Wednesday 22 July 2020


Crazing appears as the multiple cracks similar to what is seen on ceramic glazes.  These occur when there is a great deal of incompatibility between the glaze and the clay body.  This can also be seen in glass.

Crazing as seen on a ceramic object

I have see crazing of glass in two circumstances.  It happens with severe devitrification, to a maximum extent of crumbling under light pressure.  This usually happens with glass not formulated for fusing, and especially on opalescent glass.

The more common occurrence is where the glass has stuck to the supporting structure.  This is frequently the case where the separator has not been sufficient to keep the glass from sticking to the shelf.  This will happen on kiln washed shelves when the coating of the separator has not been even, leaving areas with bare or very thin areas.

The standard of mixing kiln wash in the ratio of 1:5 parts by volume of powder to water is important.  The application should be with a wide soft brush such as a hake brush.  The kiln wash should be painted on in four coats, one in each direction of up, down, and the two diagonals.  A well coated shelf should have an even appearance of the coating.  Only an even film of separator is required to keep the glass from sticking to the shelf, mould or other kiln furniture.

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