Saturday 25 August 2012

Measuring Openings

Measuring rectangular openings

Timber and metal openings can vary in their dimensions. So measure each opening at the top and bottom, and at the left and right as well as the middles of each side and top and bottom.

To be perfectly sure the window has right angles – is square – take the diagonals from opposite corners, e.g., top left to bottom right and top right to bottom left. These measurements should be within 5mm of each other for the window to be considered square.

You can check for ”squareness” with a try square, although that is not completely accurate.

If it is not possible to tell where the right angles of the opening are, a template is called for. The material to be used for taking templates should be stiff, easy to cut, unaffected by moisture, and relatively inexpensive. This eliminates paper and some cardboards. If you can find stiff corrugated cardboard this works well. Mounting board works well too, but is expensive. Foam board is excellent, but also expensive. Hard board or other thin pressed board is inexpensive but difficult to cut with a knife. Thin plywood is also a good material for templates, especially if the opening is relatively regular. The more complicated the opening, the more cardboard, mounting board, or foam board becomes useful for its ease of shaping to the opening.

What ever material you use, you must mark which is the interior and exterior and for further checks, which is left and right. Fit this template into the opening to make sure it fits into the opening smoothly. This template will form the external extent of the built window when it is installed into an opening with a rebate.

Where the window is to be fitted into a channel, as in stone, you need to make the template of stiff material so you can determine the panel can be installed and that there will be enough of the panel within the stone channels to ensure the stability of the window in the future and still be able to manipulate the leaded panel into the opening.

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