Saturday 13 September 2008

Glue Chipping, 5

Drying time

The glue will go through an initial drying stage. This is in the first hour or two, depending on the humidity and temperature of the room. Make sure to keep the glass level during this period.

The next drying stage takes between 12 to 24 hours. This is where the glue will cure and loose almost all of the liquid. A fan to circulate the air will speed up this process. The glue should be left to dry at its own rate, do not hurry it by heating. Uneven curing may result in a poor chip pattern.

The secondary drying and chipping stage is when the glue actually starts to peel or chip. The glue shrinks considerably during the total drying process. As it shrinks, it grips into the pores caused by the sandblasting and literally rips the top of the glass off.

Use precautions when handling glass that has a dried layer of glue. Goggles, gloves, aprons are the minimum precautions against the slivers of glass.

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