Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Strong Frames for Stained Glass Panels


Zinc is a popular material for framing copper foiled or leaded glass panels.  It is stronger than lead – up to eight times.  It gives a feeling solidity to the edges of the panel. 

However, it does have some disadvantages.  It is difficult to patina evenly and obtain the same colour as patinaed solder.  It resistance to progressive corrosion is weaker than lead. It requires special tools to fit around curves, making it best for rectangular panels.  It does need a saw to cut evenly, but so do a lot of the stronger metals.  A look at other options is worthwhile.

The strongest option is stainless steel.  This is difficult to cut and has special welding requirements, so is only useful in large and high corrosion installations.

Mild steel is widely available and cheap.  In certain circumstances – mainly small, thin profiles – it can be soldered.  The most secure joining is done with welding.  This requires equipment that stained-glass workers do not usually have.  However, there are a large number of metal workers that can to the work for you.

Brass is more expensive than mild steel.  It is an alloy of copper and tin and so can be soldered with the tools we normally use.  It is about half the strength of stainless steel, but three times the strength of zinc.  The tin content leads to a better patina result than zinc.

Copper is up to twice the strength of zinc, but the price fluctuates more than zinc.  It can be soldered. It requires different patina solutions than used for solder.

Aluminium is the same strength as zinc, but requires different joining methods as aluminium welding is a specialist activity.  Still, it will work on rectangular items with screws at overlapping joints.

More information on the relative strengths of various metals is given in a post on metal strengths.

Strengthening lead came
Lead is weaker than lead but can be bent to conform to curves and indentations for irregular perimeters.  If copper wire is incorporated and attached to the foiled glass, the soldering of the lead came to the joints at the intersections of the solder lines and the coper/came combination will provide greater strength than the zinc alone. 

When wanting to strengthen the perimeter of rectangular or shaped perimeter leaded panels, you can use 10mm “H” lead came soldered as usual to the whole piece as an alternative to soldering the wire to the panel.  Run the copper wire in the open edge of the “H”.  Pull the wire tight at the bottom and sweat solder at each corner.  Run the wire to the top on each side, where you can make a loop for attaching hanging wires and sweat solder the wires there too.  Then close the two leaves of the lead with a fid until they come together forming a single straight line.  If you want, a “U” or “C” edging came can be soldered to the outer edge of the "H" came to cover the line created by folding the leaves.

This post gives more detail about the process of incorporating copper into the perimeter of a leaded panel.

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