Wednesday 9 November 2022

Evaluating Top Temperature Effects

Fire for Your Kiln and Objectives


 Often temperatures to achieve given effects are shared on the internet to be helpful to others.  Those who receive these need to evaluate the schedules used to achieve the profile at the stated temperature.

 The same effect can be achieved at different temperatures by using different rates and times in getting to the given temperature.  This is summarised as the effect of heatwork The longer taken to achieve the top temperature, the lower the temperature can be used.  The amount of time the holds/soaks occupy in the schedule will also affect the profile achieved.  This means that a simple top temperature can only be a point from which to begin exploration.

 It is important to evaluate each segment. What is the apparent purpose? How does it fit with the principles of applying heat and the characteristics of glass?

 When asking for help with a firing temperature, ask for the full schedule.  This will help you evaluate the suitability of the temperature given.

 The variations in schedules and kilns mean you should fire by results not by numbers. Use the rates, temperatures and soaks that will achieve what you want in your kiln.

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