Showing posts with label Annealing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annealing. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Relative stress in Tack and Full Fused Glass

There is a view that there will be less stress in the glass after a full fuse than a tack fuse firing.

This view may have its origin in the difficulties in getting an adequate anneal of tack fused pieces and the uncritical use of already programmed schedules. There are more difficulties in annealing a tack fused piece than one that has all its elements fully incorporated by a flat fuse. This does not mean that by nature the tack fused piece will include more stress. Only that more care is required.

Simply put, a full fuse has all its components fully incorporated and is almost fully flat, meaning that only one thickness exists.  The annealing can be set for that thickness without difficulty or concern about the adequacy of the anneal due to unevenness, although there are some other factors that affect the annealing such as widely different viscosities, exemplified by black and white.

Tack fused annealing is much more complicated than contour or full fusing.  You need to compensate for the fact that the pieces which are not fully fused tend to react to heat changes in differently, rather than as a single unit.  Square, angled and pointed pieces can accumulate a lot of stress at the points and corners. This needs to be relieved through the lengthening of the annealing process.

The uneven levels need to be taken into consideration too.  Glass is an inefficient conductor of heat and uneven layers need longer for the temperature to be equal throughout the piece.  The overlying layers shade the heat from the lower layers, making for an uneven temperature distribution across the lower layer.

The degree of tack has a significant effect on annealing too.  The less incorporated the tacked glass is, the greater care is needed in the anneal soak and cool.  This is because the less strong the tack, the more the individual pieces react separately, although they are joined at the edges.

If you have taken all these factors into account, there will be no difference in the amount of stress in a flat fused piece and a tack fused one.  The only time you will get more stress in tack fused pieces is when the annealing is inadequate (assuming compatible glass is being used).

More information is given on these factors and how to deal with them in this post on annealing tack fused glass and in the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming available from Bullseye and Etsy.

Revised 5.1.25

Monday, 30 December 2024

Slump Point Test

At a time when we are all going to be trying a variety of glass of unknown compositions to reduce costs of kiln working, the knowledge of how to determine the slump point temperature (normally called the softening point in the glass manufacturing circles) and the approximate annealing temperature becomes more important.  The slump point test can be used to determine both the slumping point and the annealing soak temperature.  This was required when the manufacturers did not publish the information, and it continues to be useful for untested glasses.

The method requires the suspension at a defined height of a strip of glass, the inclusion of an annealing test, and the interruption of the schedule to enter the calculated annealing soak temperature.

A strip of 3 mm transparent glass is required.  This does not mean that it has to be clear, but remember that dark glass absorbs heat differently from clear or lightly tinted glass. The CoE characteristics given are normally those of the clear glass for the fusing line concerned.  The strip should be 305 mm x 25 mm.  

Suspend the strip 25 mm above the shelf, leaving a span of 275 mm. This can be done with kiln brick cut to size, kiln furniture, or a stack of fibre paper.   Make sure you coat any kiln furniture with kiln wash to keep the glass from sticking.

The 305mm strip suspended 25mm above the shelf with kiln furniture.

Place some kiln furniture on top of the glass where it is suspended to keep the strip from sliding off the support at each end. Place a piece of wire under the centre of this span to make observation of the point that the glass touches down to the shelf easier.

The strip held down by placing kiln furniture on top of the glass, anchoring it in place while the glass slumps.

If you are testing bottles, you may find it more difficult to get such a long strip.  My suggestion is that you cut a bottle on a tile saw to give you a 25 mm strip through the length of the bottle.  Do not worry about the curves, extra thickness, etc.  Put the strip in the kiln and take it to about 740C to flatten it. Reduce the temperature to about 520C to soak there for 20 minutes.  Then turn the kiln off.  

Also add a two layer stack of the transparent glass near the suspended strip of glass to act as a check on whether the annealing soak temperature is correct. This stack should be of two pieces about 100 mm square. If you are testing bottles, a flattened side will provide about the same thickness.  This process provides a check on the annealing temperature you choose to use.  If the calculated temperature is correct there should be little if any stress showing in the fired piece.

The completed test set up with an annealing test and wire set at the midpoint of the suspended glass to help with determining when the glass touches down.

The schedule will need to be a bit of guess work.  The reasons for the suggested temperatures are given after this sample initial schedule which needs to be modified during the firing.
In Celsius
Ramp 1: 200C per hour to 500C, no soak
Ramp 2: 50C per hour to 720C, no soak
Ramp 3: 300C per hour to 815C or 835C, 10 minute soak
Ramp 4: 9999 to 520C, 30 minute soak
Ramp 5: 80C per hour to 370C, no soak
Ramp 6: off.

In Fahrenheit
Ramp 1: 360F per hour to 932F, no soak
Ramp 2: 90F per hour to 1328F, no soak
Ramp 3: 540F per hour to 1500F or 1535FC, 10 minute soak
Ramp 4: 9999 to 968F, 30 minute soak
Ramp 5: 144F per hour to 700F, no soak
Ramp 6: off.

Fire at the moderate rate initially,
and then at 50C/90Fper hour until the strip touches down. This is to be able to accurately record the touch down temperature.  If you fire quickly, the glass temperature will be much less than the air temperature that the pyrometer measures.  Firing slowly allows the glass to be nearly the same temperature as the air.  

Observe the progress of the firing frequently from 500C/932F onward.  If it is float or bottle glass you are testing you can start observing from about 580C. Record the temperature when the middle of the glass strip touches the shelf. The wire at the centre of the span will help you determine when the glass touches down.  This touch down temperature is the slump point of your glass.  You now know the temperature to use for gentle slumps with a half hour soak.  More angular slumps will require a higher temperature or much more time.

Once you have recorded the slump point temperature, you can skip to the next ramp (the fast ramp 3).  This is to proceed to a full fuse for soda lime glasses. Going beyond tack fusing temperatures is advisable, as tack fuses are much more difficult to anneal and so may give an inaccurate assessment of the annealing. Most glasses, except float, bottles and borosillicate will be fully fused by 815C. If it is float, bottles or borosilicate that you are testing, try 835C. If it is a lead bearing glass, lower temperatures than the soda lime glass should be used. In all these cases observation at the top temperature will tell you if you have reached the full fuse temperature. If not add more time or more heat to get the degree of fuse desired.

While the kiln is heating toward the top temperature you can do the arithmetic to determine the annealing point.  To do this, subtract 40C/72F from the recorded touch down temperature to obtain an approximate upper annealing point.  The annealing point will be 33C/60F below the upper point.  This is approximate as the touch down temperature is, by the nature of the observation. approximate.  

The next operation is to set this as the annealing soak temperature in the controller. This will be the point at which it usually possible to interrupt the schedule and change the temperature for the annealing soak that you guessed at previously. Sometimes though, you need to turn the controller off and reset the new program.  Most times the numbers from the last firing are retained, so that all you need to do is to change the annealing soak temperature.

The annealing soak should be for 60 minutes to ensure an adequate anneal. This may be excessive for 3 mm glass, but as the anneal test is for 6 mm, the longer soak is advisable. The annealing cool should be 83C/hr down to 370C. This is a moderate rate which will help to ensure the annealing is done properly. The kiln can be turned off at that temperature, as the cooling of the kiln will be slow enough to avoid any thermal shock to the annealing test piece.

When cooled, check the stack for stress. This is done by using two polarised light filters. See here for the method. 

Squares of glass showing different levels of stress from virtually none to severe
 (no light emanating for no stress to strong light from the corners indicating a high degree of stress.)

If the anneal test piece is stressed, there could be a number of reasons for the inadequate annealing. It could be that the glass has devitrified so much that it is not possible to fuse this glass at all. If you also test the suspended strip for stresses and there is very little or none, it is evidence that you can kiln form single layers of this glass. You now know the slumping temperature and a suitable annealing temperature and soak for it, even though fusing this glass is not going to be successful.

Other reasons for stress due to inadequate annealing could be that the observations or calculations were incorrect.  

  • Of course, before doing any other work, you should check your arithmetic to ensure the calculations have been done correctly. I'm sure you did, but it is necessary to check.  If they are not accurate, all the following work will be fruitless.
  • The observation of the touch down of the suspended strip can vary by quite a bit - maybe up to 15C.  To check this, you can put other annealing test pieces in the kiln.  This will require multiple firings using temperatures in a range from 10C/18F above to 10C/18F below your calculated annealing soak temperature to find an appropriate annealing soak temperature.
  • If stress is still showing in the test pieces after all these tests, you can conduct a slump point test on a strip of glass for which there are known properties. This will show you the look of the glass that has just reached touch down point as you know it will happen at 73C above the published annealing point.  You can then apply this experience to a new observation of the test glass. 

Revised 30.12.24

Breaks after the Piece is Cool

People sometimes fire a piece only to have it break after it is cool.  They decide to re-fire with additional decoration to conceal the break.  But it breaks again a day after it has cooled.  Their questions centre around thermal shock and annealing. They used the same CoE from different suppliers, so it must be one of these elements that caused the breakage.

Thermal Shock

This is an effect of a too rapid heat changes.  Its can occur on the way up in temperature or on the way down.  If it occurred on the way up to a fuse, the edges will be rounded.  If it occurred on the way up to a slump the edges may be sharp still, but the pieces will not fit together because the slump occurred before the slump.  It the break occurs on the way down the pieces will be sharp.  The break will be visible when you open the kiln.  More information is here.

If the break occurs after the piece is cool, it is not thermal shock.


Another possible cause of delayed breakage is inadequate annealing.  Most guidelines on annealing assume a flat uniform thickness.  The popularity of tack fused elements, means these are inadequate guides on the annealing soak and annealing cool.  Tack fused items generally need double the temperature equalisation soak and half the annealing cool rate. This post gives information on how the annealing needs modification on tack fused items. 

The annealing break usually crosses through the applied pieces and typically has a hook at each end of the break.  If the piece has significant differences in thicknesses, the break may follow the edge of the thicker pieces for some distance before it crosses it toward an edge. This kind of break makes it difficult to tell from an incompatibility break.


The user indicated all the glass was of the same CoE.  
This is not necessarily helpful. 

Coefficient of Linear Expansion (CoE) is usually measured between 20°C and 300°C. The amount of expansion over this temperature range is measured and averaged. The result is expressed as a fraction of a metre per degree Celsius. CoE90 means that the glass will expand 9 one-thousandths of a millimetre for each degree Celsius.  If this were to hold true for higher temperatures, the movement at 800C would be 7.2mm in length over the starting size.  However, the CoE rises with temperature in glass and is variable in different glasses, so this does not tell us how much the expansion at the annealing point will be.  It is the annealing point expansion rate that is more important.  More information is here.

  • Compatibility is much more than the rate of expansion of glass at any given temperature.  
  • It involves the balance of the forces caused by viscosity and expansion rates around the annealing point.
Viscosity is probably the most important force in creating compatible glasses. There is information on viscosity here.  To make a range of compatible glass the forces of expansion and viscosity need to be balanced.  Each manufacturer will do this in subtly different ways.  Therefore, not all glass that is claimed by one manufacturer to compatible with another’s will be so. 

All is not lost.  It does not need to be left to chance.

Testing glass from different sources is required, as you can see from the above comments.  It is possible to test the compatibility of glass from different sources in your own kiln.  The test is based on the principle that glass compatible with a base sheet will be compatible with other glasses that are also compatible with that same base sheet.  There are several methods to do this testing, but this is the one I use, based on Shar Moorman’s methods.  

If you are buying by CoE you must test what you buy against what you have.

If you are investing considerable effort and expense in a piece which will use glass from different sources or manufacturers, and which is simply labelled CoE90, or CoE96, you need to use these tests before you start putting the glass together.  The more you deviate from one manufacturer’s glass in a piece, the more testing is vital. 

In the past, people found ways of combining glass that was not necessarily compatible, by different layering, various volume relationships, etc.  But the advent of manufacturers’ developing compatible lines of glass eliminated the need to do all that testing and experimenting.  While the fused glass market was small, there were only a few companies producing fusing glass.  When the market increased, the commercial environment led to others developing glass said to be compatible with one or other of the main producers of fusing compatible glass.

An incompatibility break may occur in the kiln, or it may occur days, months or years later.  Typically, the break or crack will be around the incompatible glass.  The break or crack may follow one edge of the incompatible glass before it jumps to an edge.  The greater the incompatibility, the more likely it is to break apart.  Smaller levels of incompatibility lead to fractures around the incompatible glass pieces, but not complete breaks.

If the break occurs some length of time after the piece is cool, it can be an annealing or a compatibility problem.  They are difficult to distinguish apart sometimes.  There is more information about the diagnosis of the causes of cracks and breaks here.

The discussion above shows that even with the best intentions, different manufacturers will have differences that may be small, but can be large enough to destroy your project.  This means that unless you are willing to do the testing, you should stick with one manufacturer of fusing compatible glass. 

Do not get sucked into the belief that CoE tells you much of importance about compatibility.

Revised 30.12.24

Effects of Annealing at the Top End of the Range

It is possible to begin your annealing at any point in the annealing range.

The annealing point is the temperature at which the glass most quickly relieves the stress within.  This occurs at the glass transition point

The  annealing range is between the softening point and the strain point of the glass.  No annealing can be achieved above the softening point, nor below the strain point.  This range, for practical purposes can be taken to be 55°C above and below the published annealing point.  For thick slabs, Bullseye has chosen to start the anneal 34°C below the published annealing point of 516°C.

High Annealing Point

A high annealing temperature, even up to 571°C, the approximate strain point of the glass could have been chosen, but this is impractical.  The effect of this is a greater slow cool range and so an extended anneal cool.  The reasons are as follows:  
  • The anneal cool range is greater as the first rate of cool needs to be maintained to the strain point.
  • The anneal cool has to extend to at least just below the strain point.
  • The highest practical annealing temperature is determined by the viscosity of the glass.  Any soaks above that temperature are ineffective in production of soundly annealed glass.
  • The purpose is to get all the glass at the same temperature in preparation for  cooling.  It is more difficult to maintain the small differentials in temperature achieved by the annealing soak over a large range of temperature.

Low Annealing Point

Starting the anneal cool closer to the strain point requires a slightly longer soak to ensure the glass is all at the same temperature (+/- 2.5°C, often called the Delta T=5C) before the anneal cool begins.  Typically, this initial soak would be for an hour before the initial cool begins (for a 6mm/0.25" thick piece).

Effect of the Differences in Approach

The advantages and disadvantages centre around the need to:
  • soak long enough to get all the glass to the same temperature, and to 
  • cool slowly enough to maintain the delta T throughout the glass.
If you think of an example of a piece of Bullseye glass 12mm/0.5" thick, it will show the differences in approach.

High temperature soak
A soak of 120 minutes at 571°C/1060°F (the highest possible start for an annealing soak) is still required to even the temperature.  To ensure the temperature differentials in the glass do not deviate from the Delta T, the cool needs to be at 18°C/32°F per hour down to 427°C/800°F.  It is possible then to increase the speed to 36°C/65°F per hour down to 370°C/700°F.  This gives you a total annealing cool of just over 11.5 hours.

Low temperature soak
Starting the anneal at 482°C still requires a two hour soak followed by a decrease in temperature of 18°C/32°F per hour to 427°C, and an increased rate of 36°C/65°F to 370°C/700°F.  This gives an anneal cool time of just over 6.6 hours.

The example shows how, although the annealing result may be the same, there is considerable time saved (and especially for thicker pieces) in using the lower part of the annealing range to begin the annealing.  It also will save some electricity.

However, an anneal of two hours at 516°C with a cool of 1
8°C/32°F per hour to 427°C/800°F and 36°C/65°F to 370°C/700°F will still give a perfectly adequate anneal for 12mm thick pieces even though it will take about 2 hours longer.

Revised 30.12.24

Annealing Strategies

This is a power point presentation I gave a few weeks ago to a group.  It may be of interest to others.  There is no commentary.


Saturday, 28 December 2024


What is it? When does it happen? Why does it happen? These are frequent questions.

Dr. Jane Cook states that devitrification is not a category (noun), but a verb that describes a process. Glass wants to go toward devitrification; a movement toward crystallisation.*

Mild devitrification is the beginning of crystallisation on the surface of the glass. It can look like a dirty film over the whole piece or dirty patches. At its worst, the corners begin to turn up or a crackling can appear on a granular surface.  This is distinct from the effects from an unstable glass or the crizzling as in a ceramic glaze. Devitrification can occur within the glass, but normally is a surface effect as oxygen is required.

Differences in the surface of glass promotes precipitation of the crystal formation of silica molecules.  This fact means that two defences against the formation of crystals are smooth and clean surfaces. There are other factors at play also.  The composition of the glass has an effect on the probability of devitrification.  Opaque glass, lime, opalising agents, and certain colouring agents can create microcrystalline areas to "seed" the devitrification process.  One part of the composition of glass that resists devitrification is the inclusion of boron in the composition of the glass, acting as a flux.

Visible devitrification generally occurs in the range of approximately 720°C – 830°C/1330F - 1525F, depending to some extent on the type of glass.  This means that 
the project needs to be cooled as quickly as possible from the working (or top) temperature to the annealing point, which is, of course significantly below this range.

There is evidence to show that devitrification can occur on the heat up by spending too long in this devitrification range, and that it will be retained in the cooling. Normally this is not a problem as the practice in kilnforming is for a quick advance on the heat up through this range, causing movement in the glass and so working against any crystallisation.  The quick advance does not (and should not for a variety of reasons) need to be as fast as possible.  A rate of 300°C per hour will be sufficient, as time is required for devitrification to develop.

Medical research into using a glass matrix to grow bone has shown that devitrification begins around 650C/1200F, but only becomes visible after 700C/1290F.  This has implications for multiple slumps.  Devitrification is cumulative, so the devitrification that may have begun on the flat piece will be added to in the slumping process and may become visible.  For me this has appeared as a haze on the edge of the slumped piece.  Avoidance of this effect is by thorough cleaning of the piece before placing it in the mould.

The devitrification seen in typical studio practice results more often from inadequately cleaned glass than from excessive time at a particular temperature, up or down, through the devitrification range.  
It is often seen as a result of grinding edges to fit.  Even though the ground edge is cleaned, it may still be rough enough to promote devitrification.  The edge must be prepared for fusing by grinding to at least 400 grit (600 is better).  Alternatively, use a fine coating of clear powder to give a new surface to the whole piece.

Dr. Cook suggests three approaches to devitrification:*
Resistance through:
 - Schedules
 - Flux

Dealing with it:
 - Cold work
 - Acids
Embrace it:
 - Allow it
 - Use it

Other sources of information:
Temperature range for devitrification
Homemade devitrification solution
Frit to fill gaps
Low Temperature Kilnforming at Etsy and Bullseye

* From a lecture given by Dr. Jane Cook at the 2017 BECON

[entry revised 28.12.24]

Friday, 27 December 2024

Characteristics of Some Glasses

This information has been taken from various sources. Some manufacturers may change the composition of their glasses or the published information about them from time to time. Therefore, this information can only be used as a guide. If the information about strain, annealing, and softening points is important, contact the manufacturer for the most accurate information.

The temperature information is given in Celsius.
Strain point – the temperature below which no annealing can be done.
Annealing point – the temperature at which the equalisation soak should be done before the annealing cool.
Softening point – the temperature at which slumping can most quickly occur.

Armstrong – Now made by Kokomo

Typical Borosilicate – nominal CoE 32
Strain point – 510 - 535C / 951 - 996F
Annealing point – ca. 560C/1041F
Softening point - ca. 820C/1509F

Blackwood OZ Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Blenko – nominal CoE 110
Annealing point – 495C/924F

Bullseye – nominal CoE 90

Strain point - 493C/920F
Annealing point - (532C)  Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C/900F for thick items
Softening point - 677C/1252F

Strain point - 463C/866F
Annealing point – (501C)  Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C900F for thick items
Softening point - 688C/1272F

Gold Bearing
Strain point - 438C/821F
Annealing point - (472)   Note that Bullseye has changed this to 482C/900F for thick items
Softening point - 638C/1182F

Chicago – nominal CoE 92

Desag  Note that this glass is no longer produced
Artista – nominal CoE 94
Strain point – 480 - 510C / 897 - 951F
Annealing point – 515 - 535C / 960 - 996F
Softening point – 705 – 735C / 1302 - 1356F
Fusing range – 805 – 835C / 1482 - 1537

Float Glass (Pilkington UK)
Strain point – 525 - 530C / 978 - 987F
Annealing point – 559C/1039F
Softening point – 725C/1338F

Strain point – 525 - 530C / 978 - 987F
Annealing point – 548C/1019F
Softening point – 725C/1338F

Float Glass (typical for USA) nominal CoE 83
Strain point - 511C/953F
Annealing point - 548C/1019F
Softening point – 715C/1320F

Float Glass (typical for Australia) nominal CoE 84
Strain point - 505-525C / 942 - 978F 
Annealing point – 540 -560C / 1005 - 1041F

HiGlass “GIN” range – nominal CoE 90
Annealing point - 535C/996F

Gaffer colour rod – nominal CoE 88

Gaffer NZ Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Annealing point - 495C/924F

Kokomo – nominal CoE 92 - 94

Strain point - 467C/873F
Annealing point - 507C/946F
Softening point - ca. 565C/ca.1050F

Opal Dense
Strain point - 445C/834F
Annealing point - 477C/891F
Softening point – ca. 565C/1050F

Opal Medium
Strain point - 455C/834F
Annealing point - 490C/915F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Opal Medium Light
Strain point - 461C/863F
Annealing point - 499C/931F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Opal Light
Strain point - 464C868F
Annealing point - 502C/937F
Softening point – ca.565C/1050F

Clear – nominal CoE 96 +/- 2  (94-98)
softening point: - 694C/1281F
Annealing point: - 508C/946F
Strain point: - 485C/904F

Colours - nominal CoE 96 +/- 4 (92-100)
Annealing point: - 500C/932F
Strain point: - 460C-500C/860 -879F

Typical lead glass – nominal CoE 91

Lenox Lead – nominal CoE 94
Annealing point – 440C/825F

Merry Go Round – nominal CoE 92

Moretti/Effetre – nominal CoE 104
Strain Point: 448C/839F
Annealing Range: 493C – 498C / 920F - 929F
Softening Point: 565C/1050F

Pemco Pb83 – nominal CoE 108
Annealing point – 415C/780F

Reichenbach - 

nominal CoE 96 +/-2 (94 -98)

Annealing range; - 470C-530F/878F-986F; Ave 510C/950F

nominal CoE 104  no further information at present.

Schott Borosilicate (8330) nominal CoE 32
Annealing point - 530C/987F

Schott “F2” Lead – nominal CoE 92
Annealing point - 440C/825F

Schott “H” & “R6” rods - nominal CoE 90
Annealing point – 530C/987F

Schott “W” colour rod – nominal CoE 98

St Just
Strain point - ca.450C/843F
Annealing point – ca. 532C/ca. 991F

System 96 – nominal CoE 96
Strain point – 476C  +/- 6C  /  890F +/- 11F
Annealing point – 513 +/- 6C  /  956C +/- 11F
Softening point – 680 +/- 6C  /  1257F +/- 11F
Annealing point – 505 -515C  /  942 - 960F

Spruce Pine 87 – nominal CoE 96
Annealing point – 480C/897F

Uroboros system 96 – nominal CoE 96

Strain point - 481C/899F
Annealing point - 517C/964F

Strain point - 457C/855F
Annealing point - 501C/935F

Uroboros - nominal CoE 90

Strain point - 488C/911F
Annealing point - 525C/978F

Strain point - 468C/875F
Annealing point - 512C/955C

Wasser - nominal CoE 89
Annealing point – 490C/915F

Wissmach 90
Annealing point - 483C/900F
Softening point - 688C/1272F
Full Fuse - 777+

Wissmach 96
Annealing point - 
Softening point - 688C/1272F

Full Fuse - 777+ / 1432+

Monday, 23 December 2024

CoE as the Determinant of Temperature Characteristics

Credit:: Ryan Rutherford

Many people are under the impression that CoE can tell you a wide number of things about fusing glass. 

What does CoE really mean?

The first thing to note is the meaning of CoE.  Its proper name is the coefficient of linear expansion.  It tells you nothing certain about the expansion in volume, which can be as or more important than the horizontal expansion. 

It is an average determined between 20°C and 300°C.  This is fine for materials that have a crystalline structure. Glass does not.  Glass behaves quite differently at higher temperatures. 

It may have an average expansion of 96 from 20°C-300°C – although there is no information on the variation within that range – but may have an expansion of 500 just above the annealing point. 

The critical temperatures for glass are between the annealing and strain points.  One curious aspect to the expansion of glass is that the rate of expansion decreases around the annealing point.  The amount of this change is variable from one glass composition to another.

credit: ScienceDirect

The CoE of a manufacturer’s glass is an average of the range which is produced.  Spectrum has stated that their CoE of their fusing compatible glass is a 10 point range.  Bullseye has indicated that their CoE range is up to 5 points. These kind of ranges can be expected in every manufacturer’s compatible glass.

CoE does not tell us anything about viscosity, which has a bigger influence on compatibility than CoE alone. 

Comparison of CoE and Temperature

Among the things people assume CoE determines is the critical temperatures of the strain, annealing and softening points of various glasses.

Unfortunately, CoE does not necessarily tell you fusing or annealing temperatures. 

“CoE 83”
Most float glass is assumed to be around CoE 83.  The characteristics depend on which company is making the glass and where it is being made.  These are the annealing points and softening points:

Pilkington Optiwhite              559ºC/1039ºF    720°C/1328°F

Pilkington Optifloat               548ºC/1019ºF    720°C/1328°F

USA float (typical)                548ºC/1019ºF    615°C/1139

Typical Australian float has a CoE of 84 and anneals in the range 505°C -525°C/941°F - 977°F.

“CoE 90”
Uroboros FX90 has an annealing point of 525°C compared to Bullseye at 482°C, and Wissmach 90 anneal of 510°C. 

Wissmach 90 has a full fuse temperature of 777°C compared to Bullseye's 804 - 816°C.   

There is a float glass with a CoE of 90 that anneals at 540°C and fuses at 835°C.

Bullseye has a slump temperature of 630°C-677°C and Wissmach’s 90 slumps between 649°C and 677°C, slightly higher.

“CoE 93”
Kokomo with an average CoE of 93 has an annealing range of 507°C to 477°C. Kokomo slumps around 565°C

“CoE 94”
Artista with a CoE of 94 has an annealing point of 535°C and a full
fuse of 835°C, almost the same as float with a Coe of 83. 

Wissmach 96 anneals at 482°C with a full fuse of 777°C and a slump temperature of 688°C.
Spectrum96 and its successor Oceanside Compatible anneals at 510°C and full fuses at 796°C.


In short, CoE does not tell you the temperature characteristics of the glass. These are determined by several factors of which viscosity is the most important. More information can be gained from this post or from your own testing and observation as noted in this post.

Revised 23.12.24