. 
  • ·        The dams can be on a kiln washed shelf or on fibre paper. The bottom of the glass will be fine either way.
  • ·        Place the pot above the dams.  The higher, the fewer bubbles in the billet.  And any left in the billet will be reduced by flow in the casting firing.
  • ·        Multiple billets can be made of different colours, sizes, etc., at the same time.


  • ·        Fire to around 900ºC/1650ºF and soak for hours.  Observation will show when the pot is empty.  Clue: There will be no string of glass from the bottom of the pot.
  • ·        Anneal as for the smallest dimension.  If you are doing multiple sizes, the dimension must be taken from the biggest piece.
  • ·        When cool, remove and clean the separator off the pieces thoroughly.  A 15 minute soak in a 5% citric acid solution will speed the process.


  • ·        Place billet in casting mould. The first ramp rate needs to be for the smallest dimension of the billet.  This may be a slower rate than when using frit for casting.
  • ·        Do a long bubble squeeze in the 650ºC to 670ºC range – up to two hours, but a minimum of one.
  • ·        Fire to your normal top temperature and time.
  • ·        Anneal for the largest piece.


More information here 

Sunday, 11 August 2019

Specific Gravity

This is an important concept in calculating the amount of glass needed to fill a pot melt, and in glass casting.  This will also help in the calculation of the amount of glass required to fill a given area to a defined thickness.

Specific gravity is the relative weight of a substance compared to water. For example, a cubic centimetre of water weighs 1 gram. A cubic centimetre of soda lime glass (includes most window and art glass) weighs approximately 2.5 grams. Therefore, the specific gravity of these types of glass is 2.5.  

If you use the imperial system of measurement the calculations are more difficult, so converting to cubic centimetres and grams makes the calculations easier. You can convert the results back to imperial weights at the end of the process if that is easier for you to deal with.

Irregular shapes

Water fill method
Specific gravity is a very useful concept for glass casting to determine how much glass is needed to fill an irregularly shaped mould. If the mould holds 100 grams of water then it will require 100 grams times the specific gravity of glass which equals 250 grams of glass to fill the mould.

Dry fill method
If filling the mould with water isn't practical (many moulds will absorb the water) then any material for which the specific gravity is known can be used. It should not contain a lot of air, meaning fine grains are required. You weigh the result and divide that by the difference of the specific gravity of the material divided by 2.5 (the specific gravity of soda lime glass). 

This means that if the s.g. of the mould filling material is 3.5, you divide that by 2.5 resulting in a relation of 1.4   Use this number to divide the weight of the fill to get the amount of glass required to fill the mould.   If the specific gravity of the filler is less than water, then the same process is applied.  if the specific gravity of the filler is 2, divide that by 2.5 and use the resulting 0.8 to divide the weight of the filler.  This only works in metric measurements.

Alternatively, when using the dry fill method, you can carefully measure the volume of the material.  Be careful to avoid compacting the dry material as that will reduce the volume.  Measure the volume in cubic centimetres.  Multiply the cc by the specific gravity of 2.5 for fusing glasses.  This will give the weight in grams required to fill the mould.  If you compact the measured material, you will underfill the mould. The smaller volume gives a calculation for less weight.

Regular shapes

If you want to determine how much glass is required for a circle or rectangle, use measurements in centimetres.  

An example is a square of 20cm.  Find the area (20*20 =) 400 square cm. If you want the final piece to be 6mm thick, multiply 400 by 0.6cm to get 240 cubic centimetres, which is the same as 240 grams. Multiply this weight by 2.5 to get 600gms required to fill the area to a depth of 6mm.

For circles you find the area by multiplying the radius times itself, giving you the radius squared.  You multiply this by the constant 3.14 to give you the area.  The depth in centimetres times the area times the specific gravity gives you the weight of glass needed.

The formula is radius squared times 3.14 times depth times specific gravity.   R*R*3.14*Depth*2.5
E.g. 25cm diameter circle:
Radius: 12.5, radius squared = 156.25 
Area: 156.25 * 3.14 = 490.625 square cm.
Volume: 490.625 * 0.6 cm deep =294.375 cubic cm.
Weight: 294.375* 2.5 (s.g.) = 735.9375 gms of glass required.  
You can round this up to 740 gms for ease of weighing the glass.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Specific Gravity, CoLE, and Colourants of Glass

I’ve been asked the question “is there is differential in specific gravity as related to COE or colorant used in the glass (white opal v clear)”? 

Using the typical compositions of soda lime glass (the stuff we use in fusing), both transparent and opalescent and combining the specific gravity of the elements that go to make up the glass, I have attempted to answer question - the last part of the question first.

Difference in specific gravity between transparent and opalescent glass

Transparent glass

Typical transparent soda glass composition % by weight (with specific gravity)

Material                         Weight        S.G.
Silicon dioxide (SiO2)           73%         2.648
Sodium oxide (Na2O)            14%         2.27
Calcium oxide (CaO)               9%         3.34
Magnesium oxide (MgO)          4%         2.32
Aluminium oxide (Al2O3)          0.15%    3.987
Ferrous oxide (Fe2O3)               0.1        5.43
Potassium oxide (K2O)             0.03       2.32
Titanium dioxide (TiO2)            0.02        4.23

There are, of course minor amounts of flux and metals for colour in addition to these basic materials.

The specific gravity of typical soda lime glass is 2.45.

Opalescent glass

Initially opalescent glass was made using bone ash, but these tended to develop a rough surface due to crystal formation on the surface.  The incorporation of calcium phosphate (bone ash) and Flouride compounds and/or arsenic became the major method of producing opalescent glass for a time.

The current typical composition by weight (with specific gravities) is:

Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) –             66.2%,     2.648 SG
Sodium Oxide (Na2O) –            12%,        2.270
Boric Oxide (B2O3) –                10%,        2.550
Phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5) –  5%,         2.390
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) –         4.5%,      3.987
Calcium oxide (CaO) –              1.5%,      3.340
Magnesium oxide (MgO) -         0.8%,      2.320

The combined specific gravities are within 0.03% of each other -  a negligible amount.  So, the specific gravity of both opalescent and transparent glass can be considered to the same. For practical purposes, we take this to be 2.5 rather than the more accurate 2.45.

Other glasses exhibit different specific gravities due to the materials used, for example:

Lead Crystal Glass
Lead Crystal glass contains similar proportions of the above materials with the addition of between 2% and 38% lead by weight.  Due to this variation the specific gravity of lead crystal is generally between 2.9 and 3.1, but can be as high as 5.9.

Borosilicate glass
Non-alkaline-earth borosilicate glass (borosilicate glass 3.3)
The boric oxide (B2O3) content for borosilicate glass is typically 12–13% and the Silicon dioxide (SiO2) content over 80%. CoLE 33


Alkaline-earth-containing borosilicate glasses

In addition to about 75% SiO2 and 8–12% B2O3, these glasses contain up to 5% alkaline earths and alumina (Al2O3).  CoLE 40 – 50


High-borate borosilicate glasses

Glasses containing 15–25% B2O3, 65–70% SiO2, and smaller amounts of alkalis and Al2O3

All these borosilicate glasses have a specific gravity of ca. 2.23

Correlation between CoLE and and specific gravity?

This comparison of different glasses shows that the materials used in making the glass have a strong influence on the specific gravity.  However, there does not appear to be a correlation between CoLE and specific gravity in the case of borosilicate glass.  If this can be applied to other glasses, there is no correlation between specific gravity and CoLE.

Correlation between specific gravity and colourisation minerals and CoLE?

The minerals that colour glass are a very small proportion of the glass composition (except copper where up to 3% may be used for turquoise).  The metals are held in suspension by the silica and glass formers.  That means the glass is moving largely independently of the colourants which are held in suspension rather than bring part of the glass structure. There is unlikely to be any significant effect of the metals on the Coefficient of Linear Expansion.  The small amounts of minerals are unlikely to have an effect on the specific gravity.  So, the conclusion is that there is no correlation between CoLE, specific gravity, and colouring minerals.

The short answer

This has been the long answer to the question.  The short answers are:
·         The specific gravity of soda lime transparent glass and opalescent glass is the same – no significant difference is in evidence.
·         There appears to be no correlation between specific gravity and CoLE.
·         There is unlikely to be any correlation between colourant minerals and CoLE or specific gravity.