Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Stress Analysis of Broken Glass

Will stress still show with polarised filters on cracked and broken glass?

It's not a straightforward answer.

I was looking at some broken fused float glass a few years ago.  I had always subscribed to the idea that a fracture relieves the stress. Not always. The broken float glass had been slumped, and the pieces still showed stress.  This turned out to be a compatibility problem, although both layers were float.  

The stress of inadequately annealed glass is likely to remain visible through the filters, because inadequately annealed glass will have stress distributed across the whole piece.  But glass that has been cooled too quickly and suffered thermal shock, is more likely to show minimum stress because the break relieved most of it.

It is likely stress will show on the tree piece pictured because it has not completely broken a[art. And even when it does break, it may still show a residue of stress.

It is sensible when trying to diagnose the problem to perform a strip test of the glasses for compatibility of the glasses concerned to be sure what is happening. If no stress shows on the test strip, the stress showing on the cracked piece is unlikely to be from incompatible glass, and other factors need to be considered.

Photo credit:  Debi Frock-Lyons 

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