Wednesday 9 October 2024

Heat Up Soaks

Photo credit: Bullseye Glass Co.

It is often advocated that there should be a soak at the strain point to even out the temperature throughout the glass.

My question continues to be why? 

The glass has survived whatever rate has been used up to that point during its brittle phase.  So, it already has every chance of surviving a rapid rate during the plastic phase.

Instead of a soak at the strain point, Bob Leatherbarrow indicates a soak during the brittle phase will be more successful in avoiding heat up breaks.  He has observed that heat up breaks are most likely to happen around 260ºC/500ºF.  Therefore, a soak in that region is most likely to be of use in evenly distributing the heat effectively through the glass rather than at a higher temperature.  He recommends up to a half hour soak there before proceeding at the same rate to the strain point (about 540ºC/1004ºF).  The ramp rate to this heat up soak in the brittle phase should be related to the thickness of the glass and the intended profile.

The thickness to be fired for is determined by the profile.  Rates for full and contour fusing can be as for the thickness before firing.  Rounded tack fuse needs to be fired as though twice as thick, and sharp tack or laminated fuse need to be fired as though 2.5 times.  More information on initial ramp rates to the strain point can be found in Low Temperature Kilnforming available from Bullseye and from Etsy

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Thermocouple Placement

Photo credit: Kiln Frog

Sometimes it is difficult to replace a kiln shelf back into the kiln with work on it.  This is normally because the thermocouple sticks out from the wall of the kiln.  Questions have been asked if the thermocouple can be below the shelf to make it easier to place.  Others have asked about reducing the distance into the kiln that the thermocouple projects into the kiln.

These are both bad ideas.


Thermocouple Under the Shelf

It is not a good idea to have thermocouple under the shelf because it will then measuring the air temperature under the shelf.  The air temperature under the shelf can be as much as 100ºC/180ºF lower than above the shelf where the work is being fired.  This will cause an overfire on the way up.  Setting the top temperature for 790ºC/1454ºF may give an actual air temperature of up to 890ºC/1634ºF!


On the way down at annealing temperature, the air temperature below the shelf is hotter than the air temperature above. It might be annealing at 582º/1080ºF.  This will result in improper annealing at too high a temperature.  The cool will start too early.  The time at the appropriate annealing temperature will be too little.  And the cool finish at too high a temperature.


It would be a disaster of a firing.  Don't do it!


Reduce the Distance into the Kiln

Another suggestion is to reduce the distance the thermocouple is into the kiln.  This produces inaccurate readings too.  If the the thermocouple is moveable, you can pull it out while inserting the shelf, but it must be re-inserted to the original length before firing, to avoid overfiring.


If the thermocouple is not fully inserted, it records a lower temperature than when fully inserted.  I know this from bitter experience.  This results in the pieces being overfired.  But also in inadequate annealing, just as when the thermocouple is under the shelf.



The placement of the thermocouple is critical to the reading of the air temperatures in the kiln.  The thermocouple should not be moved unless absolutely necessary.  If it is moved, it must be checked to be in the same location as originally placed, because if it is not replaced exactly the temperature readings will be different than previously.

Wednesday 25 September 2024

Deep Slumps with Bubbles


Photo Credit: Rachel Meadows-Ibrahim

The main causes of the large thin bubble is most probably  too high a temperature combined with a long soak.

Elevation of the Mould

The poster indicated there are eight holes total – four on the sides and four under the glass. This means any air has an exit out from under the glass and from the inside of the mould. So, in this case it does not need to be elevated for exit of air.  In my practice l have never, except in tests, elevated my slumping moulds. I have not had failures. My experiments involved in writing the eBook Low Temperature Kilnforming  showed no significant temperature differences between elevating, or not, below the mould.

Effect of Fast Rates

Slow rates to low temperatures with long soaks avoid sealing the glass to the mould. This means air can move out from under the glass during the slump. 

  • Fast rates, and elevated temperatures can restrict air movement from under the slumping glass.  
  • Fast rates and high slump temperatures can each cause uprisings because the glass slides down the mould during the soak, and that weight pushes the bottom upwards.

Temperature and Uprisings

This uprising is different from the bubble at the bottom on this piece. It is possible to see the glass bubble is thinner than the surrounding glass. As there were holes for air to escape, it seems the temperature and or speed was great enough to allow the glass to form to the mould at the bottom.  This covered the air holes and allowed the remaining air to push upwards on the glass.  A lower top temperature may have avoided this bubble formation.  Certainly, a combination of a slower rate and a lower temperature would have avoided the formation of the bubble.


Further, observation during the firing would have caught this bubble formation early enough to skip to the annealing and result in a piece with only a slight uprising, and before it became a bubble. Peeking should start at the beginning of the slumping soak and be repeated at 5 to 10 minute intervals.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Fire polishing Bottles

“I've cut wine bottles horizontally and want to keep the boat shape but round the cut edges. [Will a tack fuse firing] do what I am wanting without changing the shape of the bottle? “


The softening point of bottle glass is around 720˚C. The temperature you have chosen for a fire polish is 730˚C. It will slump to some degree from about 700˚C.  That will not be high enough to fire polish the edges.  Reducing the soak time at 730˚C will reduce the slumping effect a little, but it will not polish or round the edges.

Ground edges

In addition, ground or sawn edges are so rough that fire polishing will not work well at any temperature, because the rough surface promotes devitrification.  To get a good fire polish, the edges should be ground to at least 400 grit, and 600 grit gives a more certain fire polishing result.

Cold Working

Fire polishing is not the most certain way to round and polish edges for a 3D object. Cold working with hand pads or grit is the low cost way to polish the edges.  The grinding will need to go through grits of 200, 400, and then smoothing pads and finally pumice or cerium oxide depending on the shine wanted on the edges.  This can be done by hand or by machine.  Paul Tarlow has an excellent eBook on cold working by hand, and there is some instruction in this blog

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Wire in glass


The cracks around the wire imbedded in the glass in the above image are not incompatibility cracks. They do not surround the square piece that traps the wire into the glass. These are from differential expansion/contraction stress between the wire and the glass. 


Picture credit: Charmaine Maw

This picture shows the stress that a single strand of wire will induce in glass (the bright light around the wire).  Wire is never going to have similar characteristics to the glass, so the glass must be strong enough to contain the resulting stress.  Anything that increases the mass of the wire, such as twisting or spirals, will increase the stress. 


Kanthal and nichrome wires are best as included wire hangers. They are designed for high temperature work and so do not weaken from the heat. This means that high temperature wire as thin as 0.5mm/22 gauge can hold a lot of weight.  Much greater weight than is used in most glass objects to be hung rather than fixed.

Keep the wire as a single strand and as thin as possible, consistent with sufficient strength.  Hammering wire flat can also help reduce the stress by thinning it.


A sharp tacked piece needs to be fired as though thicker. This example is a single layer base and a square of glass to trap the wire fired to a sharp tack.  It needs to be fired as though 2.5 times the thickest part - 15mm.  A rounded tack fuse of the same layup would need to be fired as for 12mm.


The use of wire in glass needs to consider how the air will escape from around the wire.  Yes, if the wire exits the glass, there is a channel for it to dissipate.  But air tends to collect along the length of the wire.  If the wire is fully enclosed in the glass, the layup must accommodate the need for air escape routes.  This might be with a fine layer of powder, design elements, chips of glass to hold the outer edges of the glass up for longer, or other devices.



The example shown at the start of this blog, is a sharp tack and needed the 2.5 times scheduling.  That probably would have avoided the crack in the single layer base.  That single layer cools faster than the wire with the added piece of glass.  A bubble squeeze is a good idea, even though it would not normally be considered.  This gives the best chance of reducing the bubbles that form around the inclusion.


You need to be careful about increasing the ramp rate until the glass has passed out of the brittle phase.  This is about 540˚C/1005˚F. The increase in the ramp rate during the brittle phase may cause cracks. It is, of course, more likely to occur during cooling because the metal will be contracting more than the glass during the brittle phase.  This contrast in contraction rates induces stress that may be great enough to crack or break the glass.



Wednesday 4 September 2024

Tack Fused Drops

Description of the piece

The enquirer wants to cover some blemishes on the flat blank with clear powder and also tack fuse some additional pieces to a blank to be used for a vase drop.


To avoid the grey appearance that often comes from clear powder at lower temperatures, you need to fire to contour fuse at minimum. 

Outside of the requirement for a contour fuse, my experience of making a drop vase with a tack fused blank shows disappointing results.  The temperature used in drops is not high enough to flatten the tack fused pieces.  During the drop formation, the space between the pieces stretches more than the thicker tack fused areas. The thinner glass becomes hot quicker than the thicker areas.

This leads to occasional stretched holes between the tack fused pieces.  The tack fused pieces appear as protrusions above the surface whether inside or outside.  Unless planned very carefully, these elements can be ugly. They will maintain much of their original shape, contrasting with the surrounding stretched imagery.



Put the piece back in the kiln and take to a full fuse, or at the very least a contour fuse. This will enable all the glass to stretch as one in the drop, because of nearly equal thickness.  Nearly even thickness is needed to avoid stretching some areas too thin in relation to the rest of the drop surfaces.

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Visible Devitrification

"Why does devitrification appear on slumped pieces?"

A brief explanation 

Scientific research in developing a glass matrix to support bone grafts gives some information.  This kind of glass matrix requires to be strong.  Development showed that devitrification weakens the matrix.  The crystals in a matrix are not as strong as the amorphous glassy state.  So, devitrification needs to be avoided.

The research to avoid devitrification showed that it begins at about 600˚C/1110˚F.  It only begins to become visible above 700˚C/1300˚F.  The process developed was to introduce a “foaming” agent.  The process fired slowly to 600˚C/1110 ˚F and then quickly to 830˚C/ 1530˚F.  It left a strong open matrix around which bone can grow. Although the research used float glass, it is also a soda lime glass, just as fusing glasses are.  The formation of devitrification begins at the same temperature for fusing glasses as for float.

The result of this medical research shows that devitrification begins on glass before it is visible. Devitrification is cumulative. A little becomes greater with another firing.  This is so even with good cleaning between firings. The new devitrification builds on the previous.  It does this from 600˚C/1110 ˚F.

A subsequent firing can continue this devitrification to the point where it is visible. This can happen, although the temperature at which we can see it after one firing has not been reached.  This continued devitrification at low temperatures can become great enough to be visible at the end of one or multiple slumps.

Credit: Bullseye Glass Co.

What can we do?

Clean all the glass before every firing very well.

·         Avoid mineralised water.

·         Final clean with isopropyl alcohol.

·         Polish dry at each stage with white absorbent paper.


Soak longer at lower temperatures.

·         Use longer soaks to achieve the slump.

·         Keep the temperature low.

·         Observe the progress of the firing with quick peeks.


Use slower ramp rates.

·         Slower rates enable the heat to permeate the glass.

·         Enables a lower slump temperature.


If there is any hint of devitrification after the first firing,

·      use a devitrification spray, or

·      provide a new surface.

    • o   remove the surface by abrasion on sandblasting,
    • o   cap with clear, or
    • o   cover whole surface with a thin layer of clear powder.

·      Fire to contour fuse to give a new smooth surface.

·      Clean very well and proceed to slump.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Slower Ramps on Additional Firings

"Every time you fire a previously fired piece you need to slow down."

This is not accurate. If you have not changed anything significant, the annealing does not need to be extended.  The clearest example is a fire polish.  Nothing has been added. The physics and chemistry of the piece have not changed.  If only confetti or a thin frit/powder layer is added, nothing significant for scheduling has been added.  As nothing significant has changes the annealing used in the previous firing can be used again.

Of course, you do need to slow the ramp up rates on the second firing.  This is because you are firing a single thicker piece.  On the first firing, the pieces are individual and can withstand slightly faster rates. But on third and subsequent firings, if nothing significant has been changed, there is no need to slow rates further.

There is a post which describes this further.

"When adding more thickness more time is needed."

This is the occasion when the annealing soak needs to be extended.  Placing a full sheet of clear glass on the bottom, or less usually, the top, and taken to a full fuse, requires slower ramp rates.   The annealing time for a full fuse can be taken directly from the annealing tables for thick slabs.  

The fusing profile for any additional items has a strong affect on the length of the annealing soak.  If the glass is now of uneven thicknesses, and greater care in assigning ramp rates is needed.  The profile for the piece also determines the amount of additional annealing time required.  A sharp tack of a single additional layer will require annealing as for 2.5 times the total height of the piece at the start or the firing. A rounded tack will need two times and a contour fuse will require 1.5 times.  A full fuse can be carried out for the new total height of the piece without any multiplying factors.

 If the intention with multiple firings is to achieve a variety of profiles within one piece, a slightly different approach is required.  A blog post here describes the process.

The general approach to multiple firings is that unless there are changes to the thickness or profile of the glass, no changes in annealing time is required.  


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Slow Rates to Annealing

"I have seen recommendations for slower than ASAP rates from the top temperature, but most schedules say 9999 or ASAP.  Which is right?"

Slow drops in temperature from top to annealing temperatures risk devitrification. Accepted advice is to go ASAP to annealing temperature to avoid devitrification forming.

Breaks do not occur because of a too rapid drop from top temperature to annealing. The glass is too plastic until the strain point has been passed to be brittle enough to break. On the way down that will be below an air temperature of 500˚C/933˚F.


Different kilns cool from top temperature at different rates. Ceramic kilns are designed to cool more slowly and may need assistance to cool quickly.  This is usually by opening vents or even the door or lid a little. Glass kilns are designed to lose temperature relatively quickly from high temperatures. They do not need a crash cooling as ceramic kilns may need in certain circumstances.  Of course, crash cooling may be necessary for some free drops and drapes.

The length of the soak at annealing is determined by the effective thickness of the piece.  Tack fusing needs to be annealed for thickness as a factor of 1.5 to 2.5, depending on profile.

The extent to which you control the cooling to room temperature after the anneal soak is dependent on the calculated thickness of the piece you are cooling. The objective is to keep the internal temperature differential to 5˚C/10˚F or less to avoid expansion/ contraction differences that are great enough to break the piece. Those rates are directly related to the required length of the anneal soak.  Those rates can be taken from the Bullseye chart for Annealing Thick SlabsThe Fahrenheit version is is available too.

An example.  If you have a 2 layer base with 3 layers (=15mm) stacked on top for a rounded tack fuse, you need to fire as for at least 30mm. This will require controlled cooling all the way to room temperature.

  • ·        The rate to 427˚C /800˚F will be19˚C /34˚F
  • ·        The rate to 370˚C /700˚F will be 36˚C /65˚F
  • ·        The final rate 120˚C /216˚F to room temperature.

You may need to wait a day before any coldworking. An example from my experience shows the necessity.  I checked a piece for stress a few hours after removing the piece from the kiln when it felt cool to the touch. It puzzled me that stress showed, although it didn't on similar pieces.  The next morning, I went to check if I misunderstood the reading. Now, a full 15 hours after coming out of the kiln, there was no stress.  The example shows that the glass internally is hotter than we think. And certainly, hotter than the air temperature.

In the temperature regions above the strain point, the glass needs to be cooled quickly. In the annealing region and below the glass needs to be cooled slowly.

More information is available in the eBook Low temperature Kilnforming.  This is available from Bullseye or Etsy

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Longer Soak or Higher Temperature?

 ‘Is it better to extend the soak or add more firing time when the firing program isn’t quite enough? What are the meanings of “soak,” “hold,” “ramp,” “working temperature” and “top temperature”?’  

Let’s start with some of the terms.

Soak” and “hold” have the same meaning in scheduling.  Schedules are made up of a series of linked segments.  Each segment contains a rate, temperature, and time.  The time is often called a “hold” in the schedules.  That time can have several effects.  It can allow enough time for a process, such as slumping, to be accomplished.

Although “soak” is entered into the schedules in the same way as a hold, it has a different concept behind it.  The hold when used as a soak allows the set temperature to permeate the whole thickness of the glass.  An example is in annealing. An annealing hold/soak is set.  This is to allow the glass to become the same temperature throughout. 

The ramp is the rate at which the controller is set to increase/decrease the temperature.  This is normally the first element in the segment.

Top” and “Working” temperature are the same thing.  It is the temperature at which the desired effect is achieved.  They have slightly different nuances.  Top temperature is normally considered as a point where the desired profile will be achieved in a few minutes.  The working temperature is also that, but includes the idea that it will take time for the effect to be achieved.

Which should you alter first – soak time or temperature?

Most important is that you alter only one at a time.  If you alter the two elements at the same time, you do not know which was the cause of the result.

In general, you lengthen the soak if the effect is not achieved at the temperature and in the time set.  There are two reasons for this.  Glass has fewer problems at lower temperatures.  Secondly, the controllers are set up in such a way that it is easy to extend the time. Check your manual for the key sequence to extend the time.  It is more difficult to alter the temperature during a firing. 

To determine if you need more time, you peek into the kiln as the kiln approaches the top temperature.  If the profile has not been achieved by the time set at your working temperature, you enter the combination of keys to keep the kiln at the top temperature until you see the effect you want.  Then enter the combination of keys to skip to the next segment.

Whether you alter time or temperature, depends on what you are doing.  Soak plus temperature equal heat work.  With heat work you can accomplish the same effect at lower temperatures.  It may be that taking more time (usually slower ramp rates) to get to the same or lower temperature, will give the results desired.

For slumping, draping and other low temperature processes extending the hold/soak is appropriate. It reduces the amount of marking that is created by the mould or surface supporting the glass.

When tack, contour, or full fusing, you should be aiming to finish the work in about 10 minutes. Soaking/holding significantly longer increases the risk of devitrification.

For high temperature processes such as pot and screen melts and some flows, increasing the temperature is probably the right thing to do, to avoid the devitrification possibilities of long holds of open face high temperature work.

These can only be guidelines.  Your instincts and experience will help you determine which is the right thing to do in the circumstances.


Wednesday 31 July 2024

Placing of Pieces in the Kiln

 Distance from Sides of Kiln


"Is there a rule of thumb for interior size of kilns and piece size? (i.e., “allow for X inches between the piece and kiln walls on all sides”).  I’m thinking about how to determine piece size limitations when shopping for a kiln."

I don’t know of a formula, or rule of thumb, to determine the amount of space required between the glass and the kiln walls.

I have only been able to determine the spacing required after I have purchased the kiln.  Each kiln has different characteristics. 

The most obvious is whether the kiln is fired from the side or from the top.  More space is required with side fired kilns.  The radiant heat from the elements tends to heat the edges of the glass before the centre becomes equally hot. This requires more space or baffles between the elements and the glass.

Top fired,  with enough distance to get even distribution of heat

Side fired. Red arrows indicate the important infrared heating.
Blue arrows indicate the less effective ambient heat.

There is less concern about uneven heating with top fired kilns.  But as each kiln is different, you must test the heat distribution around the kiln.  Bullseye Tech Note #1 has a good method.  This will show where the temperature is less than the rest of the shelf.

In general, rectangular kilns are cooler in the corners.  Round kilns do not have the same characteristic, but may still have uneven temperatures, due to the configuration of the elements.  Smaller kilns seem to have more even temperatures than large kilns, which tend to be cooler along the sides.  Kilns with a ring element below the shelf seem to have the most even distribution of temperature.

I had a large kiln 2 metres by 1 metre which had a requirement of 50mm/2” from the edge to even the temperature.  A recently purchased 50cm square kiln has almost perfectly even temperatures across the whole shelf.

[The illustration is taken from the ebook Low Temperature Kilnforming, available from Bullseye and Etsy.]

The required glass distance from the side will depend on side or top elements and size but no formula is available.  Testing for heat distribution is necessary once you have the kiln.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Changing size in Slumping

 “I have full fused a single piece of glass with a few small pieces on top.  I thought it would shrink some as I had been told, but it maintained its size and still fit the mold for slumping.” 

I believe the enquirer is talking about a single layer circle changing size at full fuse.  Dog boning is much less evident in circles than rectangles.  The glass retreats evenly all along the edge.  This gives the appearance of retreating less than rectangles.  The absence of any big change in size may also result from thinning of the centre.  The amount of size change will be affected by the temperature of the full fuse too.  In this case there were additions which will have resisted any tendency to shrink.

Lower top temperatures, more rapid ramp rates to the top, and shorter holds will have the effect of limiting the movement of glass toward 6mm thick.

credit: Bullseye Glass Co

The viscosity of glass at full fuse is enough for it to attempt to pull up to 6mm. At casting temperatures, the viscosity is so low that 6mm of glass spreads out.  Temperature affects viscosity.


At slumping temperatures (620˚C - 680˚C / ca.1150˚F - 1260˚F), the viscosity high enough that the dimensions of a circle do not change. A circular piece of 3mm glass held at slumping temperatures does not change dimension.  It may, if held long enough take on a kind of satin sheen, rather than a fire polish.  But the viscosity  is low enough to allow the glass to form to the mould, given sufficient time. The resulting slumped piece will appear to be smaller than the mould. If you measure the piece around its outside curve, you will find the distance is almost the same as the diameter of the blank. 


Changing size on a single layer piece is dependent on the temperature and heat work applied to the piece.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Bowl Split Analysis

The visual evidence relating to this enquiry is a sharp-edged break through the middle of the slumped piece. The two parts have slumped separately, and seem attached at the rim, leaving the middle opened.  A moderate slumping temperature was used to fire the piece at the bottom of a stacked kiln load.

This is used as an example of the kind of thinking required when investigating breaks in slumping.

The split occurred before the slump was complete. We know this because the pieces no longer fit exactly together.  This means the crack opened as the slump continued.  There is other evidence.

The opening of the crack cannot have happened at or after the annealing. It would have already formed to the mould in a whole state. It would break completely across, because it would be in a brittle state.  And the pieces would fit exactly together.  But they do not.

This piece was at the bottom of a stack of shelves in a deep kiln.  At the bottom, there is no radiant heat, only side heat.  This could be a major cause the kind of break described.

It is possible that the split was not across the whole piece.  At the bottom of the kiln, the glass is not receiving any radiant heat from the top.  It is getting radiant heat only from the sides of the kiln.  That means the edges were considerably hotter than the centre.  The edge may be in a plastic state while the centre is still in the brittle state.  The contrasts in expansions are often great enough to break a piece.

From the evidence we have, it can only be said the ramp rate was too fast for the conditions. 

This little exercise shows that a lot of information about layup, schedule, place in the kiln, and any other relevant variation on the usual, must be detailed when asking why something has not turned out as expected. 



Wednesday 10 July 2024

Uneven Slumps on Deep Rectangular Moulds

 "Can anyone please tell me why this mould always comes out wonky and devitrifies and pulls in on the edges. I used Primo Primer; my kiln is level, and this is the slump schedule I use for 3mm base with 6mm in places [temperatures in Celsius]: 100/593/30 mins; 66/663/25 mins; 204/482/60 mins; 66/371/10 mins; END.*   12cm square."

The suggestion has been made that having a 6mm base would lessen the irregular slump in the mould.  I am not convinced that making the base thicker will sort the problems.


1)  This is a very deep mould in relation to the span.  The mould sides are steep.


2) The glass slides down and picks up marks from sliding down the walls of the mould.  The marks are not devitrification.


3) Deep slumps are prone to going off centre. One fix is to watch and be prepared to reach in with wet sticks to readjust the glass placement on the mould.  


4) Deep moulds (deep is relative to the span of the mould) require two or more stages of slumping. Start with shallow a slump, and progress through steeper ones.

5) The sides dog bone on many rectangular moulds.  One way to reduce this is to round the corners with a 10mm radius.


6) Reducing the forming temperature, and extending the soak time dramatically, will go some way to alleviating the previous problems. I suggest trying a 620C slump temperature and soak for 2 - 3 hours.  Peek at intervals to see when the slump is complete, then advance to anneal and cool.

In my view, it is a mould from a maker that does not fully understand glass behaviour.

And in passing, the ramp speed from top temperature to annealing should be as fast as possible, to avoid any risk of devitrification on the way down.  

* Schedule in Fahrenheit for the Americans.  

  • 198 to 1100, 30' 
  • 119 to 1225, 25'
  • 367 to 900, 60'  [ASAP is the recommended rate.  As it is a tack fused piece, I would anneal as though 12mm/4 layers.  This would use a 2 hour soak, cool at 100 to 800, 180 to 700, off ]
  • 120 to 700, 10'
  • End