Showing posts with label Draping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Draping. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Time and Temperature


Credit: Shutterstock

“What are the pros and cons on turning up the max temperature slightly Vs. a longer hold time”? Lea Madsen

This is a difficult question to answer, because there are variables such as

the temperature range,

the ramp rates, and soaks,

the forces acting upon the glass at a given temperature, 

the process,

the desired outcome of the firing,


When talking about temperature vs. time, it is heat work that we are considering.  In many processes time and temperature are interchangeable, although the temperature range is important too.  This is a brief discussion of heat work in various processes.


Slumping temperature is generally in the range of 620˚C-680˚C/1150˚F -1255˚F *, which is below the devitrification range.  This allows the exchange of time for temperature without risk, allowing more time rather than more temperature.  Higher temperatures cause more marking from the mould since the bottom of the glass is softer than at lower ones.  Lower temperatures give higher viscosity, so the glass is stiffer, resisting marks.

Low temperature fuses

Sharp tack fusing, freeze and fuse, some pate de verre processes, and sintering occur in the 650˚C -720˚C /1150˚F - 1320˚F range, risking devitrification only at the upper end of this range.  Extending the time rather than the temperature is important to maintain detail in these processes.  Higher temperatures will smooth the surface, risking loss of detail.  

Rounded tack processes (720˚C – 760˚C /1320˚F - 1400˚F)

These are within the devitrification range making the choice between time and temperature a balance of risks.  In my experience, it takes about an hour for visible devitrification to develop.  This means that you can extend the time, if the total time between the end of the bubble squeeze and the working temperature, including the hold time, is less than an hour.  It has the advantage of a more secure attachment between the pieces of glass, without altering the surface much. 

But if extending the soak time increases the time in the devitrification zone to be more than an hour, it is advisable to increase the temperature, rather than time.  Devitrification develops in the presence of air, so reducing the time in that range reduces the risk of devitrification developing.  The glass is moving during rapid ramp rates, reducing the chance of devitrification.


This includes drapes, and other free forming processes.  Kilnformers will be observing the progress of these firings, making it easier to balance temperature and time.  There are already long holds scheduled for the processes, so it is a matter of getting the right temperature.  If, after half an hour at the scheduled top temperature, the glass has not moved much, it is time to increase the temperature by, say 10˚C/18˚F and observe after another half hour, repeating the temperature increase if necessary.   Be aware of thinning the glass at the shoulder by setting a high temperature.  Free drops may take as much as 6 – 8 hours, so patience and observation are important to get good results.

Full fuse

At full fuse try to get the work done in 10 minutes to avoid complications with devitrification.  So, increasing the temperature rather than the length of the soak seems best.


Whether frit stretching, making pattern bars, pressing, etc., low viscosity is important.  Viscosity is closely related to temperature, so increasing the temperature is the better choice.  Increasing time without increasing temperature does not change viscosity much.


Extending time at top temperature seems best for open face casting, as the temperature is already high.  A slow ramp rate to that top temperature may make adding time unnecessary, because the heat work will be increased by the slow rise.  Experience has shown that a rate of 200˚C/360˚F is enough to avoid devitrification.  With enclosed castings devitrification is not such a risk, so time can be added without concern.



In all these processes it is advisable to observe the progress of the firing by quick peeks to determine the effective combination of temperature and time.  Also note that heat work is cumulative, making for changes in profile with repeated firings. 


* The softening point of float glass is around 720°C/1328°F, so the slumping range is about 700°C/1292° to 750°C/1382°F.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Slumping a Form Flat

There are a variety of reasons that you might want to make a formed piece flat again for another kind of slump or drape.  There are a variety of things to think about when preparing to make a shaped piece flat.  I am going to assume there are no large bubbles in the piece and there are posts on Large bubbles and Bubble at bottom  including the causes.

There are five groups of things to consider when contemplating flattening an already formed shape.

  • Shallow forms with no angles have the fewest difficulties.  Take it out of the mould, put it on the prepared shelf and fire to the slump temperature.  Observe when it is flat and proceed to the annealing.
  • Forms with angles or multiple curves are a little more difficult.  If the piece has stretched in some areas to conform to the mould, you will have some distortion in the pattern and possibly some thinner areas.  It should be easy to flatten pieces on a prepared shelf with the same schedule, but a slightly higher top temperature than in the previous slump.
  • Forms where the sides have pulled in will become flat, but continue to have curved sides.
  • Deep forms are possibly the most difficult.  The glass may have stretched, giving thin areas.  It may be that the process of flattening the glass will cause a rippled effect as the perimeter of the piece is a smaller size than the original footprint.  These deep forms are the least likely to flatten successfully.

  • Which way up? Upside down or right side up?  Shallow forms are easiest to flatten by placing them right side up on a prepared shelf.  For deep or highly formed pieces, it may be best to put it upside down to allow the now higher parts to push the perimeter out if it is necessary.

  • Thick glass will flatten more quickly than thin glass when using slower ramp rates, so you need to keep a watch on the progress of the work to avoid excess marking of the surface of the glass.
  • Very thin pieces are likely to develop wrinkles as they flatten.  Even if they do not, there will be thick and thin areas which might cause difficulty in subsequent slumping.
  • Tack fused pieces are likely to tend to flatten at different places and times due to the differences in thickness and therefore weight. This makes observation of the flattening process more important.

  • In all these processes, you should use the lowest practical temperature to flatten.  This means that you will need to peek at intervals to see when it is flat.
  • Your starting point for the top temperature to use will be about the same as  the original slump, normally.  The amount of time may need to be extended significantly. The reason for this is to avoid as much marking on the finished side as possible.
  • Shallow forms and thick pieces will flatten more quickly than others, so a lower temperature can be used.  You will still need to observe the progress of the flattening.
  •  Angled shapes and deep forms will need more heat and time than the shallower ones. 
  • Thin pieces may require more time than thick pieces.
  • Tack fused pieces need more attention and slow rates of advance to compensate for the differences in thicknesses.

  • Kiln washed shelves are usually adequate for flattening.
  • Thinfire or Papyros are needed when flattening upside down to ease any sliding necessary.
  • Powdered kiln wash or aluminium hydrate can be dusted over the kiln washed shelf when it is felt the form will need to slide on the shelf while flattening.

It may be that after all this, you feel it is not worth it to flatten.  It certainly is worth the effort, if only to learn about the characteristics of the form and its behaviour in reversing the slump or drape.

Wednesday, 7 August 2024

Longer Soak or Higher Temperature?

 ‘Is it better to extend the soak or add more firing time when the firing program isn’t quite enough? What are the meanings of “soak,” “hold,” “ramp,” “working temperature” and “top temperature”?’  

Let’s start with some of the terms.

Soak” and “hold” have the same meaning in scheduling.  Schedules are made up of a series of linked segments.  Each segment contains a rate, temperature, and time.  The time is often called a “hold” in the schedules.  That time can have several effects.  It can allow enough time for a process, such as slumping, to be accomplished.

Although “soak” is entered into the schedules in the same way as a hold, it has a different concept behind it.  The hold when used as a soak allows the set temperature to permeate the whole thickness of the glass.  An example is in annealing. An annealing hold/soak is set.  This is to allow the glass to become the same temperature throughout. 

The ramp is the rate at which the controller is set to increase/decrease the temperature.  This is normally the first element in the segment.

Top” and “Working” temperature are the same thing.  It is the temperature at which the desired effect is achieved.  They have slightly different nuances.  Top temperature is normally considered as a point where the desired profile will be achieved in a few minutes.  The working temperature is also that, but includes the idea that it will take time for the effect to be achieved.

Which should you alter first – soak time or temperature?

Most important is that you alter only one at a time.  If you alter the two elements at the same time, you do not know which was the cause of the result.

In general, you lengthen the soak if the effect is not achieved at the temperature and in the time set.  There are two reasons for this.  Glass has fewer problems at lower temperatures.  Secondly, the controllers are set up in such a way that it is easy to extend the time. Check your manual for the key sequence to extend the time.  It is more difficult to alter the temperature during a firing. 

To determine if you need more time, you peek into the kiln as the kiln approaches the top temperature.  If the profile has not been achieved by the time set at your working temperature, you enter the combination of keys to keep the kiln at the top temperature until you see the effect you want.  Then enter the combination of keys to skip to the next segment.

Whether you alter time or temperature, depends on what you are doing.  Soak plus temperature equal heat work.  With heat work you can accomplish the same effect at lower temperatures.  It may be that taking more time (usually slower ramp rates) to get to the same or lower temperature, will give the results desired.

For slumping, draping and other low temperature processes extending the hold/soak is appropriate. It reduces the amount of marking that is created by the mould or surface supporting the glass.

When tack, contour, or full fusing, you should be aiming to finish the work in about 10 minutes. Soaking/holding significantly longer increases the risk of devitrification.

For high temperature processes such as pot and screen melts and some flows, increasing the temperature is probably the right thing to do, to avoid the devitrification possibilities of long holds of open face high temperature work.

These can only be guidelines.  Your instincts and experience will help you determine which is the right thing to do in the circumstances.


Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Draping Different Thicknesses and Sizes

Scheduling for different sizes and thicknesses of drapes requires schedules specific to these factors in addition to observing the progress of the drape.

Bob Leatherbarrow's research shows 6mm drapes more slowly than 3mm. It seems the thicker glass takes longer to begin the slump.  Glass behaves in a similar way for a drape.  My experience of draping 6mm/0.25” and 3mm/0.125” in the same firing confirms that 6mm takes longer.  Or, it needs a higher temperature.  I know this goes against common sense, but tests and experience show it to be true.

If you try to drape 3mm/0.125” and 6mm/0.25” pieces at the same time, the 3mm will reach the desired shape before the 6mm. You then have the choice of an under draped 6mm piece or an over draped 3mm piece.  This indicates that draping different thicknesses in the same firing will be unsuccessful.  To a lesser extent, the size of the drape will influence the speed of the drop.  So, you are unlikely to achieve completely desirable results with significantly different sizes of drape in the same firing either.

Observation is essential in all draping operations. You cannot know how long it will take for a piece to drape or drop to your requirements.  To be sure of your result you need to observe the progress of the drape.  There is rarely a safety net of a form to drape onto as in slumping.  To observe, set your top temperature with a long soak/hold.  Start peeking at frequent intervals from the time top temperature is reached.  

When the glass has reached the desired shape, advance to the next segment.  Your controller manual will give you instructions on how to do that.

Different thickness and sizes of glass require different firing conditions.

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

Frit Additions to Shaped Pieces

It is possible to stick frit to slumped pieces. But soaking for a long time – several hours - at 650°C/1200°F is required to stick the frit.  The added pieces will remain relatively sharp. You need to observe frequently from 600°C/1111°F to make sure that the form of the glass is not distorting. 

Credit: Pyramid Gallery, Smyth and Zebrak

Although it is possible, adding pieces to already shaped objects is not best practice, nor will it frequently give satisfactory results.  If the slump is shallow, it is more possible to do this successfully than steep or highly shaped forms.  But the most suitable practice is to flatten the piece, then tack fuse the pieces onto it. Follow this fusing with the new slump or drape.  This flattening process will not be possible with all shapes. 

The best results will be achieved by accepting what you have and make a new piece with the planned additions from the start.

This process will not be suitable for draped glass as the glass will drape further during this low temperature soak.


I've a book that gives more detail. Low Temperature Kilnforming, an evidence based approach to scheduling  or at Bullseye

Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Square Drapes

Two pyramidical moulds. One stepped and the other smooth.

 This kind of draping mould with flat sides will never work very well as a draping mould.  The draping sides have to compress. This takes a long time and is likely to cause folds in the glass.

 The common experience is that two opposite sides drape first and conform to the mould. This displaces the compression necessity to the other two sides. This "taco" style initial drape is common in all drapes. It is usually observed in handkerchief drapes.  In the early stage of draping two sides of the glass fall, creating a taco shape. With continued heating, those long sides fall and spread the initial draped sides to become almost equal. 

 This taco formation also occurs on the pyramid style mould, giving two flat sides.  The glass on the other sides then fall. As the glass area is now larger on these sides than the mould area, a drape or fold is formed.  Imagine the drapes a square piece of cloth place on a pyramid would create. The cloth has more area than the sides of the pyramid.  The excess cloth creates folds at each corner.  The same happens with the glass.

 This draping fold can be minimised by using low temperatures and long (multiples of hours) soaks.  This allows all the sides of the glass to begin forming at more or less the same time.  I am not sure the folds can ever be completely eliminated.  With extremely long soaks, the drapes will flatten to the rest of the glass. 

 Annealing difficulties are caused by this folding.  It will create thick overlaps.  This in turn will cause the annealing difficulties. There are areas that are much thicker than others.  If you started with 6mm glass, the folds will create areas that are 18mm thick. 

 Making sure this glass - with such large differences - is all of the same temperature will require long annealing soaks.  It will also require very slow cooling segments.

 Square drape moulds are rarely successful. Folds are created at the corners, rather than fully conforming to the mould.

Wednesday, 13 July 2022

Ceramic Drape Moulds

Characteristics of materials

One of elements you need to consider in selecting a mould for draping is the characteristics of the ceramic material in relation to the glass being draped.  


Ceramic materials have what are called inversions. These are  points at which the ceramic has a quick change in expansion both on the heat up and cool down.  The two major ones are cristobalite inversion temperature at around 225°C and the quartz inversion at about 570°C.  The Crystobalite inversion is a sudden change of about 2.5% and the quartz is a sudden change of 1%.  These are very sudden and dramatic changes in comparison to the average of around 0.1% over the temperature range of 570°C to 800°C.  The crystobalite inversion does not occur until ca. 225°C.  This means that the whole structure of the ceramic is contracting less than the glass – exhibiting a CoE of ca. 66 rather 90 to 96.

Ceramic drape mould from Creative Glass Guild


We are used to saying glass expands and contracts at a standard rate, depending on the glass this may be a CoE of 83 to one of 104.  This is not the case.  The coefficient is an average calculated between 20°C and 300°C.  If you change the temperature range, the coefficient will also change.  And if you look at the range 570°C to 580°C you find the CoE is around 500.  This means that as the glass cools into the annealing range, it is contracting about 7 times faster than the ceramic. 

This dramatic difference in contraction means that the glass is attempting to crush the ceramic by enclosing it tightly.  Sometimes it does it so strongly that the strength of the glass is exceeded, and it breaks.


It is possible to drape over ceramic in certain conditions.

Influence of draft

The term “draft” indicates the slope of the sides of the form.  The steeper the sides, the more likely the glass is to trap the ceramic mould.  To be useful, the draft of the mould needs to be sufficient for the glass to slide upwards on the mould as it cools. This means the mould needs smooth sides and be well covered with a separator.


You can compensate for steep drafts by wrapping the ceramic form in 3mm refractory fibre paper.  You can bind this with high temperature wire to ensure it stays throughout the firing. The fibre paper can be compressed and so provides a cushion between the rapidly contracting glass and the slowly contracting ceramic.

These need a circle of 3mm fibre paper over the open top of the kiln posts that have no draft at all before use. Of course, they need to have a circular piece of fibre paper over the hole in the post.

The use of ceramic forms to drape over requires care about the draft of the ceramic or addition of a cushion to avoid the greater contraction of the glass than the ceramic grabbing the mould so tightly it cannot be removed.

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Frosting on slumped glass

 [We’re] Having a few challenges with a stainless-steel S-curve mould (15cm x 10cm [prepared with boron nitride]. … When we slump a piece of glass, we get a frosted effect … in places where the glass was touching the mould at the beginning. I don't think it's devitrification, because the glass itself isn't cloudy, it's just hundreds of little bumps and dimples.

Photo credit: Adrian Cresswell

 This is a mould that combines draping and slumping in the same firing. The glass must drape over the hump and slump into the valley at the same time. This is effectively two processes in the same firing. It does require some compromise in scheduling as a result.

 The evidence presented shows boron nitride – a slippery surface – was used to prepare the mould. In another firing Thinfire – a powdered surface – was used as a separator. Both created this marking on the back. The schedule was not presented.

 This indicates something other than the separator is creating the problem. Note that the marking also occurs at the extreme right end where the glass would be resting on the lip of the mould. The marking does not occur where the glass is slumping down into the curve. It only occurs where the glass is draping.

 As suggested, this is not devitrification. That occurs on the surface rather than on the bottom. This further indicates the difficulty is between the glass and the mould.

 I suggest the marks are from the glass sliding along the mould. These are frequently called stretch marks. The glass is sliding and stretching along the mould. This blog post contains much more information.

 It is of course possible that insufficient boron nitride was placed on the steel and the glass grabbed the steel. It is worth checking, although I don’t think it likely.

 You might think the Thinfire covering of the steel would make everything smooth. However, Thinfire turns to powder and fibreglass particles after about 400°C/753°F. These particles are drawn along as the glass moves against the mould. The particles can bunch and remain as bumps on the surface of the mould. This may account for the rougher surface with Thinfire than boron nitride.

A summary

These stretch marks occur when the glass moves excessively against the mould. This is usually a combination of high temperature and fast ramp rates. Slumping should be done at the lowest practical temperature. The soak should be long, rather than brief.

The Remedy

 Fire more slowly and to a lower temperature. The Bullseye suggestion from their quick tips is for a double curve (or wave) mould of 250 x 210 x 40 mm (9.85" x 8.25" x 1.6"). They suggest a ramp rate of 167°C to 660°C /1221°F with a soak of 10 minutes for a 6mm/0.25” thick piece.

 In my experience this is too fast. Slumping into this mould can be done at 630°C/1167°F with a 30-minute soak in my kilns using the same ramp rate.

 This is a simple mould to slump and drape into. It is essentially two partial cylinders pushed together in opposite directions. The curves are gentle and progressive. There are no sharp changes of direction. These factors mean that the slow and low approach will work well.

 However, in this case the curves will be even tighter as the full length is 150mm x 100mm/ 6” x 4”. The height is not given, but for a self-standing piece, it likely to be a minimum of 40mm/1.6". This makes for a tight curve on the mould. It is likely the glass will slide more than on a gentle curve. My thought is that the steel mould has been produced without knowledge - or testing - of the practicalities of getting the glass to bend to such a small radius. This means that I would be trying a schedule of about 125°C/225°F per hour to a top temperature of about 630°C/1167°F with a 1.0 to a 1.5-hour soak. The glass is going slump much more slowly with this smaller span.

 With gentle heating -slow ramp rate, long soak - the glass gradually conforms to the shape of the mould without stretching over the hump/crest of the mould. Instead, what happens is that the glass slips slightly from the opposite end of the mould. To counteract this, I place the glass 6mm/0.25” over the upraised end of the ceramic mould. This then finishes just inside the mould’s edge.

 With a steel mould, this is not possible without the glass hanging up on the hot and sharp edge. The glass will need to be at the edge or just inside to prevent hanging up on the end of the mould. The glass will slip down the mould a little, but not so much as to cause problems. It is possible to prop a piece of fibre board at the upturned end of the wave mould to support the overhanging glass if the full curve is required.

 The glass on the high part of the mould will not stretch at the low temperature, but gradually conform to the shape of the mould.

 I have much more information on this and other things in the eBook:

Low Temperature Kilnforming; an Evidence-Based Approach to Scheduling


Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Candle shades

These kinds of drapes are generically known as handkerchief drops, as they form the kind of shape that is formed by holding the cloth in the middle and letting it drape.  They can be done as small drapes over kiln posts, cocktail shakers, and much larger forms.

Two heights of new cocktail shakers

A well used cocktail shaker with kiln wash

A kiln post wrapped in preparation for firing

Two short kiln posts after firing

When preparing several drapes to be fired at one time you need to consider several factors.

Higher in the kiln is hotter.
The heat in a kiln, as in an oven, is greater the higher in the kiln is supported.  This means that taller supports will drape quicker than shorter ones. The consequence is that all the drapes should be of the same height.

A single layer that has begun to stretch at the shoulder of the former 

Larger spans fall quicker than smaller.
The more of the glass that is unsupported, the quicker it will fall, even at the same height. This is because the larger amount of unsupported glass has more mass than a smaller one and so falls quicker.  Plan for all the glass to be of similar sizes.

These two were fired at the same time. The back one is larger than the front 

Different shapes fall in different ways.
Squares and circles are the most common shapes used in a  drape. The corners of squares are points that are further away from the centre of the support than the sides.  These points begin to fall first, drawing the sides in later in the firing.  Circles form a taco shape before the ends of the “taco” begin to fall.  This deformation of the circular “taco” takes longer than a square takes.

Care needs to be taken that the glass does not thin excessively at the shoulder of the support.  There is less difficulty, if the same shapes are fired together as different heat work is required for each shape.

Observation by peeking is required to stop free drops at the right time.
As in all drapes, it is important to observe the progress of the drape at intervals.  This is best done by quick peeks to note the development of the shape and to move to the cooling segment when the drape is complete. This also requires a scheduling of a long soak and knowledge of how to advance the kiln controller to the next segment of the schedule.

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Using Ceramic to Drape


Before choosing a ceramic shape to use in draping of glass, you need to consider the characteristics of the two materials.  This is one circumstance where CoE is actually useful. 

The expansion of the two materials is different. Soda lime glass typically has an expansion rate - in the 0°C to 300°C range - of 81 to 104.  Ceramic has an expansion rate - in the 0°C to 400°C range - of 30 to 64.  This is important in the final cooling of the project.  As the glass expands more than the ceramic on the heat-up, so it also contracts more during the cool.  This means that the glass will shrink enough to trap the ceramic or even break if the stress on the glass is too much. 


The shape of the ceramic form will have a big effect on the usability of it as a mould.  Ceramics with right angles between the flat surface and the sides will not be suitable for draping without modifications or cushioning.  The forms suitable for draping need to have a significant draft to work well.

Ceramic forms such as rectangles, cubes, and cylinders do not have any draft in their form.  
A cube shape unsuitable for draping

Ceramic cylinders with straight sides

Although rounded at the base, the sides are too straight to be a draping mould

The glass will contract around these forms until they are stuck to the ceramic or break from the force of the contraction around the ceramic.

You can experience this trapping effect in a stack of drinking glasses.  Sometimes one glass sticks inside another even though there is a slope (i.e., a draft) on the sides of the glasses. This happens mostly when you put a cold glass inside a warm one.  On cooling the warm glass contracts to trap the cooler one. You can separate these by running hot water on the bottom glass, so that it expands and releases the inner, now cool, one. 

Effect of Shape

The ceramic contracts at about half the rate the glass contracts (on average), unlike steel which contracts faster than the glass. This means steel contracts away from the glass, while the glass contracts against the ceramic, on the cooling.

Because the glass is in its brittle or solid phase during the last 300°C to 400°C, this contraction tightens the glass against the ceramic, causing stress in the glass, even to the point of breaking.

However, if you choose ceramic forms with significant draft, you can drape over ceramic.  This is possible when the slope is great enough and the form is coated with enough separator, to allow the glass to slip upwards as it contracts more than the form. Experience with different draft forms will give you a feel for the degree of slope required. 
These pyramid shapes have sufficient draft to allow the glass to move up the mould during cooling.

Compensation for Lack of Draft

You can compensate for the insufficient draft of ceramic forms by increasing the thickness of the separators for the form.  The hot glass will conform to the hot ceramic, so there needs to be a means of keeping the glass from compressing the form while cooling.  This can most easily be done by wrapping the form that has little or no draft with 3mm ceramic fibre paper.  It is possible to get by with as little as 1mm fibre paper, but I like the assurance of the thicker material.

Kiln posts wrapped in 3mm fibre paper and secured with copper wire

The fibre paper can be held to the form by thin wire wrapped around the outside of the fibre paper. The advantage of the 3mm fibre paper is that the wire will sink below the surface of the paper.  You can tie off the wire with a couple of twists.  Cut off the ends and push the twist flat to the fibre paper to keep the glass from catching onto the wire.  If you want further assurance, you can put a bit of kiln wash onto the wire.


The choice of ceramic shapes to drape glass over is very important.  It needs to have sufficient draft and separator to allow the glass to slip upwards as it contracts more than the ceramic during the cooling.  You often can use items with no draft if you wrap fibre paper around the sides of the form.