Showing posts with label Cleaning glass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cleaning glass. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 December 2024


What is it? When does it happen? Why does it happen? These are frequent questions.

Dr. Jane Cook states that devitrification is not a category (noun), but a verb that describes a process. Glass wants to go toward devitrification; a movement toward crystallisation.*

Mild devitrification is the beginning of crystallisation on the surface of the glass. It can look like a dirty film over the whole piece or dirty patches. At its worst, the corners begin to turn up or a crackling can appear on a granular surface.  This is distinct from the effects from an unstable glass or the crizzling as in a ceramic glaze. Devitrification can occur within the glass, but normally is a surface effect as oxygen is required.

Differences in the surface of glass promotes precipitation of the crystal formation of silica molecules.  This fact means that two defences against the formation of crystals are smooth and clean surfaces. There are other factors at play also.  The composition of the glass has an effect on the probability of devitrification.  Opaque glass, lime, opalising agents, and certain colouring agents can create microcrystalline areas to "seed" the devitrification process.  One part of the composition of glass that resists devitrification is the inclusion of boron in the composition of the glass, acting as a flux.

Visible devitrification generally occurs in the range of approximately 720°C – 830°C/1330F - 1525F, depending to some extent on the type of glass.  This means that 
the project needs to be cooled as quickly as possible from the working (or top) temperature to the annealing point, which is, of course significantly below this range.

There is evidence to show that devitrification can occur on the heat up by spending too long in this devitrification range, and that it will be retained in the cooling. Normally this is not a problem as the practice in kilnforming is for a quick advance on the heat up through this range, causing movement in the glass and so working against any crystallisation.  The quick advance does not (and should not for a variety of reasons) need to be as fast as possible.  A rate of 300°C per hour will be sufficient, as time is required for devitrification to develop.

Medical research into using a glass matrix to grow bone has shown that devitrification begins around 650C/1200F, but only becomes visible after 700C/1290F.  This has implications for multiple slumps.  Devitrification is cumulative, so the devitrification that may have begun on the flat piece will be added to in the slumping process and may become visible.  For me this has appeared as a haze on the edge of the slumped piece.  Avoidance of this effect is by thorough cleaning of the piece before placing it in the mould.

The devitrification seen in typical studio practice results more often from inadequately cleaned glass than from excessive time at a particular temperature, up or down, through the devitrification range.  
It is often seen as a result of grinding edges to fit.  Even though the ground edge is cleaned, it may still be rough enough to promote devitrification.  The edge must be prepared for fusing by grinding to at least 400 grit (600 is better).  Alternatively, use a fine coating of clear powder to give a new surface to the whole piece.

Dr. Cook suggests three approaches to devitrification:*
Resistance through:
 - Schedules
 - Flux

Dealing with it:
 - Cold work
 - Acids
Embrace it:
 - Allow it
 - Use it

Other sources of information:
Temperature range for devitrification
Homemade devitrification solution
Frit to fill gaps
Low Temperature Kilnforming at Etsy and Bullseye

* From a lecture given by Dr. Jane Cook at the 2017 BECON

[entry revised 28.12.24]

Cleaning Materials and Solutions

You need to clean glass that is going into the kiln to avoid devitrification on the surfaces.  This can be a greater or lesser problem for different individuals.  It is probably related to the studio practice and the amount of oils in or on fingers.

The first things to consider in cleaning glass for kilnforming are what you are trying to eliminate from the glass, the chemical nature of glass, and how to avoid putting further contaminants on the glass.

Cleaning is to remove surface deposits
The sensitivity of glass to minor contamination is shown by the fact that the small amount of oil from your finger tips can provide sources of devitrification.  This means the glass needs to be really clean and free from any deposits.  You need to remove oils and dusts and anything you may have added during assembly to leave nucleation points for devitrification. This includes any minerals in the water used to clean the glass.

Avoid soaking in acids
Glass is an alkaline (or basic) material.  This means that acids can affect the surface of the glass – at the microscopic level – enough to provide those nucleation points for devitrification to develop.  An odd thing about the way vinegar attacks glass is that the more dilute it is, the more etching it does of the glass.  This has to do with the greater amount of oxygen to transfer from the vinegar water to the glass, leaving microscopic etching as the minerals encased in silica are released from the glass surface.  This is visible as mild dulling in the shine of the surface.

If acids are used to clean the glass, rinse immediately in an alkaline solution such as baking soda.  You need then to get rid of the chemical reaction products formed by the neutralisation of the acid.  This should be done by immediately rinsing with running clear water. Follow this with a polish dry using unprinted paper towels.

Cleaning with spirits
My recommendation is to avoid spirits, especially those with additives such as rubbing alcohol. The amount of oil that is to be removed from the glass is small, so application of large amounts of spirits is not necessary.  It is reported that some aggressive spirits may affect the surface of the glass by combining with the minerals or the silica of the glass – this is not proven. If you do use spirits make sure they are thoroughly cleaned off and polished dry.  It is all too easy to leave residues.

What can I use to clean the glass?

The simplest cleaner is water.  A drop or two of dish washing liquid can provide a break to the surface tension, allowing the water to flow smoothly over the whole surface.  Then polish dry with clean unprinted paper towels.  Often this will not be sufficient to clean all the oils and chemicals from the glass and the best alternative is to use isopropyl alcohol neat or diluted 1:1 with water.

In many areas, the public water supply is hard – i.e., has an appreciable level of minerals.  Calcium and iron are two common minerals in any water supply. Some water supplies have other additives such as chlorine, fluorine and other purifiers. Chlorine and fluorine react strongly with glass, so air drying is not a good choice in drying glass in areas where there are these chemicals in the water supply.  Iron is another strong reactor with glass.  In high iron areas it may make it difficult to use water as the cleaning element.

It is suggested that distilled water can be used instead of the public water supply.  Yes, it can.  But it is expensive and not necessary.  Instead there are a few commercial cleaning agents that work well.  In North America Spartan glass cleaner is recommended.  In Europe Bohle glass cleaner is recommended.  I use isopropyl alcohol as my final rinse.  

After applying these glass cleaners, you still must polish to squeaky clean and dry.

Revised 28.12.24

Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Comparison of Citric Acid and Trisodium Citrate.

These two substances are useful means of removing kiln wash and refractory mould material from glass. They are important where abrasive methods such as sand blasting are not available or appropriate.

My recent experience with both citric acid and trisodium citrate shows differences in performance. This makes each more suitable in different contexts.

credit: Amazon

Trisodium citrate is the safest option when long soaks are required to remove refractory mould material. The trisodium citrate removes any risk of etching the glass on long soaks. It has been shown by Christopher Jeffree that two-day soaks in this will not etch the glass. It is most suitable for casting work.

Items cleaned with citric acid and vinegar
credit: Christopher Jeffree

Citric acid acts quickly on kiln wash, making long soaks less necessary. Depending on the thickness of the stuck kiln wash and the amount of agitation of the stuck kiln wash, the time required may be only a dozen minutes. It rarely takes more than a few hours.  Citric acid does not work quickly on refractory materials. This makes the trisodium citrate the better choice for long soaks.

 More on citric acid as a cleaner

 More on citric acid

More on trisodium citrate

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Achieving Multiple Profiles in One Piece

People ask about whether it is possible to tack fuse additional elements without affecting the profile of the existing piece.

It is as though glass has a memory of the heat it has been subjected to.  For example, a sharp tack will become a slightly rounded tack, even though refired to a sharp tack again.  So, it is impossible to refire a piece to the same temperature or higher without affecting the existing profile.  But it is possible to fire a piece with differing profiles if you plan the sequence of firings.


Tack fuse onto existing profile


It is possible to add pieces to be tack fused with little distortion to the existing piece through careful scheduling and observation.  There are several requirements.

 •     A moderate rate of advance to the working temperature is required, rather than a fast one. This is because the piece is a single thicker piece with uneven thicknesses.  Also, a slow rise in temperature allows completion of the work to at a lower temperature.  This means there will be less change to the existing profile.

•     A minimal bubble squeeze - or none at all - is required on this second firing.  The added pieces generally will be small, so if possible, eliminate the bubble squeeze.  The requirement is to add as little heat work as possible.

 •     The working temperature should be to a low tack fuse temperature with a long soak. 

 •     Observation is required from the time the working temperature is achieved.  Peeking at 5-minute intervals is needed.  This to be certain that the current tack fuse can be achieved without much affecting the existing profile.  It will be a compromise that you will be able to choose during the firing.  The decision will be whether to retain existing profile and have a sharp tack.  Or a slightly rounded tack and more rounded profile on the original piece.

Planning for multiple levels of tack

It is possible to design a piece with multiple profiles within the completed piece.  You need to plan out the levels and degrees of tack you want before you start firing. 

To do this planning, you need to remember that all heat work is cumulative. In simple terms it means that on a second firing you will start where you left off with the first one. The texture in the first firing will become softer, rounded, or flatter than the second or even the third firing.

Three degrees of tack can be achieved with a little planning.  It works similarly to paint firings.  Some paints fire higher than enamels, and enamels hotter than stain.  You have to plan to fire all the tracing and shading first.  Then you add the opaque enamels, followed by the transparent enamels.  Finally, you add the silver stain.  This is unlike painting on canvas where you build up the image all together.

The same principle is true of a multiple level tack fuse piece.  When creating various profiles in glass, you proceed from firing the areas that will be the flattest first. Then proceed to the areas which will have the least tack last.  This is a consequence of the cumulative effect of heat on re-fired glass.

Plan out the areas that you want to have the least profile.  Assemble the glass for those areas. I suggest that a 6mm base is the initial requirement for anything that is going to be fired multiple times.  Add the initial pieces that will become a contour fuse or a very rounded tack. 

First firing

Put this assembly in the kiln and schedule.  Do not fire to the contour profile temperature.  Instead, you will be scheduling for a sinter or sharp tack. This depends on how many textures you plan to incorporate.  Start with a sharp tack.  Fire at the appropriate rate with a bubble squeeze to about 740°C for 10 minutes and proceed to the anneal cool.   Different kilns will need other temperatures to achieve a sharp tack.

You do not fire to the contour fuse temperature, because the base will be subject to more firings.  Each of these firings will soften the base layers more than the previous one.  This is the application of the principle of cumulative heat work.  When you fire a piece for a second time, there will be little effect until the softening point of the glass is reached. Once there, the glass further softens, giving the effect of a contour fuse.

Any glass that had already achieved contour profile from the first firing will flatten further.  This can be used in cases where the working temperature was not high enough.  Just fire again to the original schedule’s temperature.  Take account of the need for a slower ramp rate to the softening point.

Second firing

Once cool and cleaned, you can add your next profile level of tack fusing to the base.  Note that “level of tack” does not refer to thickness being built up.  It is about the amount of roundness you want to impart to the pieces.  You may be placing this second - sharper – level of tack in the spaces left during the first firing.  Again, schedule to the original approximate 740°C. But remember the base is now a single piece.  You need to slow the ramp rate to the softening point, after which the speed can be increased.  You will not need to retain the bubble squeeze unless you are adding large pieces, or into low areas. 

The second firing will show the pieces added for the second firing to have the profile of the original pieces.  Those pieces having their first firing will have a sharper appearance.



This is a piece where the flower petals and leaves could have been placed for the second firing to give a softer background with less rounded flower details.


Third firing

Clean well and add the pieces for the final level of tack.  Schedule the initial rate of advance a little slower than the second firing.  The piece is growing in thickness and complexity.  Once the softening point is reached, the original rate of advance can once again be used up to original temperature. 

Final firing

Clean well and add the pieces for the final level of tack.  Schedule the initial rate of advance a little slower than the second firing.  The piece is growing in thickness and complexity.  Once the softening point is reached, the original rate of advance can once again be used up to original temperature. 

Further notes on multiple firings

It is a good idea to observe the firing, once the working temperature is achieved.  This is to ensure enough roundness is being given to the final pieces being tacked to the whole.  Be prepared to extend the soak if the final pieces are not rounded enough.   Although you should have a good idea of the degree of tack for the final pieces from the previous two firings.

You may need to experiment a little with the temperature and length of soaks at the working temperature.  For example, if the degree of tack is too sharp in the first firing, you can extend the soak or increase the temperature for the next ones. 

If you are firing at 740°C, you may feel you can afford to extend the soak for the subsequent firings, because you are in the lower part of the devitrification range. Consider the risk of devitrification increases with the number of firings of the glass.  The preference is to increase the temperature a bit for subsequent firings to ensure you are not spending a cumulatively long time in the devitrification range but still be able to get the final tack level desired. 

The preference is to increase the temperature a bit for subsequent firings to ensure you are not spending a cumulatively long time in the devitrification range but still be able to get the final tack level desired. 

Because most of your heat work is happening in the low end of the devitrification range, the cleaning regime must be very thorough.  Any chemicals or soaps used must be completely washed off with clean water.  The piece must be polished dry to ensure there are no water marks left on the glass.

You can, of course, have more levels of tack.  One approach would be to start with a sinter, or tack to stick, firing. And repeat that four or more times.  Another is to increase the working temperature and reduce the length of time soaked there.  The shorter time means there is less rounding of each level, allowing the build-up of many levels of tack.  All of these require some experimentation. 

More information is available in the ebook Low Temperature Kilnforming.

Three firings to the same sharp tack profile will give multiple profiles in the finished piece. 

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

More Information on Citric acid

Vinegar is not recommended for cleaning of glass, and especially not to soak glass in to remove kiln wash or investment materials.

The reasons for avoiding vinegar are that
·        Dilute vinegar - as culinary vinegar is - attacks glass, giving a mild etch to the surface similar to devitrification.  Concentrated vinegar – oddly - does not attack glass as strongly.
·        It is of variable quality – due to uncontrolled strength, various culinary additives, etc.,
·        It has a strong odour, and
·        It takes a long time to work.

Citric Acid

However, there is an acid which works very well to remove investment materials and kiln wash without affecting the glass.  It is the humble citric acid.

Citric acid is a weak organic acid that has the chemical formula C6H8O7. It occurs naturally in citrus fruits, although that is not the best source for cleaning purposes.

More than two million tons of citric acid are manufactured every year. It is used widely as anacidifer, as a flavouring agent and chelating agent. It is the last that is of most interest to kilnformers.

Chemical characteristics

A citrate is a derivative of citric acid. There are many formulations. Two examples are a salt that is named trisodium citrate (also known as sodium citrate); and an ester called triethyl citrate. We are more interested in the first as it is cheap and widely available.

The citrate ion forms complexes with metallic cations.  It forms complexes even with alkali metal cations. This makes citric acid an excellent chelating agent, especially of interest in removing kiln wash and refractory materials from glass.

This is a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions. The agents are usually organic compounds. Chelation is useful in applications such as providing nutritional supplements, in chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from the body, in MRI scanning, in chemical water treatment to assist in the removal of metals, and in fertilisers, among other things. 

Citric Acid as a Cleaning and chelating agent

Citric acid is an excellent chelating agent, binding metals by making them soluble. Among many cleaning uses are:
    to remove and discourage the build-up of lime scale, from boilers and evaporators. 
    to treat water by chelating the metals in hard water, cleaners produce foam and work better without need for water softening. Citric acid is the active ingredient in some bathroom and kitchen cleaning solutions. 
    A solution with a 6% concentration of citric acid will remove hard water stains from glass without scrubbing. 
    Citric acid can be used in shampoo to wash out wax and colouring from the hair. 
    In industry, it is used to dissolve rust from steel and to form a coating on stainless steels to resist corrosion.

Its use in kiln forming is to make use of the chelation properties when dealing with kiln wash and investment material residues.  Aluminium hydrate is the main ingredient of all kiln washes.  When it becomes bound to glass, it is impervious to almost all chemicals.  The chelating property of citric acid enables the bond between the glass and the kiln wash to be broken by incorporating the molecules within its own, making a colloidal solution.  This process is approximately 6 times faster than any vinegar solution and without the odour and etching risks.

A sample of the affected glass followed by 4 hours in citric acid and 24 hours in vinegar.
Credit: Christopher Jeffree

A 5% solution made up with 50gm of granular citric acid in 1 litre of water is all the strength that is required. The affected glass can be soaked in this solution for the time required to complete the chelation without the risk of etching, and without needing ventilation to remove smells.  Unless you are using a lot of cleaner, it is better to make up much smaller amounts as mould can grow on this organic solution.

A 5% solution made up of 50gms citric acid in 500ml of water and 500ml of isopropyl alcohol makes an inexpensive and effective glass cleaner. However, if left for a length of time, it becomes sticky.  Apply the solution, scrub the glass and immediately wipe off the solution.  Then polish the glass dry. The alcohol in the solution makes keeping large quantites possible. 

This post was compiled with the assistance of Wikipedia, Christopher Jeffree and my own experience.

Although this post remains valid, there is another chemical for long soaks to remove mould material or kilnwash.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Bubble Mystery

A question was asked about a collapsed bubble. There were two pieces in the kiln and one (strips) was fine and the other (flat plate) had the collapsed bubble.  Both on the same dried shelf.  The question also asked if the collapsed bubble piece could be flattened by fusing again.

Collapsed Bubble
The bubble collapsed because it had not burst by the time the cool toward annealing had begun.  As the air pressure under the bubble dropped, and the weight of the thinned glass bubble sank down as there was not enough air pressure to hold it up.

The glass is now thinner at the centre of the bubble than the main part of the piece, and thicker at the edge of the bubble. I don't think it is possible to successfully flatten it to become an even thickness across the whole piece. To get the same thickness across the whole piece would require high temperatures and long soaks there. 

Another possibility is to use a pressing solution

My suggestion is to add elements or repurpose it. I don’t think any repairs would present a good-looking piece.

The on-line diagnosis of the possibilities for the cause of the bubble was extensive and sometimes inventive.  It was finally determined the bubble was from under the glass, that is, between the glass and the shelf. A slight depression in the shelf is the usual explanation.  The user tested the shelf for smoothness and found no depressions.

It was clear the bubble came from under the glass.  All the suggestions about how bubbles can form under glass were given, but none seemed to apply.

How can you get a bubble on a dry shelf that is perfectly flat and that has not been subjected to too rapid or too high a temperature?

The answer is that a little spot of grit or tiny ball of fibre paper can keep the glass raised up enough for air to be trapped.

It is not enough to test the shelf is flat.  You need to use clean kiln wash with a clean brush to avoid any grit being brought to the shelf. It is also a good reason to vacuum the shelf before each use in case any dust or grit has fallen onto the shelf. Covering the shelf or putting it into a cupboard will also reduce the possibility of small bits of grit falling onto the shelf.

Of course, if you smooth the kiln wash with a nylon or similar fine cloth, you will remove any specks of grit.  A vacuum of the shelf after smoothing is still a good idea.

It is as important to keep tools and materials clean as it is to clean the glass you are going to kilnform.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Marker Pens

A lot of us use marker pens on our glass to determine cut lines, indicate areas that need grozing, etc.  These pens have a variety of names – felt tips, Sharpies, paint pens, fibre tips, permanent markers, laundry markers, and many other generic and trade names.

Most, except the paint markers, contain water or spirit based colours. Many of these pigments are reputed to burn away during the firing of the glass. 

Paint markers and the ones that contain metallic colours rarely fire off.  They are more likely to fire into the glass.  Some people take advantage of this fact to quickly add marks that will survive the firing.

I no longer trust anything to burn off. Even if the marks do apparently burn away, the residues are sites for devitrification to begin.

I clean all my marks off before firing.  It only takes the marks to be fired into a favourite piece to convert you to cleaning. If you use paint markers on black glass or coloured felt tip marks on clear, clean it all off before firing.  This removes the chance that the pigment will remain throughout the firing and ensures the glass is spotless when it goes into the kiln.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Cleaning the Kiln of Dust

Dust is promoter of devitrification. You should do the most you can to keep your kiln free of dust.

Dust can come from the kiln lining materials.  Regular gentle vacuuming of the kiln surfaces will help prevent particles from falling on to you work or other surfaces in the kiln.

It can come from the separators you put in the kiln.  I often see pictures of used fibre paper at the side, or under, the kiln shelf.  This should be cleaned out after each use to provide clean firing conditions.

The main reason for this obsessive cleaning is that dust particles within the kiln will be disturbed by the air movement involved in closing or opening the kiln lid or door. There also is air circulation within the kiln during the heating and cooling phases, although it is not as much as when opening the door/lid.  These disturbed dust particles will settle on the glass and defeat your cleaning of the glass.  

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Slumping an Unknown Shaped Glass

A request for suggestions on how to slump found glass that had been shaped by some method was received. The request included a schedule for flattening - open side down – in a mould.

My response:

I would not attempt to do both the actions in one step. Flatten first, slump second. 

Before you start the flattening, clean it well, as any dirt trapped will be permanently imbedded.

During the slumping onto a flat surface, watch to see when it slumps during the flattening. When the form definitely begins deforming, note that temperature. The rate of advance should be moderate – no more than 150C per hour.

Observe the progress of the slumping.  When it begins to deform and change shape this will give you the slumping temperature. Record this temperature as this will be the temperature at which to conduct the slumping of the flattened form.
The temperature at which the deformation begins, minus 40C, can be taken as the middle of the annealing range. This will give you an idea of the annealing temperature as this method is not exact, but good enough to get an adequate anneal.  You can begin your annealing at this temperature without worry of it being too high.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Preventing Devitrification on Cut Edges

“Question-when cutting up a Screen Melt, using a tile saw. How do you NOT get devitrification when laying the slices cut sides up?”

Devitrification occurs where there are differences in the surface.  This means that the surfaces exposed to the heat must be both clean and smooth.  It is not enough for only one of these to be the case, both are required.

First, the sawn edges need to be clean.  A good scrub with a stiff bristle brush is essential.

Second, devitrification sprays of whatever kind do not seem good enough to prevent the devitrification. This is probably due to the thin covering of the differences (scratches, pits, etc.) on the surface.

Beyond that, I know of two ways to prevent or reduce devitrification. That is, providing a smooth surface to resist devitrification.

1 – Grind
This can be done with hand pads, grit slurry or machines such as a Dremel with damp sanding pads or belts, wet belt sanders, or a flat lap.  The grinding should go down to at least 400 grit before cleaning and arranging to fire.

2 – Clear glass
This method relies on putting a layer of clear glass that is less likely to devitrify than the cut edges over the whole surface.  You could use a sheet of glass, although that would promote a multitude of bubbles due to the spaces between the strips and the naturally uneven heights of the strips.

Placing a layer of fine frit on top of the arranged pieces before firing is a way of allowing air out and forming a smooth upper layer by filling the gaps. It is best to avoid powder, as this promotes a multitude of fine bubbles, giving a grey appearance. The layer you apply needs to be an even layer and at least 1mm thick. If you are concerned at getting lots of bubbles, you could use medium frit instead.  In this case, the layer will need to be thicker than 1m to get an even coverage. The whole of the surface of the piece needs to disappear under the layer of frit, and that may be a good guide to the thickness of frit to apply.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Slumping Glass that is not Tested Compatible

Is it Possible?

It is possible to slump unknown glass. This glass might be art glass, window glass, bottles, or any other glass whose characteristics are unknown by you.  There are some suggestions about the characteristics of some glasses in this post that can be used as a starting point.

Preparation of the Glass

Prepare the edges to their final finish before slumping.  This because the slumping temperature will not be enough to alter the finish of the edge significantly.  This preparation can be done with diamond hand pads, or wet and dry sandpapers.  Start with a relatively coarse grit. You may wish to do the initial shaping on your grinder. This will be between 80 and 100 grit.  Continuing with a 200 grit and working your way through 400 and then 600 grit will give you an edge that will become shiny during the slumping.


Clean thoroughly.  This is especially important when using glass that is not formulated for fusing.  Devitrification is more likely on these glasses.  Water with a drop of dishwashing liquid can be enough unless your water has high mineral content.  Then distilled water or a purpose made glass cleaner such as Bohle or Spartan should be substituted.  Finish with a polish to dry with clean paper towels. More here. 

Firing the Slump

Fire up slowly.  You should advance at about 100°C to 150°C per hour.  Set your top temperature around 630°C for a simple slump, for soda lime stained glass.  For bottle or window glass you will need a temperature closer to 720°C although the also are soda lime glasses.

It is best to start with simple curves, as there are fewer difficulties in determining what the glass is doing.  It will help you to learn the characteristics of the glass before you tackle the difficult stuff, such as compound curves or texture moulds.


It is necessary to observe the progress of the slump as you do not yet know the slumping temperature.  You want to know when the glass begins to deform so that you do not over fire.  Start watching the glass at about 10 minute intervals from about 580°C for stained glass and 680°C for window and bottle glass.  There is not much light in the kiln at these temperatures, so an external light is useful.  You can also observe the reflections of the elements on the glass.  When the image of the elements begins to curve, you know the glass is beginning to bend.

Altering the Schedule

Soak for at least 30 mins at the temperature when the glass begins to visibly drop. This may or may not be long enough.  Continue checking at 5-10 minute intervals to know when the slump is complete.  If the glass is completely slumped before the soak time is finished, advance to the next segment.  If not fully slumped, you need to extend the soak time. This means that you need to know how to alter your schedule in your controller while firing.  Consult your controller manual to learn how to do these things.

Stop the soak when complete and advance to the anneal. Continue the slumping soak if not complete after the 30 mins.  In some cases, you may need to also increase the temperature by 5-10°C.


The annealing point will be about 40°C below the point that the glass visibly starts the slump. If you want a more accurate determination of the annealing point, this post gives information on how to conduct a test to give you both the slump temperature and the annealing point.  It also helps to determine the lower part of the tack fusing range (the lamination state), since it is not far above the slumping point that you will observe.

The annealing soak for a single layer, 3mm glass need not be long – 15 to 30 minutes.  The annealing cool can be as fast as 120°C down to 370°C.  For thicker glass and slumped bottle glass you will need a longer soak – 30 to 60 minutes – and a slower cool.  The annealing cool in this case could be about 60°C/hour to 370°C.  You can turn the kiln off at 370°C, if you wish, or keep the temperature controlled to about 50°C.  The rate for the final cooling can be approximately double the first cooling rate.  For a single layer of stained glass this could be 240°C, and for thicker glass about 120°C

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Sticking Kiln Wash

Sometimes people experience kiln wash sticking to the bottom of their glass. 

You need some understanding of what kiln wash is to know why the wash sticks. It is largely due to the chemical changes in the kaolin at fusing temperatures.

Opalescent glass does tend to pick up kiln wash more easily than transparent, and does it more at higher temperatures.  This re-enforces the mantra of "low and slow" to avoid problems in kiln forming.

To achieve the same effects at lower temperatures as at higher temperatures, your ramp rate needs to be slow from the slump point to the top temperature.  This additional heat work will achieve the desired effect with a lower temperature.

One kiln wash, Primo, does not contain china clay.  If you use this and it is sticking to the bottom of the glass, you may be firing too high. Try a lower temperature with a longer soak to reduce the kiln wash pickup. 

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Vinegar for Cleaning

Cleaning glass with acids causes corrosion of the surface of the glass.

So many people mention using vinegar to help clean the ground edges. I can't resist commenting. Vinegar is acidic. Glass is alkaline. Leave the glass in the vinegar too long and it will affect the surface of the glass.

Sometimes it dulls. Sometimes it corrodes to give a mild iridised appearance. The acid removes the alkaline materials – potash, lime, etc. – leaving a pitted surface at the microscopic level.  Left long enough – hours rather than days – the surface will begin to appear dull due to the pittiing. It is at this stage that it is easy to introduce contaminants which may later form nucleation sites for devitrification.

If you must use vinegar, rinse with it. Do not soak your glass in a vinegar solution.

Alkaline cleaners

Two alkaline substances that are used to clean glass are baking soda and ammonia.  Both are effective cleaners and do not have a reaction with the glass as they both are alkaline. The glass can be left to soak for a brief time in a solution of these chemicals, although I would not be happy with an open bath of ammonia.

But the effective part of what people are doing to clean the edges is the scrubbing. Scrubbing the glass powder out of the pits left by the grinder is what really works.  When leaving the glass in a bath of even plain water, you are giving the powdered glass the opportunity to settle into these pits.  Once settled into the pits, the powdered glass can become like cement to remove.

There is a much better cleaner, especially for removing kiln wash and investment mould material.  It is a neutralised acid - tri-sodium citrate.  It is often sold in the dihydrate form.  It is used in the food industry and so is widely available. Glass can be left in the 6% solution for days without being etched.  The unwanted material is chelated from the surface during this soak.  Occasional agitation may speed the effect by removing the loose material on top.

Mechanical cleaning

You could have a much better effect if you scrubbed under clean water before placing in a bath of water with grinder lubricant.  This material promotes a gel like glass residue. This gel prevents the glass becoming caked like cement.

A final scrub to thoroughly clean before assembly is a good idea. Each piece should be polished dry with lint free cloths or uncoloured absorbent paper.  If any particles cloth or paper are left behind, they will burn away long before devitrification can begin to form.

Of course, the best solution is to grind with 400 or 600 grit.  This is fine enough that there is not enough powder left to promote devitrification.